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  • 2 weeks later...
it s to loud that tinky tink blam tink musci goes on for huors across teh street is a chucrh dont these peole know that worsihp is requiring of silence an solmnity the musci is bad also the kids listen to this stuf it s not suprirsing that they roit and smash things up down the road

Ok Guys let me put a few things straight here.

If you think frank sinatra is tinky tink blam tink music i worry, because thats generally what is on after 12. I have a limiter which was installed by the council and was set by them too.

Any bands i have on finish at approximately 12 or earlier on a Saturday night.

The DJ may carry on, but anyone who has actually been in here till that time of the evening knows Ray plays songs by the likes of Rolf Harris and older stuff. Saying that the 70's and 80's music played here will lead to kids behaving in such a way that they "roit and smash things up down the road" is ridiculous.

The Church.....well, any god fearing christian would never allow there church to be cut up and sold to anyone. Also considering the flats are still part of the church, anything could be going on in them. I would be interested how many people who are moving in are single. Premarital...

I have always been approachable and friendly. If anyone ever had any problems with what we do here, we tried our best to accommodate them.

However no ones ever come over to me to complain about the music. I respect people that come and tell me to my face, rather than slur the good reputation of what is now a local community pub via an online forum.

During my time here i have raised over ?1500 for the local schools and a hospice. All of which has been heartily supported by the regulars.

We are not a Gastro Pub, I made it a local. This is a pub that people come to relax, unwind, and be friends. There are too many what i call glorified restuarants with a corperate mentality. Pubs used to be the hub of the community, and i tried to bring a little bit of that back. I know most of the customers in here by name. How many "pubs" can clame that. My locals are not just my customers, they're my friends.

Granadaland, did you read the title of the thread? its hardly complimentary to the FHT.

I disagree with the view that going on a local public forum to complain about a local business, as the first and perhaps only course of action, is the right way to go about addressing an issue. If you have problems with noise, be it from neighbours or a local business, why not let them know by speaking to them first. Anything else is just venting and if the OP had already tried speaking to the FHT to no avail then I guess starting a thread about it is what anyone so frustrated may do.

Nice post from the FHT. Have only been there once and found it very welcoming.

The thread title doesn't say "noisy karaoke, not dissing FhT but tad peeved as I cannot sleep".

Not everyone reads the threads but will spot the title. Fair enough its a pain not being able to sleep but I would be starting a thread about noisy foxes every night in that case.

Also, I don't own or run a local business but rather suspect that if I did, I would be coming on here if I saw anything regarding it whether people were happy, angry or a tad peeved. I suspect Frankito didn't mean it that badly though but that's because I have read a lot of their good humoured posts, which is probably not the case for the FHT.

Quote "so i aint doin nothing wrong"...... I don't remember saying that. All I said it would be nice to have a conversation with the person.

And Thankyou to Katie1997. You are right. Anyone who knows computer abbreviation knows what "wtf" is. I thought swearing wasn't allowed on the forum.

katie1997 Wrote:


> Edited to say: this response is to

> MattBrown/Granadaland who posted an identical

> message.

Damn ColumboKatie1997 you've finally caught me out, a bit like the NOTW revelations.

I started a new account ages ago because mattbrownis was linked to my work email and i couldn't change it.

I'm at work now, skiving, although if you dig deep enough it really is very very sinister.

Admin have got me sussed.

Haha no-one needs to dig deep enough to finally you out. You did it all by yourself.

And, yes, there are loads of threads about noisy animals at night but I don't think they're going to log on to defend their reputation.

Seriously, let's see if - for example - one of the North Cross/Crystal Palace Road residents starts a 'wtf...noise from the Actress' thread. Wouldn't the people who run the Actress equally wish to put forward their view on that thread?

Enjoy your skive.

Thanks for thinking about us North Cross/Crystal Palace Road folk, Katie1997, but we know better than to start a 'wtf...noise from the Actress' thread.

Not only will Scott put forward his own "I have always been approachable and friendly. If anyone ever had any problems with what we do here, we tried our best to accommodate them, la la la" but his battalions of pizza-and-wine-in-tumbler guzzlers will rally to his defence.

So we sit at home worried with a constantly refreshed supply of wax earplugs

haha you think taht pubs and restrants are some ki od pubic service for teh comunity then yuo are living in cukcoo land its graet having a gatsro poub in teh area unles yuo have to p0ut up wiht teh niose rats drunks urination vomit fihgting shuoting dor slaming horns beeping i could gpo on an on but rememebr taht these are nopt their for our bebefit but only there own

I have a limiter which was installed by

> the council and was set by them too.

> Any bands i have on finish at approximately 12 or

> earlier on a Saturday night.

That may well be the case however on said night it was still very noisy well after 12. Perhaps with the door on the left hand side open, made it worse, who knows, but it was very noisy and unpleasant.

> Ray plays songs by the likes of Rolf Harris

That must bring in the crowds..

> older stuff. Saying that the 70's and 80's music

> played here will lead to kids behaving in such a

> way that they "roit and smash things up down the

> road" is ridiculous.

Who said that exactly?

> The Church.....

I live on Therapia actually

> would never allow there church to be cut up

That's a very subjective viewpoint there and completely irrelevant. And for the record, I don't do God; the refurb on the church looks good, a marked improvement on what it was.

> sold to anyone. Also considering the flats are

> still part of the church, anything could be going

Again, what is your point in this?

> I have always been approachable and friendly.


> we tried our best to accommodate them.

This is feedback for you, nothing more nothing less. The pub looks good and the beer garden is great. Sort the late night noisefest and I will be a fan.

> However no ones ever come over to me to complain

> about the music.

So assuming this is a complaint, what do you intend to do about it? I wonder if ensuring the side door is kept shut may help...

I respect people that come and

> tell me to my face, rather than slur the good

> reputation of what is now a local community pub

This isn't a slur and apologies if that is how you have chosen to interpret it. It was merely a comment on the noise level, nothing else. This is a local forum and freedom of speech is the name of the game my friend. If you would like me to cone over in person I am more than happy to do so however unless there is chilled wine on the go, not sure I can make it.. :)

> During my time here i have raised over ?1500 for

> the local schools and a hospice.

To be commended. I don't think you are a bad person or is there something you want to tell

> We are not a Gastro Pub, I made it a local.

And it does what it says on the can, and I quite like it other than when I want to sleep, thankfully it is never noisy during the week.

> Pubs used

> to be the hub of the community, and i tried to

> bring a little bit of that back. I know most of

> the customers in here by name.

You don't know my name, probably best (joke!)

> My locals are not just my customers,

> they're my friends

Good stuff.

So, I hope I have set the record straight as clearly and concisely as possibly, no sarcasm, no digs.... Back to you Pete!

Frankito - out of interest, what if the FHT hadn't spotted this thread in the local forum, in the lounge too? They'd never have got your feedback on the noise issue.

What do those residents who have yet to discover the forum do? (much like yourself until fairly recently)

You seemed surprised that the thread had resurged anyway (thanks to richardbach's comments i would assume as they were the ones that prompted the remarks about riots and 80s music).

Uplandsneighbour - I deliberately used the Actress as an example as pretty much any new threads concerning there have been swiftly locked and people told to post under another existing thread (positively titled heading). Or so it seems.

KT-numeritos, quite frankly, I didn't write it to give feedback. I was having a whinge on my local forum and I will probably do so again at some point in the future when something else winds me up.

As for what other forum virgins do, I can't answer that and not sure I really care that much either; my social conscience has a threshold and usually kicks out at anything beyond my own nose..

My surprise was more glee seeing as our dear friend, Meds, nominated me for a stint in the Naughty thread for posting a crap thread (or something like that...)

Richbach is a bot and a funny one at that.

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