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Can we dispense with the sexist ageist crap about turkey necks? Had she been a male you would not have said it. My problem with her is that - like Kim Humphreys of Southwark Council - they are career politicians who are only interested in their own careers and not the difficult media-unfriendly problems of those they claim to represent. I always thought Kate Hoey MP who represented Vauxhall area was pretty respectable and active, and not seemingly interested in being seen to do the right thiings for the sake of it. Tessa Jowell has no time for us but by law she probably does have a regular surgery around here.

PeckhamRose Wrote:


> Can we dispense with the sexist ageist crap about

> turkey necks? Had she been a male you would not

> have said it. My problem with her is that - like

> Kim Humphreys of Southwark Council - they are

> career politicians who are only interested in

> their own careers and not the difficult

> media-unfriendly problems of those they claim to

> represent. I always thought Kate Hoey MP who

> represented Vauxhall area was pretty respectable

> and active, and not seemingly interested in being

> seen to do the right thiings for the sake of it.

> Tessa Jowell has no time for us but by law she

> probably does have a regular surgery around here.

No! The sexist, ageist crap is the only fun we get from out political representatives. It just happens that so many of Blair's Babes seemed almost identical and the desperate careerism, rigor mortis smiles and turkey necks were the defining features. If Gordon Brown had a turkey neck I would point it out as well but instead he looks like a great big monkey! I agree about Kate Hoey, however, she seemed quite capable and at least had the guts to back an unpopular cause - the countryside alliance. I have seen her in the airport a few times and she seemed very friendly - no airs and graces.

Also let's not discriminate against the turkeys - their necks are just as beautiful as any other domestic fowl. We do them a grave disservice when we insist from our anthropocentric perspective that the only beautiful neck is a tight, toned and beautiful one. Liberate the turkeys!!!! They have feelings too!!!!

I wonder if TJ intends to stand at the next General Election?

If so, she may face a lot of criticism for not spending much time in her constituency, and even be held to account for it had risk the consequences. Labour has taken its eye of the ball in places like ED, although the make-up of the local electorate has changed enormously in the last ten years and the Lib Dems seem to be the main beneficiaries of that change, so far. I'd have thought it would have done TJ no political harm at all locally to have bought a place in her constituency, rather than further away in Highgate, than she was in Kentish Town. However, I'm sure she thinks she knows best.

The last time I had any reasons to contact her was when areas of ED were without water, followed by low water pressure, a few years ago, following a mains burst near Peckham Rye. I never heard a thing back from her at that time, even to let me know what she was doing to put pressure on Thames Water, and this failure coloured my view of her as a constituency MP.

Also, Chris Bryant, as a former vicar, is bound to have a good understanding of the importance to looking after the pastoral needs of his constituents.

As a newcomer to this forum I am getting the hang of the tone of it.

Silly me for taking the sexism and ageism seriously.

I'll get me coat...

Domitianus Wrote:


> Also let's not discriminate against the turkeys -

> their necks are just as beautiful as any other

> domestic fowl.

Interesting point about tactical voting on this thread.

2005 results

Labour Tessa Jowell 19,059 45.4

Liberal Democrat Jonathan Mitchell 10,252 24.4

Conservative Kim Humphreys 9,200 21.9

Together the Tories and Liberals got 46.3% of the vote and perfect tactical voting would have got rid of her.

That said prior to 2005 the Liberals were in third place so it would have been more sensible to vote Tory to get the Labour Party out.

I think that the vote is too evenly split to vote tactically but if that were my intention I think I'd vote Tory as I don't see the lib dems doing very well this time.

I can't bring myself to vote for the heir to Blair. I'm once again* stuck with a pointless vote for the cardigan brigade.

Perhaps I should just accept my destiny and become a geography teacher.

Does anywhere sell those leather patches for my elbows?

Used to live in N Herts, v v tory, went to uni in Stoke, v v labour.

Dear Peckham rose

I agree that those comments were sexist and ageist but as i found out its best not to go against the general consensus on this forum. I was attacked somewhat nastily I felt and then accused of being defensive when I defended myself.

best wishes


Are you talking about the response to your description of 'pathetic arguments about religous hypocrisy' or have you been upsetting people about other issues too Poindexter?

I think people on here are pretty fair (too fair even) but if you do go all guns blazing you are likely to be stopped in your tracks.

That said the sexism stuff on here should be treated with the contempt it deserves.

The fact that TJ is not a resident of her constituency reduces her credibility in my eyes. How can she know first hand the issues that residents of Dulwich and West Norwood face? The commute to work, the state of schools, crime, facilites and all the rest. She may as well live in Aberdeen.

I did have a query which she arranged to be answered but that's her job so no slavish gratitude from me.

Without trying to pin my colours to the mast I certainly won't be voting for her.

Just joined EDF, though an ED resident for 24 years (having moved here from distant Upper Norwood). Part of my reason for joining was to share my merry recolections of the wicked witch of the North. First dealt with TJ when I was campaining for 'Keep Sunday Special' when in a letter to me dated 7 May 1992 she declared herself in favour of "restriction of Sunday Trade by a type of shop approach" then went on to vote for deregulation after Tony had made it clear how which way his 'friends' should jump in a supposedly free vote.

Disgusted, I stood against her at the 97 General Election - it was an eye-opener. When we met up at the hustings all the other candidates got on well with each other, but when our beloved representative (with entourage) arrived she would not speak to any of us, even to wish us "good day". Her total inability to answer any questions put to her during these hustings, and her clear lack of knowledge about the issues being raised, was laughable (literally at times). All she could do was parade out the 'Tony line' on a variety of issues, whether they were the ones under discussion or not, as was pointed out from both the floor and the platform. As someone who works in the arts I know that her tenure as supposed 'Minister for the Arts' was regared with contempt by most people who work in the business. We can only be delighted that Gordon has stripped her of most of her ministerial duties, leaving her just the 'Olympics' portfolio, and we all know that this is so that she can be made the scapegoat should the whole venture become a fiasco.

In short I have rarely had dealings with such a self serving, ignorant, rude and ungracious person as our parlimentary representative. What a shame Gordon has denied us the opportunity to vote her out in the near future. North London is welcome to her, Dulwich and West Norwood are worthy of much better, they could hardly have worse!

Tessa has today sent round her personal newsletter, the timing is interesting but may be purely coincidental. It opens with "Working for you in Dulwich & West Norwood. Tessa Jowell is well known as a hard-working local MP who responds effectively to the issues and concerns raised by constituents and local community groups. She has been the Member of Parliament for Dulwich and West Norwood since the constituency was created in 1997. Tessa thinks it is very important to keep in touch with local residents and to represent them properly - locally and nationally. This is one of her regular reports. Tessa is in contact with thousands of local people every year and will take up any legitimate issue or concern - big or small. You can contact Tessa using the details on the back of this report."

Then there is a scan of a letter from Tessa, an article about new schools e.g. Elmgreen in West Norwood, a possible new school in Brixton and the attempts to get a new boys' school in ED.

This is followed by articles and photos of Dulwich Hamlet FC, 'mobile surgeries', 'youth summits' in West Norwood, advice sessions, the Police Safer Neighbourhood Teams, campaigning for a new community hospital in Dulwich, being patron of the local PELO, the future of Upper Norwood Library, Southwark achieving Fairtrade status and the 'Dulwich Going Greener' group.

Then there are the contact details.

Exraordinary info from Amelie that our constituency representative sometimes actually does her job and represents the interests of the people of ED (at least according to her own publicity). One other interesting point is that "she has been the Member of Parliament for Dulwich and West Norwood since the constituency was created in 1997". Yes, that was when the new constituency bounderies were drawn bringing a huge area of solid labour supporters into the Dulwich contituency which had been pretty solidly Tory for many years. I'm sure lots of people had a good snigger about turning Maggie's home turf into a safe Labour seat but I do feel the joke has backfired on the people of ED now.

>> about turning Maggie's home turf into a safe Labour seat <<

Hardly "home turf". The Thatchers bought that house as an investment and I doubt the Woman herself spent more than a night or two there. Dennis might have enjoyed longer periods there because of the adjacent golf club...

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