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I cannot for the life of me:

1) Find a good thread about what to put in one's hospital bag


2) Remember what I put in it last time

So far my list goes:

For me-

Big pants

Big pads

Flip flops for showers/pottering around ward

TENS machine (need to get pads)

Iphone charger

Assorted vest-tops

Nipple cream

Bra pads

Spare hair ties

Small fan

Snacks, such as tracker bars and ribena cartons.

For baby:

Nappies x 7million

Adorable vests to be pooed on within ten seconds

Little socks

Little hat


Money, to bribe baby to be good and quiet.

Any other useful suggestions?

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I found these bits handy..

Lavender oil and a flannel (I found that inhaling this during labour helped keep me really nice and relaxed)

Shampoo and shower gel

A lovely nightie

Dressing gown & slippers

A good moisturiser (heavy duty...the heat in the ward made me feel like a lizard)

A little bottle of olive oil - to put on baby's bum as soon as he/she is born - it means that when they pass that first tar-like monstrosity, you can wipe it off easily!


My husband and I are proper hoarders of hotel toiletries, so have that covered for my minatures in the shower gel/shampoo section.

Excellent suggestion re: lavender oil though, am assuming I can get some from Holland+Barrett?

SNap re: heat in the PN ward. I used my nipple cream for my cracked hands and lips more than nipples tbh. It was sahara-esque.

Yes, the lavender oil is great. You'll be able to get it in H&B, or in the health matters shop on LL I'd imagine.

The heat on the PN ward was unbearable. When I suggested opening a window the midwife gasped and said it needed to be that hot and proceeded to wrap my baby up in another 20 layers.

Vaseline for the lips too. And a hairbrush.

I hardly used anything i took with me. Even our baby clothes as we had a whopper and nothing fitted him!

The things i did use though, which i was so glad of ...

A very light dressing gown because, yes, it's SO hot on there but it's good to have one when you need to shuffle to the loo etc

Ear plugs. They are the only thing i would make sure i had next time. Those places are noisy as i'm sure you know and ear plugs really helped me to get a little rest.

Hair brush and anything that makes having a shower better because that was the best damn wash of my life!

Oh and remember to take the iphone charger home! I left mine behind and though I phoned and spoke to a very nice lady who tried to help me, i never did get it back.

Good luck!

Hi Ruth,

Spare batteries for tens machine - you don't want it running out!!

Eye mask / ear plugs for ward - they claimed there was no way of turning of the lights on my headboard, but after pressing hundreds of buttons I managed to get them off!

the infamous bendy straws for labour!

It helps to remember batteries for the tens in the first place! Mr jb had to do an emergency dash to camberwell (they were awkward shaped ones).

Don't take too many breast pads - if all goes well you'll be home well before your milk comes in - I think I took about 24 when what I really needed was maternity pads!

don't forget to take a present from the baby for your little boy (although I guess not strictly necessary in labour bag)


lots of change esp. if you are parking a car

I brought icecubes in a thermos - I was addicted to them when pregnant

wipes (for you if not baby)

music - I did not update playlist on ipad and we had to buy some of the songs again because I was convinced I could not give birth without them

Erm..my favourite things:

Nice feather pillow (albeit with old skanky covers!)

Bendy straws

Ipod and speakers - lovely to have some music when the birth is over and you are just sitting in the labour room getting all emotional and staring out of the window.

Lots of socks, I was roasting but my feet were cold and shuffling around the corridors in socks meant they got dirty and I had to put grubby socks on after having a nice shower.

Anything that will give you the best shower you could ever have...the best, nicest smelling products around.

Some sort of dirty laundry bag, I was in for 3 days and spent ages trying to divide up our dirty stuff from our clean and as I am a bit OCD I would like to have kept it all separate, also handy for when you get home and just shove stuff straight in the wash.

Take some yoga pants/jogging bottoms - if you have to stay in so much nicer than wandering around in a night shirt - makes you feel a bit normal and presentable.

By some weird twist of fate I ended up not in post natal bit of ward but ante natal (in own room) where it was chilly - take some cosy sleepsuits just in case!

Magicool - that face water spray stuff - pure bliss cos of g*ddamnable heat!!

Seconding bendy straws - plus something to drink with them (preferably bubbly alcohol! - cos you're worth it!)

Second car seat - cos it's the law..

A butterfly net (or some kind of restraints) so you can keep your midwifes/docs in the room until they sign you off - then get the fleet of foot out of there....

Much cooler outside!!

Also seconding pressie for little S.

Of course - a camera. But don't let anyone near the video camera. Esp (as happened with me) if your father gets hold of it and sees the gory stuff - ewwww)

Present for S has been purchased; it's toy car based. As is everything in the house.

Yoga pants and magicool are on the list. No fear about video camera getting any "money shots" as husband will probably have fainted by then/ be in floods of tears.

Second carseat already in the car! We won't be driving up to hospital in labour so will despatch husband for car fetching post-natally.

A pack of disinfectant wipes for the bathroom- it got messy in there.

Muslins- useful for general mess and when they inexplicably whipped the sheet off the cot and never came back with another one.

A sense of humour- mine sadly went missing about 10 hours into my 12 hour wait to be discharged.

not read through everything but Evian water sprays are invaluable to keep you feeling fresh and also keep your mouth/throat moist when you're not thirsty.

Also do take mp3 downloads from www.hypnobirthingdownloads.com to listen to for amazing relaxation and positive visualisation. If you're going in yet then listen to them as much as possible beforehand to create your positive birth. Let me know if you have any questions about relaxation,breathing, stress release or visualisation .... enjoy, enjoy:)

Tena lady pants - recommended for me by my lovely midwife, for both labour/transport to hospital (if you do need to go in in labour) and for the first few days much easier/comfy than maternity pads - my waters broke on the steps of Golden Jubilee Wing and not a drop was spilt due to mine (really sorry if TMI!)
Wish I'd know about those last time, Buggie, as my waters went in John Lewis as I was stood very very close to a bed with posh-bedding. Yes, it did go on the bed. Yes, lots of bedding was ruined. Mortified doesn't cover it. My fault for hauling heavily pregnant self around Bluewater at 38+6, really...
They were LOVELY, actually, when it happened- floor manager came up to me as I was wailing 'the shame, OH THE SHAME!' and said they had insurance and not to worry myself at all- then was ushered out to car (was having contractions at this point) and told Nick to 'drive like the wind, son'. Asked us to keep them updated, we did, they sent lovely john lewis teddy for Seb and, er, a sizeable amount of vouchers. Bloody LOVE John Lewis, they are excellent (did work for them when I was a student, too)
  • 3 weeks later...

sorry if this is repeating stuff above... but here's our hospital bag list


cash ?100?

Water spray / magicool

Nipple cream


Towel - helpful for dad sleeps too

Antibacterial wipes and hand gel

2 or 3 nighties or PJs

t-shirt or man?s shirt to wear in labour

Pillow (nhs ones are crp)

Throw away pants


Dressing gown

Slippers or flip flops

Hand fan for hot wards

ear plugs and blind fold

Lip balm, moisturiser, basic make up for photo, hairbrush, hair bands

Maternity pads x20

Lactolose (sp) in case you have episiotomy

Shampoo & conditioner

Snacks & drinks with straws if you can't move to drink

iPod or personal CD player

magazines / book

comfy clothes to go home in

phone charger, phone and phone contact list for 'baby's arrived txt'

for Baby

car seat




Nappies (asda's own, pampers or huggies) don't try any others as they're all crp


Scratch mits or socks to put over hands

Snowsuit or jacket & hat to go home in

Muslin squares x 20

breast pads

syringe - if you struggle with latching on

breast pump in case you end up in special care

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