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Music Festival in Peckham Rye Park next May - Deadline for views Dec 22


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The blue notices on the fences around Peckham Rye Park are for a music festival which is planned for the Bank holiday next May. The notices don't indicate what is planned and the Friends of the Park have now been given a bit more information. You may wish to give your views to the Council (or ask questions about what is planned).

Programme ? 1st day 18+ live bands all day ? ticketed ?15. 2nd day family ( not sure of pricing) Live Music all day. Entrance by pre booked ticket 8,000 ticket available.

Site plan ? red line on the area shown on the plan will be surrounded by an 2 meter metal fence and closed to the public for 8 days.The main entrance to the festival is within the Park.

Operational hours ? 10am ? closing 11pm.

Security ? they will have security staff within and on perimeters but not further

Noise ? Not known as we do not know what type of music. Neighbouring properties will be sent letters with reduced ticket offers

Traffic and transport ? no car parking ? ?everyone will use public transport or walk?

I attach a copy of the blue notice and a copy of the plan for the event in the Park. The link given on the poster for people to respond does not work (www.southwark.gov.uk/businesscentre/licensing/currentapplication) but the council seem to think that this does not matter as people can phone or write - it is a licensing application for alcohol.

The company organising this is called We Are The Fair.

Perhaps Renata or James can enlighten us on what is planned?

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Angelina - I'm afraid I have no details on what is planned - that is why I think the Council needs to explain more.

I understand they do plan to offer some local residents discounted tickets. No idea who or how to qualify.

Siduhe- I'm not clear whether this is an event they are being paid to put on (and if so, for who?) or whether they are organising it on their own behalf - they have done a Jazz, Soul and Funk festival before.

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"...the council seem to think that this does not matter as people can phone or write - it is a licensing application for alcohol."

I imagine at this stage with a confirmed line up and tickets on sale (as shown in Rolo Tomasi's link) the council will have already entered into a licence agreement giving this festival permission to use the park.

So I think it is safe to assume this will be going ahead and publicising the alcohol and entertainment licence is a mere formality. The council will no doubt ignore any representations made about the licence application because the festival needs the licence to proceed and pay the agreed rent to the council.

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Actually I think you'll find that 8,000 people don't take up that much space. But this maybe a useful link. http://www.gkstill.com/Support/crowd-density/CrowdDensity-1.html As I am lazy, do they state the size of the area which is to be used for the event, and whether the 8000 figure is attendance over the event, or maximum attendance at any one time (different things).
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Clifton Wrote:


> Below is the correct link for making

> representations about this proposal. (The one in

> the original post above doesn't work.)


> Click on the link and go to ?make a

> representation? ? then ?contact us?.


> http://app.southwark.gov.uk/Licensing/LicPremisesA

> ppliedDetails.asp?systemkey=861145

Or maybe don't bother - let it go ahead. It's great for the area. Clapham, Blackheath, Finsbury Park etc all have weekend festivals. Why should we miss out.

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I don't really see the problem. Are you really that bothered by a bit of music and a few thousand people for just one day?

I mean last year's line-up looks pretty abysmal to me, but that's just my taste. I'm sure some people must like this stuff. Seems a bit mean-spirited to try and stop it going ahead.

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I'm livid that I only found out about this planned event by logging on to EDF to see if I was the only one with a Virgin boardband issue and saw the post. Definitely will be opposing this. I live directly oppersite the park and there is no way 8000 people will be accommodated safely. This is a slap in the face to those of us who have been asking for a return of the Irish festival and fireworks display that used to happen successfully in the past. Dulwich park is a far better location if there is to be no parking as it's an already enclosed space and accessible via public transport. Council are really showing their desire for ruining Peckham rye/ nunhead like others have done with Clapham/ Battersea/ Shoreditch/ Brixton. I'm sure the residents in Dulwich would have all been written to, with better advertisement of the planned two day event. I'm pretty sure that the money being offered will not cover the true cost of the damage to the park and is serving only as a vanity project to the Council. Livid.
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