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I want to start a book collection for my son, he's not yet 2 but I'd love to start buying some regularly. I'm a real book hoarder so love the idea of having a collection that we'll keep forever.

I was just wondering what the best received picture books have been by your kids, or have you any that you remember from your childhood that have always stayed with you? Would really appreciate some tips...

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We like - in random order etc as on phone feeding baby:

We're going on a bear hunt

The tiger who came to tea

Monkey and me

The deep end (about swimming!)

Lost and found

Hairy maclarey books

Meg and mog books

Giraffes can't dance

Octonauts book (well small one does I can't stand reading them!)

Original railway series books (Thomas tank engine)

We have loads -all scattered on the floor!! My little boy knows most of them off by heart...so I don't get away with cheating! Ones I remember are Edward ardizone (sp?) books like Fred and ginger, and Shirley Hughes books. Prob for slightly older ones though...

I work in children's publishing, so this is my favourite sort of thread! Here are a few that my son has loved, and I've loved reading to him:

Mr Pusskins/Mr Pusskins and Little Whiskers

Dr Miaow's Big Emergency (and other titles in this series)

In the Night Kitchen


Any of the Alfie books

That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown

The original Charlie and books (not the TV tie-ins)

Clarice Bean


Cops and Robbers


The Bear with Sticky Paws

Owl Babies

Can't you sleep, Little Bear?

Anything by Jeanne Willis

Lily and Blue Kangaroo (any in that series)

Will try and think of more and post.

Agree with all of the above! E loves the Alfie books by Shirley Hughes, Naughty Bus, Tony Ross books, Gorilla by Anthony Browne, Polly Dunbar books, Peace at Last and Whatever Next by Jill Murphy, Emily Gravett books, the Mog books. Definitely choose books you like reading. We were given loads of ITNG books which thankfully E has now gone off!

ok great - thanks so much! We've got Mog, its read EVERY night(was nearly in tears the other day when I stumbled upon Goodbye Mog in the bookshop - sob) , and Dogger by Shirley Hughes - fave from when I was young too. Completely forgot about the Tiger Who Came to Tea.

Ones that stick in my mind from 80s childhood reading are Not Now Bernard and John Brown, Rose and the Midnight Cat. Not sure why!

Obviously Gruffalo wasn't around when was younger so glad to see that on list as have had it recommended so many times...

We love the Donaldson books too - but there are some really great and interesting books in Review on Bellenden Road - and it's great to support your local bookshop! (Shameless plug - I don't have any connection I promise)

Particular favourites are by Alexis Deacon (Beegu and Slow Loris) which are very original and quite poignant (in the case of the former).

Also "There are Cats in this Book" is great fun, our 1-yr old loves it - by Viviane Schwarz. I believe that Viv and Alexis are both very local too.

Less unusual but great fun is "There's an Ouch in my Pouch" by Jeanne Willis. Nice Donaldson-esque rhythm with antipodean theme...!

My husband is a huge dog-lover and loves reading him "It's a Dog's Life" by Michael Morpurgo and "Dog's Don't do Ballet" by Anna Kemp.

endorse all the above posts and here's an additional resource - http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7130393-1001-children-s-books - also go down the page to some links to age-appropriate lists supplied by one of contributors.

I haven't got the '1001 Books' book myself, but recently went with Junior civlservant to a book event run by Julia Eccleshare, and she certainly seemed to know her stuff

lots of great suggestions here thanks! My son loves rosies walk, which I also remember from my childhood. Current faves include room on the broom, we're going on a bear hunt, and the night pirates. The night pirates caused a stir with my dad...which really made me laugh! It's about girl pirates and an adventure with a little boy called tom... My dad loved it until the pirates were revealed to be little girls...' that's ridiculous, you don't get girl pirates, its political correctness gone mad!!' he huffed. My son loves it though, especially the bit where the grown up captain patch shouts'if you don't bring me my treasure back, I'll tell my mum!'


civilservant Wrote:


> http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7130393-1001-ch

> ildren-s-books - also go down the page to some

> links to age-appropriate lists supplied by one of

> contributors.

Good lists

We order a lot of books from

The library ( and they will

Buy them

If you ask the central team


Which saves space and money Nf you cam

Just nip in to pick them up

Usborne Books are the largest pre-school book publisher in the world and the only publisher that has continued to grow in the last 10 years.

As an Usborne Book organiser i am available to host a childrens book party in your home, or at an event, including local play and childrens groups. Hosting your own party is a great way to build a collection of books since, as a host, you would be entitled to up to 20% in free books.

Alternatively, if any of you are interested in seeing a selection of Usborne Books i am hosting a party this Wednesday afternoon. Please do PM me if you are interested in coming by.

Usborne have a over 1800 titles covering newborns to teens. My LO already had a selection of Usborne books in his collection and i'll be happy to add more to his collection over the coming months and years. The Usborne range includes:

That's not my....

Baby's very first (...) book

Touchy feely range of books

First words

First picture books

Noisy books

My LO has recently shown big love for the noisy Old Macdonald book, which he has started carrying everywhere, and the wind up Fire Engine book (includes a wind up fire engine!). I also have to read him two of the classic Farmyard Tales books every night at bedtime - Tractor in Trouble and The Runaway Tractor.

If you're interested please do PM me.

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