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yes it does fit in parent facing mode.

however i found the raincover doesn't last more than a year (common complaint). then i got the mothercare generic one which is much easier to put on as it isn't so tight fitting and is much easier to attach. if i'd known, i would have gone out and bought the mothercare one from the start, despite getting the bee raincover already in the package.

As per other posts, yes it fits in parent facing mode but (unless I'm doing it wrong!) it doesn't cover the basket area behind the seat (so anything in it either gets wet or if empty the basket collects rain) - I keep a plastic bag handy to cover the back of the basket). Would be interested to know if the generic mothercare one would solve this?
hi crokes - not sure as now in fwd facing mode. but at mothercare there have a 2/3 different ones and will let you take them out of packet and try them on your pram before purchase. my main issue with bee cover was that it is quite a tight fit and i really, really had to stretch the bands to try and get them on.
snowboarder - i second your question: despite the assurances, I cannot work out how to make it fit in parent mode and had to keep it just loosely covered today: not good in torrential rain. Are there better instructions somewhere rather than the booklet it comes with ?

I kmow mima I think I am just a bit dyslexic when it comes to raincovers - they always get me in a muddle - I seemed to have weird bits of velcro and elastic loops and hooks which I just hopefully tied round the nearest bit of frame - the diagram in the booklet shows fwd facing - therefore different bits of frame to what I found. Ho hum - well we sort of stayed dry anyway.

I had a mammoth battle with the phil and teds double raincover this afternoon too (got wet a couple of times today - nice - the cherubs were dry though) - it's so enormous it's like putting up a tent...

My daughter is currently having a pushchair strike and screams in it so we went for the maxicosi on the bugaboo bee today...I can categorically say the raincover does not fit, although I gave it my best shot. Re the cover in parent-facing mode, I have never managed to get it to fit snugly, always a bit loose but I just strap bits where I can get it the tighest, but yes the basket still gets wet...good tip about the plastic bag!

On another note, if the weather ever improves - what is the best way to shade baby from the sun in parent facing mode? I currently use pegs and a muslin but it's a bit of a faff to be honest. The parasols seems to be equally irritating, I considered the shade-a-babe thing but would ideally like my baby to be able to see out still, does such a thing exist? whats the silver cover thing that I have seen, any good? Anyone got a great product or invention??

Jennyh - the baby can see out of the shade a babe (I know as I tried it myself LOL), it's a bit like tinted windows on a car. Also mine has a zip down window you can open to give a bit more visibility if need be.

I saw a Bee in parent facing mode the other day & wondered why the Mum was letting the child's feet get wet, thought the cover was on upside down - now I know it's just a nightmare LOL. There had to be something wrong, even with the buggy everyone seems to rave about....back to my theory of no such thing as the perfect buggy.

if you watch the video it shows you where to attach the raincover - its quite specific about where to put the loops, to be honest they should have some sort of mark on the buggy to make it easier to put in the right place!

yes we use shade a babe with the bee too (again - easy to attach) and the baby can see out.

OOOh i have a few dislikes of my Bee...it is too low down, the basket is too small and fiddly to get stuff in and out of, the shade doesnt seem to come down very far. All the things that you dont think about when you are so excited about having a baby and more interested in what colour coccoon to go for! That said it is very light and narrow so can zip around and on and off busses easily. I hope that my daughter comes out of her Bee hatred soon!

Hum yes - after coveting it I am not loving the bee actually!

We have one of the silver sunshade hoods - it's quite good as has an extra 'shady' bit. But quite expensive and specific to the bee so you couldn't use it on another buggy - I doubt a toddler would tolerate it! Muslins are fine... Parasols are seriously rubbish.

It's fine. I'm preferring some idle buggy chat to bf stress...

I understand in principle about the muslin but never had a prob with biggest baby SB. I do worry about littlest in the bottom of the phil and teds - very exposed - muslin only option there! (cue SCREAMING)

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