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Sainsbury Car Park - Attacks on women

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Having noticed security guards patrolling the car park in Sainsburys recently, I asked one what was behind this new measure. It turns out that women have been robbed of their handbags and attacked in the car park (badly punched and kicked in some cases). The victims are always women on their own. The latest attack was about 4 days ago. Just thought I would mention this to other females. When we are loading up our cars, we are not always aware of who is close by so it might be sensible just to be on red alert. If, like me, you tend to take money out of the cashpoint, then be extra careful. I can understand why Sainsburys have not put up any warning signs in store but I feel people should be aware.
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This happened to a friend of mine. I would recommend leaving your handbag at home and shopping with a wallet or credit card you can keep in a pocket. If there's nothing for a bag snatcher to snatch, you won't be targeted.
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Not being able to walk around with a handbag in case it is snatched almost bothers me more than not being able to walk around in a short skirt in case I get raped.

Hmm... what's the equivalent of the Slutwalk for handbag lovers? The Clutch Crawl? The Satchel Stomp?

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benmorg Wrote:


> This happened to a friend of mine. I would

> recommend leaving your handbag at home and

> shopping with a wallet or credit card you can keep

> in a pocket. If there's nothing for a bag snatcher

> to snatch, you won't be targeted.

They are also targeting cars, and men have been the target in the past, though possibly these are different gangs.

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aspidistra Wrote:


> They are also targeting cars, and men have been

> the target in the past, though possibly these are

> different gangs.

Yes they go for people loading shopping into the car. If you put a handbag/Shoulder bag etc down for a moment, it's at risk. Putting it on passenger seat is also a bad idea while the doors are unlocked or windows down.

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Am pleased to hear about the extra security, but pretty horrified to hear about the attacks. Does anyone know if there is any pattern, such as time of day or area of the car park?

I usually use a cross-body bag these days - guess they could try and get it off my if they tried, but at least I don't have to put it down whilst loading up the car. I have both hands free.

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Which news programme was this? Dulwich is not necessarily East Dulwich, especially as we are in Southwark. West Dulwich is in Lambeth.

Anyway - we are inner city, zone 2. We are going to have some crime. But, all things considered, ED is a pretty safe place to live.

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East Dulwich has become a haven for Street Robbery and Muggings.

Robbers are spoilt for choice with Rich Pickings and easy targets.

I myself have seen women late evening in the local Pubs and Bars with

'Concetinas' of Credit and Store Cards.

Leave your cards at home. Just take enough money with you to pay for your Evening's Drinks.

then if you get robbed it will be not so painful.

Losing your cards is a real pain, having to report them missing late at night.

and then having to inform all the organizations that your card details have been changed.

Despite some Bars policy, NEVER leave your card behind the Bar. Your card company will

not reinburse you if your card is cloned. You are not insured.

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"Your card company will not reinburse you if your card is cloned. You are not insured."

Actually they will as happened to me. to be fair they probably should have put a stop to my withdrawing my cash limit everyday from an ATM in Benin whilst also phoning them up complaining that I can't get money out of ATMs in London. Alarm bells should have rung on day 1, not day 4!!

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If you live here you just have to be street wise, i try and take a nectar card and visa card to sainsburys- if fact when i go out i try and stick stuff in my front pocket instead- its really bad for your back/ shoulder to carry all that stuff and a bag everywhere.But hten maybe the ospeopath is robbing me;-)
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YOU - yes YOU - you're going to die.

It might not be today. It might not be tomorrow. It might not be for another 50 years. But in this hotbed of East Dulwich iniquity, you ARE going to die.

Incidentally, has Sainsbury's had anything to say about these car park attacks?

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womanofdulwich Wrote:


> If you live here you just have to be street wise,

> i try and take a nectar card and visa card to

> sainsburys- if fact when i go out i try and stick

> stuff in my front pocket instead- its really bad

> for your back/ shoulder to carry all that stuff

> and a bag everywhere.But hten maybe the ospeopath

> is robbing me;-)

I hope there were no euphemisms involved in this post. If there is might I suggest you find a new osteopath.

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Loz Wrote:


> Which news programme was this? Dulwich is not

> necessarily East Dulwich, especially as we are in

> Southwark. West Dulwich is in Lambeth.


> Anyway - we are inner city, zone 2. We are going

> to have some crime. But, all things considered,

> ED is a pretty safe place to live.

Not all of ED is in Zone 2. East of the Goose Green roundabout is in Zone 3 and if I recall ED is categorised as suburban with regards to planning?

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