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Well done KS- jealous!!

I'm going in for induction today for medical reasons....to be honest at 41 weeks enough is enough anyway! So if any of you guys are on labour or PN ward over next few days look out for me I'd love the company.... Longish brown hair, quite tall, I'll be wearing a White cotton dressing gown!

Good luck everyone



Wow 2 and a half hour labour - that's great! Congratulations!

Sorry I missed Saturday, had boiler crisis at home, all now fixed though bank account feeling very sorry for itself. I just had to keep telling myself that at least it wasn't in a month's time clutching a new baby!

Hopefully see some of you and the - I'm sure gorgeous - new babies soon.



I am due my second little boy March 30th and we are looking at moving to the area. Already have a lovely 2.5 yr old boy. Would be great to hear from second time mums on what's on in the East Dulwich/Forest Hill area, great nurseries etc and any other advice for a mum moving to the area, also when we have found the house and made the move be great to meet some mums as well as I will be leaving all my current mums and support network behind -gulp!



Hi all,

Baby Gabriel and I are finally back home after a long 5 days on the post natal wa (we had a difficult birth and both needed to recover). I just missed Rosie and another 'one of us' spring babies ladies who I knew was booked for Wednesday ;-). but was lovely to bump into Kitty sailing and her beautiful newborn. If you see this, I was seriously impressed by your fresh faced appearance just hours after birth!! It was so nice to see a familiar and friendly face on the ward. Please also could you say a huge thank you to your lovely husband who supported my partner and I as we were waiting outside the consultants to get the news of Gabriel. His kind words lifted our spirits and was just what we needed to hear at the time. Please could you say Thank you so much to him as I wasnt really with it at the time.

I feel so blessed that after the emotional roller coaster of the last week we are finally at home as a family!

I keep checking in here for updates and can not wait to meet you all.

What a journey we have all been on together.

C xx

Glad your home Caroline - was lovely to bump into you! Gabriel is so cute! We were in your position with our first baby so my hubby was almost def speaking from the heart. If only you could have babies backwards - seems so much easier second time round - the anxiety that comes with number one can make things so tricky. All I can say is try to enjoy these first few weeks as they are so special. PS how hot is that flaming ward? Good puddings tho xx

Congrats ks what a great labour and Caroline I am so relieved you are home but sorry to hear about all your troubles, especially after such a tough pregnancy. Do hope all is going well now.

We are doing well although rather housebound as having a few feeding issues but slowly getting there and no where near as bad as with my first son. Hoping I can sort by the weekend and start to get out and about. We're people starting to meet on a tues morning?

Sally welcome to the area, it's great here for mums and I've made so many amazing supportive mums since having my son 2 years ago. Hope to meets you at one of the next meet ups.

Good luck to all the mums due in the next few days


Hi ladies, just wanted to let you know our little girl Lara was born yesterday at 18.25 after a 24 hour induction. The labour wasn't great but have to say, Kings were outstanding, staff amazing, got side room on PN ward so both hubby and I could sleep (think this a rarity and only due to my exceptional community midwife). We are all home now.

Lara was a rather large 9lb 4oz so seems to be a bit of a greedy chops. Already on formula. Big bro olly also calling her baby Arthur - hoping he works out he is a she soon!

See u all out and bout when I've recovered



Congrats to all the new Mum's, can't wait to meet all the gorgeous babies!! Hope everyone is recovering well :-) x

For those on mat leave (or may be 'working from home'??!) shall we start our Tues meet ups at the plough in the next few weeks? How about the 20th? Nikki x x

I haven't checked the spring babies for a bit and now realise I have missed all this exciting news! Congratulations all mums for the safe arrivals of your little bundles! Would be lovely to catch up soon and meet them all, although I am still at work and don't finish for another couple of weeks. But if there is a regular meet up on a Tuesday I will be able to come along (without toddler) and before baby arrives.

Enjoy the adrenaline rush of the next few weeks,



Congratulations to all the new arrivals. For a minute there I thought all the spring babies might be boys so it's nice to see some girls arriving too! I'm glad to hear all the babies are healthy and happy even though some of the births sounded a little tricky.

I start mat leave the week of 20th so i'll pop into the Plough. I have a midwife appointment in the morning but can join after that. What time did we say?

Laura xx

Well done ladies that have had your spring babies so far i must say some of your birth stories are scaring me a little , my first is due on the 3rd April so i have 3 weeks to go and im moving home on the 1st so unlike everyone else im hoping he s late rather than early or on time id just like him to hold on in there until were fully ready in the new house.

good luck to everyone else in the next few days who are expecting lets see if there are any more girls to come as the boys are deffently in the lead

enjoy the weather ladies xx



I'm thinking of taking Sam to bumps and babes this Friday at St Faiths on Red Post Hill at half 9. It's a lovely group for newborns or mums with bumps on mat leave if anyone else fancies it?

Also had a great lunch at brockwell lido cafe today in the sun, v baby and toddler friendly so could be a good meet up place.

Also wanted to recommend a book that Melissa in this group lent me by Clare byam-cook called what to expect when you're breast feeding. Wish I had it first time around, so much useful info in there so do get your hands on a copy if you're worried about feeding.



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