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They say that people who are interlectual,like most of you who have posted here, cannot enjoy their sex lives because they are incapable of relaxing and are analizing and criticising all the time.

Try getting your noses out of your data and meeting people that have suffered at the hands of these people.

I have, in certain lines of my work,and it makes you all ill informed.

You can quote what you think are facts from the internet,and it amazes me how you believe everything you read is true.

Do I care what you think of me;doh no.

Oh Tarot please....you can do better than that.

FYI my aunt worked her entire life in the prison service and was responsible for Peter Sutcliffe up until her retirement (and tells me that no-one made her shudder more - cold, calculating and truly a first class psychopath).....and most of the people that suffer at the hands of serial killers (as indeed your list is comprised of) are dead. Psychological profilers know what they are talking about.

Tarot Wrote:


> They say that people who are interlectual,like

> most of you who have posted here, cannot enjoy

> their sex lives because they are incapable of

> relaxing and are analizing and criticising all the

> time.

Analizing? You've been watching too much porn, tarot. ::o

I reckon analizing and criticising at the same time is pretty brave. How does that work? "Arse? You call that an arse?"

This is a joke right?

Tarot Wrote:


> They say that people who are interlectual,like

> most of you who have posted here, cannot enjoy

> their sex lives because they are incapable of

> relaxing and are analizing and criticising all the

> time.

> Try getting your noses out of your data and

> meeting people that have suffered at the hands of

> these people.

> I have, in certain lines of my work,and it makes

> you all ill informed.

> You can quote what you think are facts from the

> internet,and it amazes me how you believe

> everything you read is true.

> Do I care what you think of me;doh no.

a bloke Wrote:


> I agree with Tarot. I'm an intilecktual and I find

> it even hampers me when I have a quick hand

> shandy.

> I'm forever criticising, analysing,

> intellectualising and reviewing my vinegar

> strokes.

Watch porn to help with your hand shandy.

Tarot, how can you tell from people's posts who is intellectual and who is just intelligent or able to write reasonably good English? Also how can you then determine, who out of those you consider to be intellectual have a good or bad sex life?

And what has that got to do with pornography and/or rapists and serial killers in any case?

Tarot's not alone, it's a great tragedy of the British that we desipise out 'intilecktuals'.

Here's WH Auden:

To the man-in-the-street

Who, I'm sorry to say

Is a keen observer of life,

The word 'Intellectual' suggests right away

A man who's untrue to his wife.

He's even written it in doggerel to appeal to the masses ;-)

John Naughton neatly summarised it as follows:

"Britain is a country in which the word "intellectual" is often preceded by the sneering adjective "so-called", where smart people are put down because they are "too clever by half" and where a cerebral politician (David Willetts) was for years saddled with the soubriquet "Two Brains"."

Tarot feels that sexuality is just about as dirty a subject as you can get - so for Tarot 'intilecktuals' are even perverse when it comes to that.

For most British people that lean that way, a visceral hatred of the French finds its foundation in their perceived intellectualism.

Less kind observers would argue that the British hatred of intellectualism is merely a manifestation of a tragic inferiority complex.

You decide ;-)

Tarot's response can probably best be summed up as:

"Don't confuse me with your fancy book learning, I knows what I knows!"

I think that the faintly sad and irrational nature of Tarot's response speaks so eloquently for itself that no further comment other than that made above by others is necessary.

I would merely add the fact that if anyone is demonstrating arrogance and superiority it is Tarot for expecting us to believe that her personal experience is more revelatory and profound than decades of experience, research and debate by probably hundreds of thousands of informed and intelligent people.

If you really care to help these unfortunate people you say you come into contact with, Tarot, I suggest that you would best achieve that by following the evidence trail to the REAL causes of rape, sexual crime and oppression, rather than clinging stubbornly to thoroughly disproven notions. Failing to discover the real causes by holding up scapegoats and pursuing red herrings is almost certain to perpetuate the likelihood of further crime, violence and suffering.

To offer a Peter Sutcliffe metaphor, continuing to pursue pornograqphy as a cause of rape, oppression and violence is as sterile a root as the lengthy pursuit of the hoaxer Wearside Jack which delayed the capture of Peter Sutcliffe for years and led to the deaths in the meantime of more women!

The demise of the reputation of intellectuals in Britain seemed to coincide with the collapse of the final vestiges of colonial power.

It's almost as if the 'man on the street' held the intellectuals responsible for the fact that Britain can no longer enslave foreigners.

Not unlike the 'man on the street' who blames the bankers for the demise of the cruelly constructed economic house of cards on which we perched for so long.

By the way, just out of curiosity, who are the "They" in "They say...."

Other people like yourself who resent those who can think for themselves and 'analize' the facts objectively? Other people who feel so angry when their unsubstantiated views are exposed as nonsense that their only comeback is a pathetic jibe at the sex life of people they don't even know?

Perhaps you could point us to an article on the correlation between 'interlectual'-izing and 'analizing' and sexual satisfaction in an appropriate peer-reviewed sexology journal?

Just trying to help you instill some good thinking habits you understand?

Huguenot Wrote:


> The demise of the reputation of intellectuals in

> Britain seemed to coincide with the collapse of

> the final vestiges of colonial power.


> It's almost as if the 'man on the street' held the

> intellectuals responsible for the fact that

> Britain can no longer enslave foreigners.


> Not unlike the 'man on the street' who blames the

> bankers for the demise of the cruelly constructed

> economic house of cards on which we perched for so

> long.

I despise the so-called 'man on the street'. Streets! Who has need of them except 'street-walkers'???

As an 'interlectual' I exist solely as a huge disembodied brain in a large bubbling tank of saline solution, where I think great thoughts to frustrate, tantalise and confound those with lower IQs. My grey matter is suspended in said fluid by electrical cables through which I telepathically transmit instructions to my enslaved minions to go forth and rape and plunder on my behalf after I have viewed endless hours of vile pornongraphy through the glass of my murky den.

It's a fine life but the algae on the tank sometimes obscures my view of the looks of fear and terror I most long to see.

It depends on who the man in the street is though. Sometimes the man in the street is justified in his view because his position truly is at the mercy of other's greed or privilege (if you see what I mean). But in the current era, many of 'the man on the street' have benefited from cheap credit and yet fail to see how they are part of the circle that facilitated the recent banking crisis. So it becomes a deflection of responsibility, because as the man on the street they didn't make the millions of the few running the show from the top. So in that context I partly agree with H.

Reading your posts,shows how ,you are the worst kind of people and lower the tone of this forum,trying to browbeat

people for their views and playing nazi spelling police,and rattling on like your opinions count.

Calm down Hughenot, no ones called war yet.

Im firmly put in my place by you level headed and sexually ok people.

Like fxxk.

Could you expand on 'the worst kind of people'? Surely those are the kinds of people under the microscope on this thread and not 'normal' people who are expressing opinions which don't always marry with yours.

Healthy debate is to be enjoyed and shared so get on the bus and chill out dude!

Tarot Wrote:


> They say that people who are interlectual,like

> most of you who have posted here, cannot enjoy

> their sex lives because they are incapable of

> relaxing and are analizing and criticising all the

> time.

> Try getting your noses out of your data and

> meeting people that have suffered at the hands of

> these people.

> I have, in certain lines of my work,and it makes

> you all ill informed.


and then...

"you are the worst kind of people and lower the tone of this forum,trying to browbeat

people for their views"

What?! Browbeat YOU roTta? Ah well, I suppose it's better than massive generalisations and a seemingly embittered attack on all other posters on this thread from an extraordinarily paranoid p.o.v.

Tarot, every time you add to this thread you sink even further and provide additional evidence that you are a bitter and resentful person with little regard for evidence.

Every criticism or challenge anyone has made to what you have said has been provoked by the nature of your comments, your arrogance in dismissing facts and evidence, your insistence that your blinkered world-view trumps the expertise and experience of others who have objectively explored the subject under discussion and your ridiculous decision to attempt to add personal insults as the icing on the cake of your ignorance.

If you have been put in your place it is because you have asked for it. This is a serious and impactful subject and when someone like you comes along trundling notions and theories that are thoroughly discredited and that will only perpetuate violence, misery and harm, you can hardly complain if you are taken to task.

Bringing the topic back to the motivation for Slutwalk, I would like to add that women who have high sex drives, and are in relationships motivated by lust are looked down on in most societies in the world.

In some countries this results in female genital mutilation and clitoridectomy, which is performed on young girls to try to kill any dangerous sexual feelings that would make her an outcast. We in the 'civilised' West practice a form of mental clitoridectomy on women, while at the same time using sex (male as well as female) to sell everything from music, to films, to cars to newspapers, to lifestyles.

It seems to me that what the problem in the west is, is not men looking to women as sex objects, but the problem seems to lie with the attitude towards women who want to take control of their own sex lives, paid or unpaid.

Some of the men I have had sex with in my life found my strength and knowledge of what I want sexually, slightly intimidating at first, but after being educated about my sexual needs and how to satisfy them, they would find sex with anyone who didn't actually want to have sex a bit of a turn off.

Maybe we need to be less puritanical about sex and actually explore women's sexuality in full. Real sex education, on the difference between, sex with a multi-orgasmic, willing woman and one who hates what is being done to her, should make most normal men unable to abuse an unwilling partner.

I think that would depend on what you consider normal.

I was trying to differentiate between the sadistic psyhcopath and the men who grow up with very negative views on sexual women so I used the word normal to really include all non-psychos so I think the range of 'normal' would be quite wide.

Obviously what is normal within your peer group would probably not really cover the full range of non-psychopathic men who just need re-education.

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