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Being a mother shouldn't be an excuse to let her off. They need to make examples and come down harshly on as many people as necessary so that we all get the message that rioting, looting and all that comes with it is not tolerated.

And hopefully it won't happen again........

Otta Wrote:


> That's all well and good, but surely a bit of

> common sense could be used case by case. This

> rushing cases through for so called swift justice

> is nothing but a ploy to abate the angry mobs.

My feelings exactly. A suspended sentence is as good as a custodial sentence and makes sense for non violent secondary crimes. This mother was not part of the riots themselves. She didn't loot. By all measures of previous sentencing for similar crimes a custodial sentence is harsh.

Rick Channing Wrote:


> Is this thread the far-left's echo chamber, or

> what?


> You can sneer all you like. Go ask your average

> Californian about how the Democrats flooded that

> once great state with potential voters from Mexico

> after they chased-out the GOP in the mid '90s (I

> was there during the politically motivated

> demographic shift). The place has gone down the

> toilet ever since. The same will happen to the UK

> if the government doesn't stem the tide of

> immigration from the third world.


> Just sayin'.

Interesting perspective, having travelled to California since the Sixties (from age 8, my godmother is American), until my last visit a year ago, I have always seen an abundance of signs in Spanish.

I love this GOP idea of a Democratic influx....and I fail to see the connection to the UK.

I'm just fairly entertained by the idea that Rick doesn't see the irony in someone who has taken advantage of the free movement of labour trying to stop it being offered to other people.

An immigrant complaining about immigrants, whatever next?

Hey now, unlike most of the Mexicans bused into the US during the '90s to act as political pawns, I pay my tax dollars. Even the American Democrats are waking-up to the jeopardy La Raza is putting the So Cal, Arizona, N. Mexico and Texas demographs in.

I missed that bit Rosie - maybe he didn't put it in bold, and as I glaze over (in EXACTLY the same way I do watching Fox News) reading his dribbles I must have missed that bit, so good spot

I mean - He. Works. For. Blackwater ffs. Which is forgiveable - IF a) he didn't bang on about it and b) at the same time as being an obvious tool

You are delightful rick.

No one has defined you except you, who have apparently come here as a refuge from a far left dominated board and then accused this of being a cosy far left board.

Strikes me that such coincidence points to you rather than the nature of the world.

This board has a huge engagement of contributors with original and intelligent thoughts who think for themselves. This means simplistic answers tend to be few and far between. If the lack of dogma from either the right or the left makes you want to define this place, that has a lack of concordance with your opinion, as far left, then most will probably suspect that you are, in a dipolar manner, revealing yourself to be that which you just projected others of defining you as.

In all fairness, as much as left or right means anything these days, this place is probably more left than right, but all are represented and most of the good ones are multifaceted, flexible and considered in their thoughts rather than driven by stringent or idiotic ideology.

And for the record I too am an immigrant, therefore part of the problem, so I guess you can discount my entire post.


Oh and huguenot, spot on, my thoughts exactly!!

Did anyone else spot the question to Rick about the 'key factor in terms of quality', immediately following an interest in why Rick made an unnecessary reference to skin colour? I can understand the first part but the question following it? Nope.

Plus Blackwater, really?

That sounds like a wind up to me, planted to try and raise the hackles of the 'far left', which makes me suspect troll, but these two posts apart I don't think I give a shit enough to care.

Welcome to the edf, I hope you raise your game and have fun.

Hold your horses there, princess. Race is a determining factor, except in this case it's not. According to the US Cencus Bureau Hispanics fall under caucasian. A caucasian can't be racist to another caucasian, suggestions to the contrary are just plain dumb. So that's your racism accusation blown outa the water.

And most, if not all of the Founding Fathers were born in North America. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but however ethnically non-indigeonous you are, you can't be an immigrant if you were born in the country you live in.

Anyway, y'all are gonna have to excuse me while I go take a shit. Hey, I'm willing to bet that Huguenot and DJKillaQueen flush away the best part of themselves whenever they pinch a loaf.

Oh, and what the hell's wrong with working for Xe Services, anyway? I got to eat along with everyone else.

You need to look up the definition of racism sunshine. Prejudice on grounds of culture can be described as racist and I think even you will agree that not all caucasians share the same culture (or were the Jews and the Nazis not really both white?). I could hit you with the genetic analysis of what constitutes race but I doubt you are developed enough to grasp it as you seem more preocuppied with your own excrement right now.

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