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I posted a thread recently about our newborn's reflux. 2 weeks later it feels like 1 step forward T steps back...he improved, then has got worse again. A couple of people suggested cranial osteopathy...Can anyone explain what this is and what it entails? And does anyone have any recommendations? I'm considering giving this a go... I can't go on on 3 hours sleep a night!



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I would also recommend Lizzie Lomax (Dulwich Therapy Rooms on LL). I have suffered from severe migraines for years and going to see her has changed my life - she is amazing. I know she specialises in treating babies and children. I can't recommend her highly enough.

It can help by decompressing the vagus nerve which controls digestion. It can help release the diaphragm which maybe excessively tight affecting the functioning of the sphincters. It can generally relax the baby. It can help free the neck which if restricted could affect feeding and cause excess wind. Structure governs function. If there are structural changes then it will affect function. I know I'd prefer to try this approach before giving my baby medications.

It's not massaging the skull exactly. The bones in a babies head are not joined and lie within a sheet of tissue. The bones within the tissue can get compressed or distorted affecting nerves, fluid flow and blood supply. By gentley supporting the bones and with a little encouragement the tissues holding the bones relax and bones readjust to their correct anatomical position allowing everything to function more optimally. This is a simplifed explanation but hope it helps.

thanks everyone. Jollybaby and taper I'm trying various solutions from my gp (see my other thread up all night with windy newborn). baby e is still really suffering and cranial osteopathy just keeps popping up and I'm willing to give anything a go rather than keep seeing my poor little one in such pain and distress. Worth a try I reckon


Hi - I tried cranial osteopathy for my son's wind/reflux/general fretfulness. the lady I saw was very honest and said she could probably help with the first and third of those, but less likely with reflux. however what I did find was that it really chilled out my son, (and me!), so I felt it was worth it regardless. To be honest, it's so stressful when little one has bad reflux, that just spending time with someone who is really sensitive with the baby, and you, is quite helpful and relaxing.


I tried 2 sessions for my LO who also has reflux - have to say I had high hopes, but baby just got incredibly upset both times and for the whole day afterwards and with no improvement whatsoever so decided not to go back for a third session (they suggested 2-3 sessions would be needed to see any improvement).

Have spoken o quite a few mums with babies with reflux and my sisters babies have it too. Ive been disappointed with what Ive heard about GPs from refusing to do anything to prescribing incorrect dosage. In fairness they cant be expected to know everything, but they are not supposed to prescribe ranitidine or omeprazole for under 1s as it is not licensed - they are supposed to refer you to see a specialist (which is what I did and is annoying because of the wait but the guy I saw really knew his stuff). The paediatric gastroenterologist told me to try giving up dairy which I did (as baby was exclusively breastfed at the time) and within 2 weeks her vomiting had stopped. She has since developed a soy intolerance so I have given that up too. It might be worth trying a dairy free diet if baby is breastfed and seeing how you get on (formula is cows milk too so gets a bit trickier).

I would ask the gp for a referral to see a paediatrician. Luckily I had insurance through work so went to a paediatric gastroenterologist that specialises in reflux at Chelsea and Westminster. Oh, ranitidine went down really badly with baby and so she is on omeprazole. To be honest you wouldnt know she had reflux (she is now 6 months) that is how effective the meds have been. Oh, and it peaks between 4-6 months so be prepared.

If you want to chat about it feel free to pm me. Good luck



  • 2 weeks later...

Anybody considering trying cranial osteopathy - or just plain old osteopathy - for conditions like colic, reflux or ear infections, asthma, allergies etc should consider that the General Osteopathic Council (the UK regulator) and also the National Council for Osteopathic Research do not hold any reliable evidence that would suggest this treatment is in any way effective for these conditions. These organisations are run by osteopaths .... just not the ones who are asking you to pay for regular treatments that have no basis on which they could work.

If you contact either of the above via their websites they are usually very willing to respond to any enquiries of this sort from memebers of the public. Just ask them is they believe that osteopathy helps the condition and if there is any evidence they can refer to. Go to their 'contact us' page,

General Osteopathic Council

The General Osteopathy Council are currently reviewing their members websites and advising them to remove these sort of claims as they are potentially misleading and also breach the Advertising Standards Agency regulations.

Yes you will find anecdotes from parents who say they have seen improvements .... but you will also find parents who say it was just a waste of time and money. There are also many osteopaths who do not agree with this form of treatment or the claims associated with it.

This report was published by an osteopath with 20 years teaching experience at a US College of Osteopathic Medicine

Cranial Osteopathy: Its Fate Seems Clear

The summary says:


Until outcome studies show that these techniques produce a direct and positive clinical effect, they should be dropped from all academic curricula; insurance companies should stop paying for them; and patients should invest their time, money, and health elsewhere.

It is very tempting to try these things when nothing else seems to be working and frustration sets in, but people should at least be aware of what it is before parting with cash week after week!

Some will undoubtedly disagree with me ... that's fine. Ask the General Osteopathic Council for their view!



Hi Little h,

I feel for you... my baby daughter has really bad reflux and the only thing that helped was Omeprazole. She suffocated on her own vomit at 3 weeks old and Paediatricians at Kings A&E started with Omeprazole from that day on, so I did not have to get a referral from GP to see specialist. I have to say, reflux is a total nightmare, but she will get better with time. Other than medication, I've tried a number o restrictions on her diet and in my opinion, it only made my life more difficult juggling with what or not to give her to eat, so I suggest you try simple things like: Gaviscon (baby- you need prescription for that one) mixed with her milk. A bit sad, but giving up the boob and moving on to bottle really improved things; propping up he mattress and swaddling baby to sleep also helped me (her). Above all... you need a lot o patience and hope things will improve. Please pm me if you need a chat, I'm happy to help! x x

Hi H, I have had two babies with sevear reflux now, one the silent.... I am going to stop breathing in my sleep kind when not arching my back and screaming in agony, the other making the exorcist look like something that could be on a childrens channel. I have tried everything... And I mean everything and my suggestions to you would be....

1. Make sure your baby never lies flat, this allows the stomach acids to freely run up and down causing terrible pain. Prop baby up in the pram with a rolled up blanket. A cot can be propped up one end with tins (small to start with the increase to full 400g until baby is comfortable.

2. Visit the gp but only in order to ask to see a paediatrician, gps are usually to worried about precribing what your baby most likely will need. Suggestions ranatidine and domperidone

3. If you are breastfeeding try cutting out all dairy products and caffeine (no mean feat I know but if it helps it is worth it) you will need to do this for about 10 days to notice if their is a difference. If baby is on formula try sma wy soy, if it works you can even get this on prescription.

Note: do not let any crazy gps suggest allergy testing it is cruel when you cannot explain to baby what is going on wait until baby is about 3 (by then any food sensitivities have usually disappeared)

4.invest in a vibrating bouncy chair, they find this very soothing (in the meantime place baby on the end of your knee facing you and gently jig (not bounce so more like a vibrating moment easiest if just done from your toes and ball of your foot))

5. Once baby if four months you can start weaning slowly with things like plum cereal (suitable as suited from 4 months) and farleys gluten free rusks, it is the weight of such foods that really seem to help keep babies milk down and restrict the heartburn.

Good luck, please feel free to call or message me at anytime. It is really difficult seeing your child in pain and not knowing what to do. You are a fabulous mother. If I can help in any way please let me know.

Kind regards,


Definately cranial osteopath all the way, my son was screaming continuously had bad reflux and wouldnt settle after four or five treatments at the Dulwich Therapy rooms he was so much better. You have to bear with the treatments though as they do get worse before they get better.

I would definately recommend this and am so glad I found out about it as it is such a touch time when they wont settle.

Hi little h-

Have you considered trying a baby hammock to help with reflux? I've just seen one for sale in the Family classifieds here. We had an Amby Nest hammock for our little girl, and she slept really well in it. She didn't have reflux, but she was a restless sleeper. The hammock helped her to settle better. Might be worth a try. Hope you're doing better soon. Everything is just a phase (telling myself that, with 18mo old still not sleeping through...). Hang in there. xx

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