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Hi, have just come back from Mallorca using Ryan Air. Hellish return journey, have flights for one more trip in August and then hope to never have to use them again..!

We took a MacLaren buggy so no direct experience on 2 parters. In terms of checking in we did the usual online check in and printed our boarding passes and had no trouble with the buggy on arrival.

The one very good thing we discovered is that we checked in a bag for our 17 month old under the 'baby equipment' section and although it held his clothes, nappies etc and not a car seat or travel cot it went through. Costing us ?20 for the whole trip for 20 kilos rather than an extra bag at ?75 for 15 kilos. Yes we were vague when they asked what was in it, replying 'baby stuff'.

Were we lucky or is this a loop hole we can make use of? The website lists 3 items under the 'baby equipment' section but doesn't specifically say it can only be these things.

Good luck.

There are things Ryanair do well as much as they do badly

But the dealbreakers for me are the scrum for seats for an hour before the plane (even with children who have priority it's stressful) - just let me book as seat and then I'll get there in time. None of this plane boarding goto gate 43 now - only to get there and see a long line of people who won't actually get to board for up to an hour

The other thing is the onboard noise - it's bad enough with looking after children anyway without the constant hawking and shrill "BUY LOTTO TICKETS" announcements

We flew with 2 year old so had to get her her own seat. We took Maclaren which didn't need to be checked in on-line and we took it right to the bottom of the aeroplane steps. We paid for priority boarding and to take car seat. We got full hand luggage allowance for her because she had own seat but for under 2s sharing your seat I don't think you do, unlike the bigger airlines.

nikki73 - yep, flight times & the only other direct flight option of easy jet were why we chose them. we didn't check the buggy in prior to getting to the airport, it was just accepted that we had one. Stanstead took it off us at check in, thankfully had a sling with us so this didn't matter.

BellendBear - yep no hand luggage allowance for toddlers on laps



I hope the above links work, but essentially be very careful with the stairs up to the plane with Ryanair.

I used to fly with them alot, but stopped after my daughter was born.

I now fly Aerlingus back to Dublin.

Granted they are more expensive but it is worth it if you are flying with young children.

As you have bought your tickets already this is probably not that helpful, but I would invest in priority boarding (with the 30 other people who also get 'priority') if you have children.

From memory Ryanair stopped giving priority boarding to children as of right.

My advice is don't let the staff or other customers rush you.

This can be hard as everyone is pretty anxious to get the nightmare experience over with, and with the loud speakers telling you to 'take your seats as quickly as possible.' But they will have to wait!

Don't bring much hand luggage, or stuff from duty free as you will need both hands free to stop your child running here, there and everywhere.

I could go on, but I won't. Enjoy your well-earned holiday (if that is what it is!)

had an horrid experience with ryanair when we flew to France with our 8 month old. At boarding we waited by the desk as you always do with children expecting to be boarded first (have flown with easyjet/BA/qantas/air new zealand/air bangkok - all of whom do this without question) - only to be told that ryanair have a policy not to board families first, we were then told we had to join the back of the queue, which had already formed. we were one of the last onto the plane and were not able to sit together. there were 3 other families with young children in the same position, all united in disgust. amazingly on the way back the french ground staff came and found us and said that although it was policy not to board children first he understood the difficulty of flying with children and therefore let us go on first. It is just down to common sense and good human beingness. Luck of the draw i guess...

Yes, I just flew Ryan air on the weekend and was shocked that they didn't call families with children first! Everyone boarded and when there were only single seats left, a family was left standing with a two year old having to explain (!) that the two year old couldn't sit alone!!

Luckily other passengers were really helpful and got up to move around and sit separately, but it all took time by which point the toddler was crying and it all seemed to be really stressful for the family. Hope this doesn't happen to you, but really, they need to change this policy as it's a little crazy to have to scramble for seats to sit with your children!

Best of luck,



thanks Bea

Luckily I already knew this was ryanair's policy so I bought priority boarding when booking as I am travelling with 19 month old and 20 odd week bump! Another of the many reasons I avoid Ryanair like the plague. Once all the extras have been accounted for it's usually not worth the stress of flying with them. I think the chances of them changing the policy are unlikely, easy money for them. Still worrying about my pram though.

can you buy a travel bag for the pram if you worry so much?

i have flown with ryanair loads because it is the only airline that flies to my parents town, and i hate it, but it is easier if you are prepared in advance for all bad things it is associated with, like no priority boarding for families, constant announcements about 'become a millionaire with ryanair' and 'yet again we landed on time', tiny leg space, people rushing and stressing, very steep stairs, delays, etc - all things mentioned above. I now know they always happen and it is somehow easier to fly knowing all this and not having a nasty surprise every time. just try to think that it is short flight :)

and take your food with you, theirs is disgusting and expensive.

good luck


I travel with ryanair about 5 times a year (to Ireland). And often travel alone with my 2 year old. We have a bugaboo chameleon, which I collapse at the bottom of the steps (in 2 pieces) and they aways take it. Remember when they are tagging it, ask for 2 tags.

Don't worry, you'll be fine.

No worries about the 2 parts buggy, I traveled with a travel cot and chassis and they took them, then with buggy and buggy board they took them too. but I experienced BA with 2 kids it was a much better experience, you just enjoy the flight and the airport etc. However, just flew Ryan air again with 2 kids and some airports have their own policies of boarding kids first, doesn't happen in Stansted though. it will be manageable anyway, it's not too bad.

?Oise couldn?t give tew shoites about ?faaamlies? and dare kids. If peeple don?t loike it day can shag off somewhere else! Peeple LOOV Ryainair ? dat?s whoi day keep coomin back?

Michael O Leary there, in an interview earlier today when asked to clarify his position*

*legally it should be pointed out that that interview is satirical and not real. But if you think that might be his attitude then.. you know.. feel free to think of it as "representative"

Hi Nikki73,

Like most people we've always sworn we'd never travel with Ryanair again but we keep going back to them, not because of their service obviously or even their price, but because they fly near to where we usually want to go.

We've never had a problem with buggies. But completely agree with beababies, Grotty et al - this type of thing also happened to us. They don't do families first, therefore it's a complete bundle - you need to get on the plane asap.

We made the mistake of getting on towards the end only to find there were only single seats left. The cabin crew refused to help us and instead tried to insist that we all sat separately, even our then two year old. Obviously this was never going to happen as junior Minton would never be able to sit on their own and eventually a good samaritan passenger moved to allow Mrs Minton and junior Minton to sit together. Cabin Crew were useless though.

Other tip is remember the minuscule weight allowance is per bag, not per person i.e. take lots of small bags not one big one. I'll never forget our friends having to unpack their bags at check-in and all their kids having to wear layers of clothes onto the plane because of this stupidly low allowance.

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