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My baby boy 8 1/2 months will not eat breakfast. I have tried various things: reddy brek, baby porridge, toast, french toast even pancakes and he will not have anything. Only thing I remember him liking was the pear & baby rice Ella's kitchen pouch - possibly because of the texture or the fact he could slurp it from pouch.

He has a 200ml bottle of formula at around 7am or a breastfeed. He usually has no feeds during the night (unless ill then he breastfeeds for comfort). Offering food before the milk does not make much of a difference. Sometimes he only has about 140ml of the bottle and even the boob he is not so interested in (much more interested in chatting).

Shall I just give up on this till he is interested? He is now finally eating lunch/dinner after a couple of weeks of refusing to open his mouth (fingers crossed this continues!). He seems a very healthy size.

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Hi there

I don't have any great advice as my baby is about the same age but just to say I had a similar problem with breakfast/baby porridge until I mixed some of Plum or Ella's fruit pouch (eg apple & banana) into the porridge and then he would eat it! I tricked him with the first couple of mouthfuls of just fruit to get him interested and then mixed in a bit of porridge, increasing the porridge and decreasing the fruit with time. I still have to mix a bit in but he will at least eat something. The last couple of days he has enjoyed some Weetabix (with no fruit!) and a chunk of banana, I've tried it a few times before but he always spat it out. Good luck!

Hello - we are having exactly the same issue with our baby (now 7 1/2 months) and also had it with our twins when they were about the same age. We found that the problem was that they wanted to feed themselves. For some reason this was always worse at breakfast time, whereas for lunch and dinner they would accept spoon feeding much more easily. Like you, we ran through all the breakfast cereals and fruit but nothing seemed to work.

So, at breakfast Baby M now gets fingers of toast with butter and fruit puree spread on top. If she has a piece of toast in her hand to distract her I find it's much easier to slip in the odd spoonful of something else now and again. And I also think it helps that we all sit down for breakfast together - she can see everyone else eating and seems to enjoy joining in. The mess is indescribable though!

Good luck with it all.

Ours is 7m

has toast, or chunks of fruit to self feed

If I have time to clear up after, he self feeds porridge etc, using a baby bjorn plate and spoon.

Sometimes he has mini wheats soaked in milk (as finger food)

Has also had croissants

I find it is quicker to let him self feed then clear up, than it would be to feed him

My son is 8 1/2 months - he has weetabix made with formula and half a mashed up banana, or 6 dsp porridge oats (not baby porridge) mixed with 100ml formula and apricot puree. He loves toast for afternoon tea but won't bother with it for breakfast for some reason :-S I feed him but he also likes to grab handfuls for himself.

My 11 month old has always had little interest in breakfast and especially being spoon fed, I have tried all things and sometimes she eats something and other times she doesn't.. I like to think she knows what she is doing by now so leave her to it and she will be staving by 11.30 so has a huge early lunch..

Current breakfast is milk soaked raisin filled shredded wheats and dairylea on a crumpet plus bits of fruit..

My son was a huge breakfast eater and still is, she obviously is not...

My daughter (just turned 2) will only eat a few raisins for breakfast. I have given up worrying about it! I tried offering her loads of different things (even Pop Tarts in my desperation!) but I've been forced to conclude she's just not very hungry. The rest of us are quite big on breakfast so if she wants something else she can definitely have it as there is plenty of cereal and taost around.

As long as your little one is still on the milk and he knows there is food available should he want it, I wouldn't worry. He might need more food as he begins to walk and so on but at the moment as he's happy, he must be getting all the nitrition he needs.

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