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Hello Ladies,

It was great to meeting you all in the pub! Hope the next time we can manage to sit down in the same table ;)

Thanks for organising Jess!

I'm up for Breakfast on the 18th.

I'm working until 16th march so I can make a dinner but not lunch.


Hello Ladies,

It was great to meet you all in the pub! Hope the next time we can manage to sit down in the same table ;)

Thanks for organising Jess!

I'm up for Breakfast on the 18th.

I'm working until 16th march so I can make a dinner but not lunch.



Hello ladies,

Was so lovely to catch up with more of you on Wednesday.

Simply can't believe that the two groups missed each other!.

Breakfast on the 18th would be brilliant and the mooted meet-up with partners would be nice too - my partner feels a bit left out when I trot off to meet up with you all!

XX Elisabeth

Hello ladies,

I'm so sorry I didn't make the 1st I had a terrible cold and thought as much as I'd love to meet everyone I probably wouldn't be too popular if I showed up!

I'm fully recovered now and will definitely come on the 18th if there is space available.

In the meantime, I have just started an amazing ante natal yoga class on Tuesday evenings which is also a great place to meet people. Also, the teacher Catherine Arnold has really helped me with my SPD and pregnancy in general as she has an 18 month old herself.

So if anyone fancies it, it's 7.15pm Tuesday evening at:

Buchan Road Community Centre,

Buchan Road,

Nunhead (2 minutes from Nunhead station)


I think there's a special offer for the first class.

Anyhow, hopefully I'll meet you all soon.

Cassie x

Cant make the 18th unfortunately (horiffic stomach bug prevented me from attending the Actress too!)

Might be a good idea once babies start arriving to have a regular day and venue for meet up's so whoever's free can come along? The Plough is very accomodating for lots of Mum's, babies and buggies so that could be an option?

I'll be toddler free Tues-Thurs once on maternity (end of the month - woohoo!!) so if any of those days fit in with everyone we could start doing that once there are a few of us off? I'm more than happy to organise, just let me know what days work best.

See you all soon

Nikki xx

I think a regular weekly day and time sounds like a great idea Nikki! I can't see a problem with any of those days.

I am on leave from the 12th March, so will start coming along from then, and then once the little fella comes along I can start bringing him too!



I don't want to jump in here in case someone has volunteered earlier in the thread, but I'm really happy to book Franklins for breakfast on Feb 18. Does that sound ok? I'll have a count up of numbers and if anyone else can make it and wants to be included, just shout on the forum.

Ps just had my 32 week scan and all fine. Getting really excited now!

Sophie x

Looks like Tuesdays are the best option so lets go for that kicking off Tues 6th March at 11 at The Plough?

Will be crazy to see how quickly the group grows, should be great for summer time, picnics in the park and well behaved sleeping babies! (wishful thinking?!)

Nikki x x

whoops! just left that post on other half's log in - he's going to love getting all the spring baby emails now ha.

That would be great Sophie - I can def make it (if no early arrival!).

I'm leaving partner at home for the breakfast (I'm enjoying the girly meet ups!) but be good to do an evening meet up soon with the men folk - maybe we could reserve a room in a pub - anyone know anywhere locally that does that?


p.s. glad the scan went well. I had my 4th today and thankfully don't have to go back for another as they're happy now!

Hi all

I have also just had my 32week scan and been told that my baby is breeched! Can't believe it, my midwife told me just days ago that it was head down and I haven't felt anything move. Fingers crossed it turns.

Sophie, I would love to join the meet up on the 18th. Franklins was great last time, they really looked after us.

Nikki, Tuesday meet ups sound great. I can't wait to finish work-6 weeks and counting

See you all soon. Look after yourselves

Jessica x

Wow Nicky I'll have had my baby by then, that is a very crazy thought.

Jo, great news on the scan and Jess still plenty of time for the baby to turn and lots of my friends have managed different techniques to get the baby turning so fingers crossed for you.

I meant to put on here a while ago if anyone else knows they are having to have a c section about this amazing pilates class that I did last time and have already signed up to this time. It's called jelly belly pilates and she specialises in c section recovery plus used to be a nanny so is awesome with the babies. It helped me so much last time as I had been in a wheelchair from 32 weeks and after a 10 week course with her, I ran a 10 km race a month later!!

http://www.jellybellypt.com/ for the info.

i might be able to pop in and say hi on the 18th as having physio round there so will see if husband can be chauffeur for a bit.


Hi Ladies

Sophie, Franklins would be great again on 18th, please count me in.

Jess, my baby is still breech too and I am now 34 weeks. We'll have to share some turning tips over breakfast!

Unfortunately won't be able to join the Tuesday meets for a few more weeks, 3 and a half weeks to go until maternity leave starts, although I am hoping to have one day a week working from home starting next week, fingers crossed my boss agrees, so will see if any of you are around on those days.

See you soon

Emma x


i'm still up for the 18th - thanks for booking Sophie!

I've bought my maternity leave forwards by a week, so now end on 17th Feb, so I'll be up for Tuesday day-time meet ups too! Cant wait to finish now - I feel (and look) massive now!

Jo - glad baby all ok!

For breech babies one of my friends tried frozen peas by its head quite late on and it turned really quickly apparently (dont know how medically sound that is though...).

C x

Thank you for organising 18th of Feb. See you in Franklins.

I will not be able to join Tuesday meetings until mid April, when my maternity leave starts. Hopefully will be free of my toddler on that day!

We should continue having some weekend and evening meet ups too!


Gutted to be missing the 18th, but hope to catch up at the next meet up.

If people are up for doing an evening thing in a pub (with partners?), how about the East Dulwich Tavern? I think the EDT allow you to reserve areas, so we could see if we can get part or all of their back room (to the right of the bar, has the loos leading off it). I'd be happy to co-ordinate. How about 7.30pm, on the evening of Monday the 27th Feb or Wednesday the 29th Feb? If enough people are interested I'll give the EDT a call.

Nikki, I won't make the 6th, but should be free for the following Tuesday 13th, and will make my way to the Plough! What time do you think would be good to meet?



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