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I was mugged tonight junction grove vale/elsie grove - be aware when on your mobile

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Just a warning to you all.

I am a student in my early twenties and was mugged tonight at about 7pm on my way home from work. I was walking in the direction from east dulwich station towards goose green on the phone to my mum and was mugged at the junction of grove vale and elsie road. The man stole the phone right out of my hand. The mugger was a young black man wearing a dark blue/grey hoodie. The hood was pulled up obscuring his face.

I was extremely angry and chased the young man. He was not running very fast and I could have caught him but I was stopped by other women and a couple of women with young children passing by, which was probably good for my safety. I would like to say thank you to those women for thinking about my safety it means a lot to me especially as several grown men pretended they had not witnessed the incident.

East dulwich police were absolutely fantastic and drove me around the area looking for the suspect and drove me home. It restored my faith in human nature! As we drove I noticed that pretty much every person leaving east dulwich train station was on the phone and I wanted to pass this on as a warning that walking along grove vale everyone is a target and be aware of your surroundings.

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Sorry to hear that. Shocking that it happened in broad daylight on a busy street, when most people would feel safe. And disappointing that nobody tried to help you chase the guy down (but I guess people may be worried about knives).

A similar thing happened to me a few years ago opposite the station - I chased the kid as far as East Dulwich Grove, at which point he handed the phone over to his mate. I started chasing him too, but was exhausted by that point!

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Thats a terrible thing to happen, but alas, not uncommon.

If i was a 6ft man, sprint runner and martial arts expert , i would hesitate at taking on some of these hooded thugs wandering around! I'm a 5ft dumpy round disabled woman, so no use in giving chase....!

I see those young hooded boys (and girls) on bikes observing potential victims walking across parks/streets , especially at night time.

They have no morals, parental guidance,sense of community - the ones caught commiting crime should be thrown into boot camp - American style, then paraded around their local area with a signboard attached to them.

Of course thats not going to happen, because we have too many lily-livered do-gooders around, politicians/magistrates who say we should respect their human rights....the thing is , they are'nt human!.

Stay safe and keep eyes peeled at all times.

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Karter I think Straferjack was referring to the comment made by poppylucky, not the original op.

Ah yes, Poppylucky - how apt her name, she kept the forum entertained a few years back with her tales of abuse by schoolkids, her horror at findin litter in the streets and her altercations with owners of fouling dogs. Good to see she's back to her pet subject of reminding us of the horrors of East Dulwich - and how tedious trolls are.

To the OP - sorry to hear about your experience, you were very wise not to chase.

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Fair do's SJ and BB. Sympathy to the OP and good on her to come on here and warn people walking from the station, alot more crime happening in the area these days with muggings and burglaries. Shame really but keep vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the police..
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Its sad to hear so many stories about bad things happening these days, but i guess thats reality.

I think the earlier post by Poppylucky was just summing up things that have happened to her in the past, theres nothing wrong in sharing that info' especially if it helps make people aware - maybe someone in particular can listen and learn something from that...aka Bellenden Belle...

As for the young person who got phone stolen, its very sad and unfortunate that that happened and thanks for letting others know and being made more vigilant.

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'East dulwich police were absolutely fantastic and drove me around the area looking for the suspect and drove me home. It restored my faith in human nature'

Er - that's their job?... or is their job to prevent crime/ actually catch criminals, which they seem to be pretty p*ss poor at?

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StraferJack Wrote:


> Crime can be expected to rise in recessions

> unfortunately, it's not just Ed.


> And judging by people outside the station tonight

> you can warn people until you are blue in the

> fave, it doesn't seem to make a difference

When I lived in Brixton there were official signs/notices, at and near the tube, warning people not to be on their phones as they exited the tube station as it may mean they would be targeted by muggers/phone-thieves. I know ED isn't SW9 but some as SJ says, some people walk out of ED station and along the vale with eyes glued to blackberry/i-phone and seemingly unaware of their immediate surroundings. Maybe a few warning signs on the platforms would help.

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  • 3 weeks later...
My mobile was grabbed out of my hand yesterday on Forest Hill Road. The two guys ran off into Camberwell Old Cemetery before the police arrived. The police were fantastic. It happened at midday, on a fairly busy road. People were very sympathetic but understandably reluctant to tackle two young men. I was very shaken as I was with my small baby, and very upset as the phone had all my photos of her that hadn't been backed up - my own fault I know. Please be careful. I'd been making sure I didn't have my phone out when walking around the Rye after recent reports of muggings there, but never thought it would happen on the street.
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Except if you live on Oakhurst Grove as for some crazy reason you arent classed as East dulwich even though you have an SE22 post code so if you are anyone who feels vulnerable who lives on that street the message clearly is you need to sort it out for yourself - what a bl88dy joke!

James Barber Wrote:


> Appalling.

> The ED Police have free attack alarms.

> Email me your contact details to arrange to get

> one

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Oh that is horrible. I dont know why these muggers think its okay to do this to people.

With a baby its clear why you would be upset, but remember noone was hurt. I for one have started having two phones, one very basic affair for busy streets and nights out and one 2 year old out of date scratched Blackberry hidden away for when i am going to be mostly indoors.

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jimbo1964 Wrote:


> Sorry to hear about the horrible mugging.


> Unfortunately the American boot camp option

> doesn't really work either as they have one of the

> world's highest prison populations and highest

> number of recidivists.


> I blame the parents.

I blame the scapegoats.

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Sorry to hear about the mugging. The main thing is i hope you're OK. It's very tempting to chase after them but it's not worth the risk. These scumbags have got not nothing to lose, all he is a bloody coward. If I was passing on a driving lesson, I would have tried to chase him for you.
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Although it's good advice on an indivisual basis to give over your mobile phone if

mugged - surely like giving in to terrorist demands it won't be good long term as

the muggers see mugging as a low risk event for them and will do it more.

Somebody has to make it an activity which is too risky for them to do either by making

nasty consequences or a a method of catching them.

Come on apple make an iPhone with a nasty twist or something.

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