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Mugged on Forest Hill Road on the 25th July at 5pm


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Surely its not losing the phone (crap or not) that's the issue, it's the content on the phone that is worse.

I had my phone snatched from me in Camberwell a few years back, I said to the police at the time I was silly to use it, to which they told me in no uncertain terms why shouldn't I, people should be able to use their phones in public otherwise why have them in the first place! I totally agree although am far more careful now!

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ClareC Wrote:



> I had my phone snatched from me in Camberwell a

> few years back, I said to the police at the time I

> was silly to use it, to which they told me in no

> uncertain terms why shouldn't I, people should be

> able to use their phones in public otherwise why

> have them in the first place!


That's interesting, because I know of somebody who got mugged near the Elephant and was told by the police that they shouldn't have been using their phone there, the implication being that it was their own fault that they were mugged.

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The police were very kind tO me, and of the 'why should you be unable to use your phone?' mindset. I was devastated as I lost all the photos of my 10 week old baby, which are irreplaceable. My computer has been broken for weeks so they weren't backed up. As the mugger ran away down the road, I just shouted 'he's got my baby's pictures, stop him' over and over. I must have sounded like he'd nicked a photo album. As it happens I was careful about having my phone out in the park or anywhere like the Elephant, but midday at the end of my road, texting a friend to say I was running late, I just didn't think it would happen there.
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Bumper post/ rant to follow

I was mugged on Forest Hill rd on the corner of Canonbie rd on sunday morning at 11:30. The guy approached me from behind and snatched the phone out of my hand along with some hair-I didn't know what was happening and it was really frightening-unfortuneately i didn't get a good look at him as by the time I turned around he was running away from me up Canonbie rd. He was a tall, thick-set black guy with short hair.

I was 200 yards from my house and in the middle of a conversation with my mum who was left listening to what she thought was the sound of someone's heart beating after hearing me screaming down the phone. She was really distressed- which she doesn't need at her age.

I am really sorry to hear about the other people who have been mugged-especially the man with his child.

I understand iphones are expensive pieces of equipment but they are our pieces of expensive equipment that we work hard for. The person who said those that have them shouldn't be 'flashing' them around is obviously referring to their use. What are you supposed to do- not own anything expensive in case it is stolen? Or as has been suggested not use 'mobile' phones on the move because now we all have to except that this is an invitation for someone to steal it.

Horses for courses exactly-just because some people don't use their phone when travelling from a to b doesn't mean those who do-many people- are asking to be mugged.

Maybe we should frame our expensive iphones and hang them on the wall where they are safe- unless of course we are burgled! The whole point of a mobile phone is that you use it on the move or one may as well just have a landline.

Even though I didn't have a chance to chase the guy I have no idea what I would have done if I had. I am almost glad I didn't get the chance because unfortunately you have no idea what people are capable of and I am so glad I could eventually ring my poor mum and let her know I was alright but had just had my phone taken.

I don't know what the approach needs to be. It seems a bit sad that everyone should just roll over and take it- but what is the consequence or alternative?

Maybe it needs to come from the police-maybe more police on the beat in problem areas and more cctv cameras.

Thank you to pro-flashers like Bob -I'd love to know where a 'sensible' place to use a mobile phone is. Maybe when you arrive at B-a restaurant where you have your conversation in a loud voice at the table!

Also it is not what is taken or it's expense, but the fact that someone feels that they can just take something they want from you- sometimes in broad daylight- somewhere you consider to be safe.

It makes you wonder what else they can take from you if they wanted. Sorry I am not certainly not suggesting a link or any comparison between mugging and rape but there is a feeling of being vulnerable and powerless. After a teary and shaky few hours I'm fine but I do feel uneasy when I'm out now because I feel more aware of my limitations.

Obviously some people who have written on this thread don't understand that because they haven't been mugged and I genuinely hope for them it remains that way.

Police were very supportive and insisted I had done nothing wrong- except not insure my expensive iphone-so all those with one make sure it is insured before you go 'flashing it around.'

And maybe save phonecalls to mums for the land line so that they can have the attention most mums deserve and not get the fright of their lives ;-)

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Nice rant, Betsy!

I wouldn't read too much into my post about, er, flashing. I was simply saying that the best reaction to 'expensive phones getting nicked out of peoples hands near train stations' is surely 'be more careful when/if using expensive phones around said train stations unless you have to'. The answer is surely not 'rail against society for not being the kind of place where you ought to be able to use expensive phones wherever you like, use your phone with gay abandon, and increase the likelihood of getting it nicked'.

Just as a ?40,000 car needs more security precautions than a ?400 one, so does a ?400 phone over a ?40 one. I don't know why expensive phones seem to be immune to the same kind of paranoid care that people entrust to their homes, cars, money and handbags, but for some reason they are.

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None of us was particularly close to a train station. I was outside a day nursery.

Sympathies to all those others who had the same horrible experience. (I am a laydee by the way, and was pushing my pram at the time, so couldn't have gone after them.) The only consolation is that the more people this happens to, the more likely they are to be caught. There is CCTV of them running away with my phone, for example, and lots of witnesses.

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Understandable advice that we shouldn?t flash our phones and be careful. I accept that, but only just.

Interesting comment from the police to simonthebeaver: ?'why should you be unable to use your phone?? Precisely. Why should we have to change our behaviour and every day life? Adjust our lives to accommodate the minds of muggers. What are we doing? Where?s that leading us?

Next we?ll be advised not to bother saving for and buying anything new for the house, just in case we get burgled; don?t purchase a new bike or car, they might end up stolen or vandalised.

There has to be a difference between being street-wise late at night when you?ve had a few drinks, and being able to get off the train/bus in broad daylight/pushing you baby in a pram and call your mate/mother/partner on you mobile without fear. Surely?

I have every sympathy with betsyr. It?s not about losing a mobile phone. Phones can be replaced. It?s the hurt, anger, shock and total incomprehension that another human being could do that to anyone.

If you disagree, fine, but let?s keep it proportionate and even-tempered. Elsewhere on this Forum, there?s a heated exchange about the quality and price of burgers! Fair enough, but let?s get our priorities right in East Dulwich.

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I think things are relatively even-tempered. Have you seen the foie gras thread?

I've had a couple of motorbikes nicked - and whilst I was enraged at the time and it certainly 'wasn't my fault', retrospectively I have to admit that simply owning them whilst living in a town plagued by thieving robbing motorcyle scrotes meant that the potential for them getting carted away in a transit van at 3am kind-of came with the territory.

Sad indictment / practical admission. Bit of both probably.

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I'm surprised and worried that all the muggings are so close together, ie along the same strip of forest hill road. Especially worried as I live near there. Hopefully this means they are easier to catch though!

Would I be right in thinking these have all been snatchings rather than muggings? Has any violence been threatened? (I'm asking as I want to find out if I am safe enough if my phone is hidden, not that it should have to be!)

I'm also surprised that I have not seen any police on the beat around here recently, surely it would make sense to have a bit of visible police presence in light of recent goings on?

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cmck, not sure that snatching and mugging is much of a distinction, as the experience is pretty horrid. It's a violation. Having said that, my phone was taken from my hand but I was pushed to put me off balance first. The police view that as violence when it comes to prosecution. I imagine the poster whose hair was pulled would also fall into that category. But nothing was said and no weapons shown.
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I knew that, sorry. But no, they're obviously a pair/gang of teenagers looking for easy pickings (and you can't imagine how cross I am with myself for having my phone out, every time I look at my little girl and think of her first photos gone). I was walking right next to another woman using her phone and she thought they'd gone for me because of the pram. So they're cowardly little shits.
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No sixth form would have them. But yes. The police were brilliant, I have to say, but there was no catching them in time however quick the response. You never know. There might be plain clothes/car stuff going on I suppose. The police reckoned mine was part of a gang because that's the most common reason for black and white boys to hang out together. (So sad to think that's true in such a mixed part of London.) But gangs often bring themselves to police attention when new activity like this kicks off.
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I teach sixth form you see, I've heard dome of them get up to this type of thing on the holidays. I was only saying to the boyfriend a couple of weeks ago that there would probably be a spike in muggings being reported on here once schools broke up. I never thought it would happen almost directly outside my house! That would explain the snatching rather than threatening with knives too. They are probably fairly new to it and massive cowards.

(My 6th form isn't around here btw).

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I totally misunderstood your sentiments Bob and I totally disagree with this viewpoint- why not own expensive motorbikes? How is owning something deserving of having it stolen???

We don't live in the Bronx for goodness sake. This isn't a particulary high crime area. And how do people really protect expensive bags, jewellery, homes, cars or bikes other than locking them up and not using them?

Lady with pram don't be cross with yourself be cross with the coward who stole it. I don't know how many people I walked past today using their expensive phones on the move-that is what they are for!

It is indeed interesting that the police who have to take the time out to deal with these relatively minor incidents reassure victims that they have done nothing wrong but people on a forum take the opportunity to imply victims were careless and it is their own fault.

"Let's reclaim the streets and show these villains we won't be beaten.

Everyone who owns a ?400+ mobile communication device should congregate around Honor Oak station during the hours of darkness and engage in absorbing conversations whilst holding said devices lightly between two fingers. "

I thought this was an amusing and inspirational notion which could possibly be an idea behind a protest plan- I'm sorry to read that you are in favour of accepting mugging as 'normal'. It is not and why should we live in fear and accept it? If we don't have idealists how can things change for the better?

Saying that I sprinted home from the bus stop on Forest Hill rd and then shut my own fingers in my gate in my irrational panic to get into my house safely tonight-so it seems I am indeed currently living in fear.

Nervous person living on Forest Hill rd it seems that it has all been snatching rather than mugging.

I love the person whose advice was to walk into the road- it is a good idea-just obviously be careful. I don't know what else to suggest other than Bob's protest idea! :-)

I will contact police tomorrow and see what is being done.

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I think Bob was perhaps trying to inject just a wee bit of light-heartedness in what is otherwise a very serious topic, acknowledged by all.

I would happily give up some of my (precious, as in precious little) free time to get involved in some neighbourhood watch thingy. Do we have such a thing..?

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As I think I've already made clear, it's neither a case of 'fault' nor 'deserve'; more that such things just come with the territory of ownership. Not an idealist stance perhaps, but it is a practical one.

One of the motorbikes I owned, whilst not especially expensive, came with the unenviable tag of 'most nicked' in that area at that time. And, sure as eggs, it was. I was very angry at the time and remained so for months, but looking back, ought to have appreciated that the cold hard fact was that I took a chance in buying it.

To a certain extent, accepting that fact would have saved me busting a blood vessel over losing it.

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I know he was but I think it is more sensible than advising people not to buy or use expensive equipment.

Sorry about your bike, Bob, but I still don't want to accept that theft and mugging are normal and have to be a consideration when buying something. I never, ever considered that either buying my iphone or using it came with a risk. Perhaps I am a bit naive.

Anyway I will speak police today and post back.

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I'm not going to stop using my phone for it's intended purpose, and I'm not daft enough to think that the choice is (or ever should be) simply between phoning my girlfriend about sausages (last night?s example!) or being mugged.

However... I am holding on to it a bit more tightly since reading this thread and thinking about it on the train this morning I reckon a wrist strap might be a decent compromise between maintaining a normal, healthy (and un-Daily Mail) attitude to life, whilst not being stupidly reckless.

Not sure you can get one for the iphone though, for a start there is nowhere to attach it

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