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Has anyone ever used one of these, either with twins or a newborn/toddler? We've got a phil and teds explorer but it is SO bulky, and heavy, and tear-inducing (me and Cheeky S) and that's just in single mode, not even with a newborn in it! I had previously shunned side by side double buggies because I get the bus everywhere (or walk...I don't drive) and I was worried about folding/fitting in the back of our car (audi a4 estate) and fitting through doors. However, looking at the width/weight specs, this seems pretty darn good.

My idea would be as thus:

1) Sell P+T (explorer, black, doubles kit and cocoon included if anyone is interested...;) )

2) Store Maclaren away until Cheeky S is okay to walk SENSIBLY.

3) Buy city mini double and use for both babbies until the maclaren can be cracked out again.

I'm due in a fortnight, should definitely have done more research...

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I have the City Mini single and I really love it. It is the buggy I use when I am only transporting one child! I used to have a Maclaren for this purpose and the City Mini is so much better in my experience. I have a Phil and Teds Vibe, which I really dislike for many reasons. The ONLY reason I got it was that my older child was just too big to be in the side by side. He was crushed in it - at the time of testing he was 2 years 3 months but was already 36 pounds. I REally wanted the Citi Mini double and will tell you that pushing two heavier children in the Vibe is not fun. My neighbors have the Citi Mini double for their 2 year old twin boys, who are much smaller than my son. They fit fine in it. I would just say to test that your older child fits well in it. If so, I would def get it. The fold mechanism is so easy, as is the recline. The basket is good too.

Eldest is 18mo and teeny tiny (20lbs, still in 9-12mo clothes) so I'm not worried about him fitting in it at all :) my husband just practically had a heart attack when I suggested selling the p&t and buying a city mini. The p&t is our 6th buggy :/ hard to find an allrounder!

Fuschia, getting buses etc to stop IS a worry; sometimes they won't even stop for us with the maclaren een though half the time I fold it and Seb sits on a seat next to me (normally to avoid a cheeky and unwanted 10:30am nap...)

We've had the City Mini Double since our twin boys (now approaching 3) arrived. We've been really happy with it - narrow for a double, easy to manoeuvre, and fitted in our saloon car's rather compact boot. My brother and his wife have one now for their two (3 years and 9 months) and are liking it too. Only issue we've had has been that the rear tyres wore thin and a front wheel died after 2 and a bit years (our boys are quite big!), but it wasn't too pricey to get replacements and the overall package is still much cheaper than some of the doubles you can buy. So yes, we'd definitely recommend!

Grotty; some people love them, others just can't get on with them- I'm the latter. I'm a small Mummy, about 5'1 and find it hard to push... But have tried it in toddler/toddler mode and that was easier than toddler/newborn mode (more streamlined, if you see what I mean). I am a big fan of lightweight buggies, so hate anything that's not the

maclaren quest/ our former bugaboo bee! I see a lot of babywearing/ quest using in the near future tbh...

Ruth sorry no advice about Jogger, but just to say don't fold away your maclaren just yet! I have a P&T Sport but my newborn wouldn't sleep in it, so I used a sling for baby and the maclaren for toddler for about 3-4 months. Also meant arms free for toddler if they fall over/jump off a cliff etc. Plus no probs on the bus. I found the P&T came into its own once baby could sit up and went in the bottom (around 6 months), with toddler in top.....

The bottom line is there is no ideal pram out there for baby/toddler combo! Well, I haven't found it. There's compromises with all of them. I wish I could design one cos I found it frustrating like you finding something to suit. So, like you we've ended up with 4 prams.....none of which are the magic answer. Hurry up and walk you kids would you?


I have a single and low it.. When was looking to buy I tried out a double and was pretty amazed at how light and easy to move it was with a huge 4 year old and a 6 month old.. The P&T is a serious piece of kit whereas the jogger is far more lightweight.. I also have a maclaren quest which I hate and a Bugaboo chameleon that the jogger stamps all over in terms of practicality.. If I needed a double I would go for the jogger..

Gussy; you're right, there is no ideal solution/ all rounder. I've got myself kitted out with an ergo and newborn insert and Cheeky S now launches himself into his pushchair when asked so I'm not too worried about that aspect. Maybe I'll worry about it all when Baby The Second is 3/4 months, too. Seb is a fab walker but also a flight risk, likes to run into peoples front gardens etc.

In hindsight, should have left the age gap a bit longer! Ah well

The issue I have with the baby jogger (single - never tried double) is that it has a fixed height handle and it is fixed pretty high - as a 5'4" person I found it a bit high.

I keep hearing about the sling/light buggy combo but have to say it hasn't worked for me at all - I'm not majorly into sling wearing though, so it could be that am just a bit rubbish. I find it really hard to control/strap in a wriggly possibly protesting toddler with a baby strapped to me. Had an awful journey home from the park last week with baby in the close sling and toddler half on scooter, half in buugy, and pushing a mostly empty phil and teds. I was totally stressed, hot, and both children were screaming!!

The p&t I thought wasn't too bad when baby was really new and tiny and slept loads and didn't care about being in the cocoon. I can also see it will be ok when baby is much bigger and sitting happily. For now, with a sturdy 4m old who has outgrown (physically and developmentally!) the cocoon and underneath space, but who is too little really to sit up and still wants to sleep in the buggy, i think it is AWFUL!

I'm holding out all hope for the new mountain buggy - same width as a single but side by side comfort. I'll let you know - it will hopefully arrive by the end of the month...

I met with a friend today who is really happy with the Mini City double. She has a 2 year old and new baby and uses a Graco cocoon with it for the baby. Seems like it ticks all the boxes.

Damn! I also got a P+T (old and 2nd hand) and really hate it. It was ok for the first month or so but from about 6 weeks my baby has hated it. Seems unable to wriggle around and bend her legs up if the toddler is in it. At 11 weeks old, I really can't see how she is supposed to stay in it in baby-toddler position for another 3 months. Maybe it gets better when it is in toddler-toddler mode?

Hi just seen this post and wanted to ask just how bad is the P&T?! I have the Baby Jogger city mini double for my boys (2 1/2 and 1)and was actually thinking of selling it and picking up a P&T, purely for reasons of space at home (buggies taking over one whole room now). Baby jogger was brilliant from birth - littlest one slept like a log and so did the oldest one too. But reaching stage now where he doesn't want to ride in it much so sits unused a lot of the time. Biggest reason for choosing it though was ease with which it folds down and fits in small boot of our A-Class. Can same be said for P&T? Still thinking I will make the change but will be sad to let go of Baby Jogger.

I think the p&t get better the older the younger baby gets - so handy to essentially be a single but with the option for the older child to grab a ride in the back. I'm finding mine super heavy already though - but admittedly do have 14kg worth of toddler sitting in the front!!

I don't think the fold is anything like as easy as the baby jogger though - and you have to take the doubles seat off before folding (on the explorer). Sure you can find comparative dimensions somewhere(try www.bestbuggy.co.uk?).

I tell you what would be good, if you could HIRE buggies. It seems we all end up with about 3 different combos and none seem to work out and then you end up selling them or they get shoved in the loft/garage/shed. I would buy a Maclaren and then hire the rest if it was at a good price!

Gussy; me and my husband have considered starting a business JUST like that!!! Like you said, we'd probably just have a maclaren and hire other buggies out as and when we needed it. I think it's an excellent idea, but my husband doesn't think there is much call for it.

I saw a lady in Sainsbury's with the city mini double and a young baby and toddler in it (she said they were 3mo and 20 mo) and I had a go- it was so easy to push. However, it's still a 'big' pram. She said she doesn't have much trouble with buses but it's still difficult and that often she has to wait for a 2nd, 3rd, 4th bus as they're full with smaller buggies first.

TBH my little boy goes mental when he is in the high up position on the p+t, he just cannot abide it, so we'll definitely be slinging it and using the maclaren for a long while- might even have to flog the newborn cocoon at this rate.

I used the p&t only a handful of times in newborn/toddler mode. G quite liked riding so high up but a. I couldn't get into the shopping basket when newborn was there and b. G often needed to nap so it was better having him in the big seat and c. It was much less stressful having newborn in the sling where she could help herself to a boob if she needed it and I didn't need to stop and feed her while toddler ran riot somewhere!

Ruth, maclaren plus sling is an excellent idea. I did p&t in doubles mode plus sling and put all my bags/food/nappies in the second toddler seat :0)

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