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Hi both

Thanks for raising this EastDulwich2015 and thanks nxjen for pointing in the right direction!

If you have any trouble and need me to follow this up then drop me an email, ideally forwarding your existing communication, over to me at [email protected]

Best wishes


Hi James, I wish Southwark would consider more frequent bin collections during this weather. The green and brown bins are incredibly smelly and full of flies. I can even smell them inside the house. Is there any chance of collections going weekly for a while?
We've also noticed rubbish being dumped on Friern Rd, opposite Etherow St. Also the road on that stretch is fifthy, never seen a cleaner at all, loads of dog poo and other stuff stuck dried onto the pavements for weeks. Absolutely awful. I also agree there should be extra bin collections in this hot weather the smells from some houses are dreadful.

Hi all

The frequency of collection depends on whether food waste recycling is carried out. In those places where this does happen, food (and garden) waste is still collected weekly, dry recycling and other waste is collected fortnightly. This reduction is to encourage appropriate recycling ? where food recycling is taking place it is preferable that people are trying to recycle food waste rather than putting it into their non-recycling bin.

There is still weekly collection (or more frequent for some communal bins) for other areas.

I would have thought that smells would come mainly from food and/or garden waste so this should already be collected weekly. If this approach is not being followed, or if it is clearly inadequate, then please let me know.

This tool might be useful too, it tells you when collections should take place: http://www.southwark.gov.uk/bins/lookup

On a connected note, refuse collection will take place about an hour earlier this week. This will mean that the refuse collectors will not have to work during the hottest part of the day, and it will mean that bins are not in the hot sun for so long. Of course, the unfortunate other consequence of this is that it may disturb those who live on earlier parts of the round. The Council have asked Veolia, the refuse collection contractor, are as considerate as possible.

Wonderwoman - this area falls in Dulwich Hill not Goose Green but I would be happy to look into getting it cleaned. Please email me with more details and (ideally) a photo.

Best wishes


  • 2 weeks later...

Dear all

Last year my fellow Labour councillor for Goose Green, Charlie Smith, put in a bid to fund three public benches in East Dulwich. These seem to have been popular and well-received so we are going to put in three more.

I have started a thread about it here: http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?5,1957976

Please do suggest ideas for locations.

Best wishes


In the past James Barber was very helpful in getting Dulwich Leisure Centre to improve their standard of cleanliness in the women's wet side changing rooms after months of filth and litter. In the last few weeks it has slipped back again, pretty disgusting at times in fact (I swim two or three times a week) and when I bring it to the management's attention the excuses are sounding familiar. Can you do anything to get them to sort it out?

To be fair, some of this is obviously due to people who use the facilities and don't think or don't care. There was a large notice on the door about the high number of pool closures recently due to children being sick and worse in the water, so not surprising the changing rooms reflect that.

Our neighbours moved out a couple of weeks ago and left their rubbish piled up in the front garden. This included food which has now attracted rats.

That's up to the landlord or his/ her agent. On a normal let, costs of such clearance, if needed, would be covered by the tenant's deposit - assuming it hasn't already been repaid. Normally an agent would check the property before doing that, or a landlord. The council might/ could take enforcement action against the landlord.

Hi all

Robert Poste?s Child - thanks for raising this, I will look into it and get back to you.

Lynne - if you email me with your name and address, and ideally a photo of the front garden, then I will see if the council can do anything.

Best wishes


  • 2 weeks later...

Robert Poste?s Child - I have looked into the women?s changing room matter. As expected, the issue arose from there being a substantial increase in use of the swimming pool during the hotter period. A number of measures (signage etc) were put in place to deal with this but clearly they were not effective enough. The centre manager sends her apologies and has committed to increasing the frequency of checks during future busy periods.

Hopefully you will have now seen an improvement in the cleanliness of the changing rooms. However if you - or any other customers - have specific concerns then contact the centre to receive compensation.

I hope this is helpful.

Best wishes


I wonder if you are able to resolve the situation re the leak and damaged road (on the nunhead side )of the east Dulwich road /peckham rye junction. Over 3 weeks ago someone put up barriers! I suspect to prevent damage to buses cyclists etc from the enormous hole the leak created. But since that point nothing! This junction is very busy especially during the mornings in term time. Given there is a little less traffic now it's extra frustrating that this hasn't been repaired in school holiday time. Whenever there are roadworks at this junction it causes major delays not only for cars but also the buses. I've also seen a number of cyclists struggling to get around the barriers as it already narrows the road. There was a very serious accident approx 9 years ago, on the other side of this junction where a school child was killed during a period of road works. It would be helpful for this to be fixed before most children return to school next week

East Dulwich parking zone (incorporating Lordship Lane bus mitigation measures & Lordship Lane safety improvements) affecting Goose Green and Dulwich Hill wards.

Can you give more information about this please & is it only Lordship Lane which is affected?

Dear James

I don't know if you've seen this thread about the imminent closure of the sorting office on Sylvester Road:


All East Dulwich residents are going to have to schlep over to Peckham now every time we need to pick up a parcel, which seems madness. Can you bring any pressure on the Post Office to find somewhere to serve as a local collection point, as Penguin68 suggests? Is this a cause you could take up?

Many thanks in advance for anything you can do.

Dear all

kiera - there is a consultation being launched soon on two potential controlled parking zones. One is in East Dulwich, and the other is 'Peckham West'. Every street in Goose Green falls into one or the other.

The consultation will identify what appetite there is for controlled parking in different areas. The consultation area is quite big but the results will not be all-or-nothing. In other words, if controlled parking is popular in some areas but not in others then the former can have controlled parking and the latter not.

For my part, I want to be guided by the outcome of this consultation. I have had this issue raised with me countless times and people have strong opinions on both sides.

redjam - I agree that the closing of the sorting office is a disaster. The Royal Mail should never have been privatised.

Helen Hayes MP has done a lot of work on this. I do not want to reinvent the wheel so I have contacted her to see if she has already investigated it. If I can add any weight to this then I will happily do so.

Best wishes


I would be against controlled parking as from experience in Lambeth that it creates more parking nightmares especially if they zone areas i.e. Ondine, Adys and Marsden Road may be zone L, but adjoining roads could be zone T so residents who are used to having a 'choice' of roads to park in a fighting for limited spaces.

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