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Trouble in peckham?


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I just want to say "Thank you" again to the EDSNUB ladies who were sweeping up at the bottom of Rye Lane this morning - I did say it in person, but I think she thought I was making fun, I wasn't, I am sincere; and so so angry that this has been done to my neighbourhood. The lovely African dress designer's shop totally ruined, Poundland for heaven's sake....
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"This is the worst thing I've read. I actually feel ill. Seriously considering moving back to Dublin"

That is truly disgusting!!! Why can they not realise that all this does is fan the flames of racism, community separation, prejudice etc etc.

I just pray the army are around next time, tear gas, rubber bullets, water cannons - these feral youngesters who simply don't know respect and have never had a days discipline in their lives.

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What she probably meant was "We don't have any water cannons handy" - well, why would they? But by saying that they don't have them available it would make the authorities look weak. By saying it's a policy decision they look like they are still making decisions. Decisions can be changed.

I'll be very surprised if the military, water cannon etc. are not in place tonight (if they can work out where to put them that is).

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Well think about it....and to give perspective I have done 4 tours of NI.....these youths are mobile and are not going to be around when the water cannon arrives, which is going to make it a fairly redundant tool.

I would import 1000 PSNI officers seed them throughout the Met area with the riot trained police and I am quite sure the situation would be swiftly resolved.

Snatch squads to take out ring leaders.

I would not like to see and I doubt the Govt would sanction the Army being deployed.

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Santerme wrote:

I would import 1000 PSNI officers seed them throughout the Met area with the riot trained police and I am quite sure the situation would be swiftly resolved.

Snatch squads to take out ring leaders.

I would not like to see and I doubt the Govt would sanction the Army being deployed.

So, in light of the above what next ?

We've got hundreds of tracksuited & hoodied chavs running riot. All thinking there is a free for all.

The forces that are should go in and protect us hard, no ?

Fekk it's friggin mental though..


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I agree with Santerme, deploying the army is a bad idea. They're not trained to deal with this sort of situation, they're trained for armed combat. Although perhaps they could assist at a logisitical level.

Tear gas - why not, as long as fair notice is given?

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Condemning the looters is one thing but failing to see there's a bigger picture than sheer criminality is just plain stupid I'm afraid. Yes these people are behaving like violent thugs and no, I don't in any way justify their actions. But to ignore the deeper issues will only lead to more severe problems down the line. Punish those who do wrong, who break the law, but don't just write this off as simple aggressive vandelism and violence. Whilst no one disputes the willful wrongdoing of those involved, we ignore the underlying problems of social deprivation, poverty and inequality at our peril.
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If you want to stage a legitimate protest against something, or have a political point to make, by all means take to the streets to make yourselves heard. People have fought and died for your right to do that. If you just want a new pair of trainers or TV then just fuck off.
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"social deprivation, poverty and inequality"

Really? Ha! I've never heard anything so funny.

The people in these riots are not from those groups. If they were in those groups they wouldn't have had the Blackberrys to know where to target.

The real problem is that despite these kids having playstations, cool trainers and smartphones, it's just not enough. The UK is dominated by a culture of greed. A dirty insatiable greed that manifests itself in resentment and disatisfaction. A greed that rejects society and negates their personal responsibilites for their own lifestyle.

These riots are fuelled by greedy solipsitic ingrates. I don't have a solution for that, and it probably isn't indiscriminate retribution.

Wear a hair shirt if you want, but wear it because you lack the courage to create a society where personal responsibility is paramount. It's claims like yours that give credence to the activities of these greedy little shits.

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Yep. Unfortunately our previous government created an environment which allowed inequality to grow exponentially and the majority of the current government subscribe to a political ideology which has the entrenchment of inequality at its very core.

So nothing?s going to be done about that then is it.

Solution? Increased policing and the further corrosion of personal freedoms. When that doesn?t work (because it won?t), private security and gated communities for the rich and to hell with everyone else.

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Scylla100 Wrote:


> I think there's a link between stock markets

> crashing and kids rioting in London.

> There's some sort of zeitgeisty bubble

> bursting.

I buy this to an extent. An overall sense of negativity and social unease have possibly contributed to all of this, especially when there have been riots and demonstrations all around the world for various reasons. It's not the same thing as a politicial motive though, these kids are not demonstrating, they have no cause.

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