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Pre children I used to do loads of exercise (ran most days and went to the gym at least 3 time a week). I obviously had to limit this when pregnant with my first and although I didn't put on a huge amount of weight and did get back into my pre pregnancy clothes, I was never the same shape and didn't get fit again before getting pregnant again.

To be fair I couldn't start running again for quite a while due to having a C section, my gym membership was in the city and I was pregnant again once my first was @ 6mths!

Anyway, having now had no 2 7 weeks ago, I really do need to start thinking about getting fit again but am struggling to work out how to fit it in with caring for a baby and a toddler!

When can I realistically safely start running again post C Section and are there any gym's / classes with cr?che facilities so I can actually do the required exercise?

Would love to join BMF but simply don't have the child care to make it possible. Also although I have a baby jogger, number 2 is too young to sit in it and have nowhere for him to go if ran with number one!

How on earth do you juggle excercise with children?

Am thinking I am destined to stay unfit and retain my jelly belly!

Hiya, wow, you seem pretty determined, thinking about exercise with two after just 7 weeks after no. 2! I cannot help with exercise for two (other than the stuff you have probably thought about, like dvds etc IF you get time) but re C-section: I was told if I felt like running after my 6 week check up to go for it... am only just getting around to it, but probably not as fit as you in the first place.

Have you got a double buggy to come to the likes of powerpramming?

Running was the only thing that I found realistically worked around having two with such a small age gap. Once they were sleeping reliably till 7am I started going out running early (6.15ish) - hard to start with but after a while I really loved being out in the early morning peace & quiet.

Also I did BMF, which was fantastic for fitness, and their classes worked around kids too (early mornings, or evenings after they are in bed).

Good luck!

I think they say 12w post c section for exercise? I am 17w and certainly feel running is fine now. Finding the time is another matter as baby seems to need me from 5.30am, toddler awake by 6 and baby not down till 8 - and I can't see 2 yr old sitting in the buggy for powerpramming...but maybe it's all excuses, excuses....

Maybe we need an exercise collective...

There is a creche at Dulwich Leisure Centre which is meant to be quite good.

You mentioned DVDs, I tried a ton after my first one and the one that was by far and away the best was a Davina one - Super Body Work Out http://www.amazon.co.uk/Davina-Super-Body-Workout-DVD/dp/B001F3QJIS/ref=sr_1_5?s=dvd&ie=UTF8&qid=1308993400&sr=1-5

It's not post natal specific but it sounds like you were pretty fit and active pre-babies. It's really good.

Good luck and don't stress (I say knowing that when my second arrives in November I will probably be feeling exactly the same way as you! :))

Being fit feels a long time ago....... I do have an incentive which may be quite mad. I am a ski leader (or at least was up until having children), in order to continue I have to do a refresher course (necessary for insurance purposes) which is fairly hardcore, mainly off piste skiing and avalanche training. Usually the courses are run in December and April so I intended to do April, however, it's not running in April now so it's December or nothing :-(

Really want to do it but December doesn't give me much time to get super fit (the fitter you are the easier it is). Also I have only skied one week in the last two seasons rather than @ 5 weeks previous seasons so my skiing is not going to be top notch and there is little chance to get a week of skiing in first. Then there is the issue that my new baby will only be 8 months and my attitude to risk has changed somewhat........

Hmmm pass the biscuit!

I like the sound of an excercise collective, sounds a great idea. I do have a double buggy but am not sure how successful power praming with a toddler is likely to be, the baby will be easy but my daughter isn't so keen on being stuck in a buggy these days - although if she is being pushed fast it may work!

Will look into BMF and have a chat with the Dr as to how soon I can run. My partner works from home so at least if I chose my times carefully I may manage to do some exercise without the children and without his work being interrupted ie when they are asleep!

Love the idea of an early morning run but think that will need to wait until I am not up in the night.

Skiing aside I still need to get fit! Now I have written down all my concerns with the course it does sound unrealistic :-(

Ohhh, a lot of my NCT gang swore by the Boot Camp sessions running in Dulwich Park. They brought babies in buggies along


Though you're right about a toddler, that adds a whole new dimension!

Good luck, but really don't push it. You could wait till next year for the ski training?

There's no way my toddler would sit in the buggy in the park - as soon as we reach the gates he is 'OUT! OUT!' - and the creche at Dulwich leisure centre is for babies 6m plus only, sadly. More excuses huh?!?

Really don't know how to approach exercise - I do have 2 mornings when toddler is at nursery but then I run round doing all the things I can't do with him along (coffee...cake...etc!!)

Another trick around running in the morning is carrying my 5 months old in the carrier and pushing the buggy with a 3year old up the hill...an excellent work out...however i always feel i need cappuccino and choc cake afterward...

Has anyone tried the wii fit?

I go running at 6am when I can & use the PR Park outdoor gym but when my hubby is away my mindset is that I can't exercise. So may try the Davina DVD as a cheaper option than buying a wii & see if I can keep it up.

I had to go to a 'posh' do on Thursday night & it was not a happy time trying on the pre baby (8 years & 2 children) clothes....I'm trying to be positive in that they went o on but looked BAD..... :-(

Cant wait for both to be at school, I think then I might manage an hour at the gym 5 days a week then - heaven!

Clare, your situation sounds similar to mine.

I was also a regular runner and gym-goer pre-baby, and also had 2 c-sections. After 2nd baby, I dutifully waited my 6 weeks and then promptly started running again. I did a 10K when baby was 3 months and a marathon when he was 10 months. I ran evenings and weekends, and for the marathon training I allowed myself the luxury of a babysitter for a couple of hours a week so I could fit in some daytime runs. I know it's not for everyone, but running/fitness is like a drug for me: absolutely keeps me sane and I go loopy without it.

So my suggestion would be, if you like running: (a) sign up for a challenging but doable race and (b) plan childcare around your runs/exercise as a priority.

It really is not easy juggling it all, especially with bf and irregular sleep schedules/deprivation. And if you make exercise a priority, other things might have to suffer. In my case, my husband had to make his own dinner every evening after work and I didn't see the hairdresser (cringe!) for about 8 months, but there you go!

Good luck!


Just to echo mrs f: there is a lady who regularly brings her toddler to powerpramming and he runs around and has a whale of a time joining in (and the rest of us are only slightly put out by being vastly outdone by toddler in the sprinting ;-). So if you came, there might be two toddlers, they could even keep each other company. My LO never manages a full hr in the pram either, but it's possible to work around & still have a good workout.

Molly: have tried the wii fit, it is ok,but not a lot of cardio work (unless the wii fit plus has more)- resistance training is not bad, but like all of these, you have to actually do it (cue me finding excuses like: I have no batteries for the balance board....)

Claire - serious hat-off to you, wow! I have posted a similar thread after just 1 baby - will look for an event now!

My friend and I both used to take our toddlers to powerpramming - mine, at the time, was a bottom shuffler and used to have fun shuffling round the grass while we did our exercises (while my baby slept in the P&T). My friends little girl would run about - the way Liz structures the classes means there's always someone to keep an eye on the mobile ones.

I've very strongly of the opinion that if you want to fit something into your life you will manage it, but exercise seems to be one of those things that people find 1,000,0001 reasons why they can't!

Come on ladies - no excuses!! ;-)

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