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James, Thanks for the reply.

As you say, most of the project is in DV ward but, as we have seen with other traffic schemes, changes at a junction can have significant effects elsewhere. In this case, based on Southwarks own figures, over 6,000 traffic movements a day are likely be diverted from Dulwich Village onto surrounding roads. This is likely to include streets in your ward ( as well as Croxted Road but that is Lambeth's problem!)

I can see a lot of good points in the objectives of the scheme but it does seem to be being rushed through without enough thought on the impact of residents in area's A, B & C, as well as surrounding streets.

btw, have you checked to see if Dutch Estate West was consulted? Southwark's maps don't show them as part of either A or B.

Most of the project is in DV. Most of the impact will be in Goose Green.

Apart from all the traffic and pollution, part of the fallout will be the council feeling entitled to resurrect the dead, many times rejected projects to close off Melbourne Grove to traffic and implement a controlled parking zone across the whole area.

Cllr Mcash what was the feedback from those residents you were canvassing in the Melbourne Grove area? Were they aware of the impact on their streets and what was your message to them?

Are you opposing the measures on their behalf or lobbying to extend the programme to include their streets?

BTW your twitter photo is brilliant - that may be socialism in action but the man in the photo is looking at you like a man who isn't convinced! ;-)

Hi James. The guys (Conway) who started working on the new zebra crossing this morning on Crystal Palace Rd, moved our car and maybe others. There was no prior notification that it was too close to the crossing. The only indication that work was going to proceed today were notifications on two lampposts and a couple of marking made on the road last week.

I spoke with the driver who moved the car and he said I should speak with the site manager, and admitted to saying to him before moving the car(s)that there was very little notification for car owners. I didn't bother speaking to the site manager as it wouldn't achieve anything and the car appears undamaged.

However, as Conway is presumably employed by the Council and I pay my tax, how the hell can they get away this this cowboyish behaviour?

Hi Alan

This was raised to James on the 23rd April as an upcoming issue and he's not responded with a plan of action on how to stop this happening

I suggest as well as asking James you contact the head of the council and also the head of highways to get an explanation

Hi all

I have checked and apparently the baseline measurements were carried out from 28th September to 16th October 2015, when there were no road works.

Rockets - the residents were overwhelmingly in favour of traffic calming measures being put in place, but as I say - we didn't get as far as we'd like with the canvassing due to the crisis so results are only tentative.

hopskip - Can you email me with more details? They can be closed for a variety of reasons.

Alan Medic - Thanks for letting me know about this. That doesn't sound right at all - I will raise it and see what's going on. Sorry about the inconvenience caused.

I hope everyone is staying safe and well.

Best wishes



Are you telling us porkies.... the numbers below that were posted on here sometime ago suggest something completely different....

Can you provide a source for that please? Soutwark Council's own traffic surveys do not support that.

Their figures for DV over the last few years show:

2014 = 15,414 movements

2015 = 15,055

2016 = 14,822

2017 = 10,007 low because of works to DV

2018 = 14,375 estimate because they changed the reporting basis

2019 not yet published

According to those figures there has only been a 47% increase between 2017 and 2018 when the DV works were being carried out.

Also, as you were canvassing the Melbourne Grove area were you offering your support to your constituents to lobby against the plans your colleagues in the council are suggesting for the DV area to reduce the impact on their area or were you merely lobbying for additional restrictions on Melbourne Grove as a result of the plans in DV?

James, The source of the 47% increase claimed during the consultation and shown in related documents now seems clear. It compares Oct 2018 (14,745) with Sep\Oct 2017 (10,290) when the traffic was low because of remodelling work on the DV junction. For comparison, in Sep 2015\Oct 2015 the equivalent figure was 15,055.

I suggest you check again.

To be frank, this doesn't mean the traffic in 2018 is acceptable. However, it undermines confidence in the consultation process, and our local councillors, if they continue pushing misleading staistics. I have had enough of Trumpian fake news tactics.


Conway are at it again, today notices have appeared on cars around the junction of Upland and Barry roads requesting no parking from today with no prior notice that parking restrictions are being imposed.

Not good enough in a period when people are still being asked to stay at home and some residents are on enforced isolation

Please sort this sort of p!ss poor behaviour from Conway out !

Hi all

Regarding the DV figures - as I have said already, my understanding is that the figures are not from a period when there were road works. If you think that that is untrue then I suggest you lodge a complaint with the council. I'd be happy to support anyone with this - just drop me an email.

Spartacus - thanks for flagging this up again. I have reported it with the council. I agree that this is not a good process.

While we are on the subject of roads and traffic, the council has set out its Movement Plan response to covid19, and launched a website where you can make suggestions for changes to the highways or pavements in specific places around the borough. Do have a look here: https://www.southwark.gov.uk/health-and-wellbeing/public-health/for-the-public/coronavirus/impact-on-council-services/coronavirus-help-us-combat-covid-19-by-suggesting-healthier-streets

More specifically, there are some proposals for Melbourne Grove, Derwent Grove and Elsie Road. If you live on one of those streets please let us know what you think: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSec3c3OCsSboVdTnBrOScgFUz6YjVpU1l7GTdYobFNKZCYdvw/viewform?usp=sf_link

Best wishes


James, it is quite clear the numbers for DV the council have been peddling are untrue. As the local councillor I would expect you to come back with a definitive answer...you presented those figures as fact yet when challenged seem to be taking what is being said in blind faith. It doesn?t take Sherlock Holmes to do a little research and determine the council?s claim of 40% is utter tosh. Why don?t you back your constituents who have asked you a question and find out whether the stat is correct or not?

We have uncovered a significant falsehood used by your council to lobby people to vote for your plans - you would be up in arms if another party did that. You?re lying to us.

Then you brazenly send a survey about Melbourne Grove using Corona-virus to help your personal/political crusade to close Melbourne Grove to traffic. This is shameful. Just months ago you were lobbying for the CPZ on the basis that people used Melbourne a Grove to park their cars to use the station...yet now we hear no-one will be using the station so now what is your concern (ahem, sorry the concern of those residents who contacted you in such numbers that you felt compelled to start a new survey). Then you lobby people for more traffic measures on the basis of displaced traffic from the DV ?improvements? and now this...

....do you think we are stupid? You?re out of control and are taking all the residents of East Dulwich for a ride.

What are you actually doing for your constituents....I read with interest the 5 things you are most proud of during your 2 years in office thus far https://www.jamesmcash.com/blog/two-years-down-two-to-go And I note there isn?t a lot about things you have done for your constituents, plenty of things you are proud of to further your political aspirations and curry favour within your party but little of tangible benefit to the majority of your Goose Green constituents.

Are you in it for the people or the party?

Hi Rockets,

We seem to be discussing these traffic measures on three separate threads, so I will not respond on here.

But I am intrigued to know what you think my motivations are for considering this scheme, if it is not because I genuinely believe it would help the local community. I have no financial stake in the project and if it is as unpopular as you suggest then surely it will not help me to get re-elected. If my intentions are so cynical, what is driving them?

Best wishes


You are right in that it will not help you get re-elected James: the plans are nuts and we are all quite fed up of Southwark council?s persistent false manipulation of data and total disregard for local opinion (as per the disgraceful CPZ process). Link this to your slavish following of the Tooley Street party line and I?d say you?ve got a pretty slim chance of getting back in. But we shall see...there?s still time to stand up for the majority of your constituents...

James,you started the 3 threads.....;-)

You are clearly putting your ideological and political aspirations ahead of the majority of your constituents - you did it with the CPZ, you did it with your canvassing of Melbourne Grove when the Dulwich Village changes were proposed and you are doing it now with the Covid closure of said roads. We are all but a stepping stone in your political career - you seem more interested in keeping the Labour paymasters happy than the people you represent.....expand your echo chamber and you will hear that people want you to do more to represent your community against things like the DV road changes as they will have huge impact on us in East Dulwich - but no, you tow the party line and lobby for them even though the majority of your constituents don't want them.

And for the benefit of those who haven't read the blog here are the things you are most proud of in your two years representing Goose Green ward - all very admirable but not a lot there to inspire confidence that you are doing much for the people who voted for you. And with that, m'lud, the prosecution rests their case.....;-)

1) Amplifying the grassroots

Change comes from below, not from committee rooms. I see my role as giving progressive campaigns a voice in the Council. After voting against Delancey?s plans for the Elephant and Castle - with its lack of social homes and support for local traders - I have worked with campaigners trying to get a better deal. When Sisters Uncut pointed out that a Home Office immigration officer was working from Southwark Council, I worked with them, the Law Centre and local party members to kick them out.

2) Members shaping the council

When it comes to local government, party members often feel shut out. In my first year, I was Secretary of the Labour Group of councillors. In that role, I tried to bridge the divide by liaising with branch secretaries and putting members? motions on the Group?s agenda. More recently I campaigned with party members and fellow councillors for an all-members hustings and member-participation in the vote for the new Leader of Southwark Council. We were successful with the former but not the latter. (This has since been postponed indefinitely due to the pandemic.)

3) Supporting trade union struggles

We?re called the Labour Party for a reason - the workers? movement is central to everything we do. As a councillor, I have always tried to support trade union campaigns and disputes, from joining picket lines like at the PictureHouse to challenging the Royal Mail on the closure of our sorting office. On a number of occasions, I have aligned council policy with campaigns by Unite, Unison, GMB, TSSA, RMT, and NEU.

4) Engaging with the community

I pledged to meet every state school in the ward during my first six months. Since then, we?ve worked together on a number of projects, from road safety to social inclusion. During the coronavirus pandemic, Cllr Maggie Browning and I have hosted a fortnightly coordinating meeting between East Dulwich?s mutual aid groups. These groups show Goose Green at its best: caring, generous and committed to supporting the local community.

Finally, I cannot mention community engagement without bringing up the East Dulwich CPZ. This divided opinion in the community and there was no solution which would have satisfied everyone. Nonetheless, I?m proud of the work we did to bridge the divide and carve out a proposal that most people could live with.

5) Getting the work done

It?s the four points above that really motivate me. But much of the work of a councillor is unseen. It?s not enough to do the campaigns if the day-to-day work is neglected. I?ve not missed a council meeting in the last year, my record on casework is one of the highest in the borough, and I?ve submitted the most Council Assembly motions of any councillor.

Thank you Rockets. It is entirely telling that engaging with the community is James? last area of pride and says little about general representation of the wider community: no wonder many of us feel there is no one who stands for us. CPZ was a massive betrayal of our community: lies, gerrymandering and finally bulldozing through just as Covid-19 hit our local businesses.

The first 3 points are Labour/union Party issues: whatever help you climb the greasy pole James...

Thanks for all your research Rockets and others. I've lived in Southwark for 40 years and nothing has changed in terms of my incredibly low opinion of the council. This is really pretty disgraceful. If they have manipulated those traffic figures as it would seem, they're really ought to be a high level investigation. We're not a Banana Republic...

I just don't understand how they can get away with it and hope people will use their vote more wisely next time.

What a shame that a 'How can we help?' thread becomes a councillor bashing thread - not very helpful.

On a different note, is it possible to increase the frequency of bin emptying on Goose Green? The park has become a Lordship Lane food court, packed with people eating pizzas and burgers. Whilst most are tidying up their rubbish and placing it next to the over-flowing bins, yesterday's wind was blowing food packaging around. There is also the issue of where do you put your dog poo when the bin is over-flowing with food packaging?

Councillors know full well there is very rarely accountability to the public for their misdemeanours, manipulations and mistruths.

Just look at Central Govt. zero accountability, so it follows this will cascade down to the regions.

No example is being set Centrally and locally there is little appetite to follow good examples even if they existed.

Zig-Zag Wrote:


> Thanks for all your research Rockets and others.

> I've lived in Southwark for 40 years and nothing

> has changed in terms of my incredibly low opinion

> of the council. This is really pretty disgraceful.

> If they have manipulated those traffic figures as

> it would seem, they're really ought to be a high

> level investigation. We're not a Banana

> Republic...


> I just don't understand how they can get away with

> it and hope people will use their vote more wisely

> next time.

Goose Green is a shameful mess, at night time if you've picked-up after your dog your are actually struggling to find a way to deposit it in one of the bins. Likewise other trash (for those who even consider carrying their own mess to a bin) is being left around the bin (OK) and piled on top, meanwhile the lazy folks are just leaving bottles and cans where they sat.

Soylent Green Wrote:


> ... is it possible to increase

> the frequency of bin emptying on Goose Green? The

> park has become a Lordship Lane food court, packed

> with people eating pizzas and burgers. Whilst most

> are tidying up their rubbish and placing it next

> to the over-flowing bins, yesterday's wind was

> blowing food packaging around. There is also the

> issue of where do you put your dog poo when the

> bin is over-flowing with food packaging?

I would agree that improving the bin situation in the area generally- the bins next to Pecjham Rye have also had rubbish piled up all around them due to them being full. When I went to Brockwell park yesterday, all the bins were empty and there were huge mobile bins all iver the place (big trunk shaped things). As a result, there was no rubbish in sight, thanks!!!

Piling up rubbish next to a bin is not 'tidying up their rubbish', take it home ffs! If you take sh$t to a park the least you can do is take what remains back home with you, it's not difficult.... same as dog poo bags, if the bin is full take it home, you have a bin there dont you??

Soylent Green Wrote:


>.Whilst most are tidying up their rubbish and placing it next

> to the over-flowing bins, yesterday's wind was

> blowing food packaging around. There is also the

> issue of where do you put your dog poo when the

> bin is over-flowing with food packaging?

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