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As I get older I'm worried that my reactions are slowing down, and for the first time since I was a kid, I feel vulnerable sometimes. Not a nice way to feel. I spend some time down the gym pushing heavy weights and I feel a bit better, but I have to face the fact it's all downhill now!!

I'd echo barrymarshall above - if you can keep your wits you should shout "fire" rather than "help".

In my military school days there was quite a bit of fighting with local scruffs - our rule was to think where you want to be, then go there fast. If you do need to fight, remember most fights only last one punch, so get in there first.

Stay safe people


Brendan Wrote:


> A good friend of mine is a cop and from what he

> has said to me you are a lot less likely to get

> done for defending yourself than we tend to think.

> You can also use a weapon as long as you weren?t

> carrying it with intent. So an umbrella, walking

> stick or set of keys are fine but you can?t carry

> a taser around.

What if your Taser doubles as a key-ring? I used to carry a chainsaw round for the same purpose a number of years ago. I was stopped by the Plod for carrying an offensive weapon. I said I simply used it as a key-ring. They said "Bo**ocks!" I pointed out that since I attached them to my chainsaw I had never lost my keys. They scratched their heads (getting a number of splinters in their fingers in the process), said "Hadn't thought of that" then waved me on my way with a cheery "Mind how you go, sir." Give it a try. If this cunning ruse fails, ask the custody sergeant to contact Delmar Glazer solicitors for you - I believe they are a sponsor of this forum so they might do you a deal.

(For the purposes of full disclosure, I have no association with or commercial interest in Delmar Glazer).

do everything youc an to avoid confrontati on/ assault - pride sometimes overrides survival instinct , and people hate to look stupid or lose face - if they are tooled up, consider giving them some cash - its not worth trying to disarm them unless you are a JuJitsui master

Its better to look stupid and cowardly than risk a kicking

If there is no option - and you will know when it is time to do something/ a switch seems to click in your brain - do whatever you can to hurt/ deck them and get away - doesnt matter whatever sex / age / stature/ whether they wear glasses or not - women muggers/ robbers are not used to being hurt or attacked by especially men - its still a matter of misplaced honour to hit a woman for many men, irrespective of whether she is going to steal from you or not - dont bother with maquis of gooseberry rules or whatever - grab a brick or a stick a pen or whatever to lay into them - get them down and make sure you stay up

when they are down, get away and make as much noise as possible whislt doing so - they will be very very unlikely to get up and chase you if it is a mugging - bang on front doors with an open exposed pathway or garden - this will spook them and they will scarper.

bottom line - better to lose a few quid than your life

Anyone know of a good self-defence class? or perhaps we could have our own version of the Guardian Angels?

Back on topic, don't be so sure that all the 'runts' come from Peckham. Some/most of them more than likely live in ED - as hard as it is for some to believe.

Police never fail to impress on how they choose to tactically employ resources.

Our fruit and veg delivery got nicked and upon viewing the CCTV I discovered that some local tealeafs had made away with it at 4 that morning. Stupidly they did it again the next day so I called in the Police who decided to stake out the back of my bar early next morning. 5 police waited in the shadows from 3 and soon caught the bloke red handed with a sack of potato's!

Ask them to stake out Goose Green and Northcross Road and stop more heinous activities and they're too busy baton rattling down Whately Rd.

I think everyone should pop into Target Arms and get tooled up. One of those old German WW1 spiked helmets would be ideal. Not only would it protect your napper but you could bend down and run at them wearing it. Hey, it works for rhinoceroses! Alternatively, walking around carting a water-cooled Maxim gun may have a deterrent effect on the grounds that anyone content to carry one in public must be so deranged as to worth avoiding!

barrymarshall Wrote:


> I read somewhere once that the upshot was that

> people should shout "Emergency!" or "Fire!"

> instead, as passersby would be more reactive to

> it.

I also have heard that people wil respond to FIRE rather than HELP.

Don't wear bloody high heels ladies for a start! Wear trainers or something you can run in. Also don't look like a target. Walk purposefully and if you're in a dark street with no one else around walk in the middle of the road (no cars obviously coming up and down). That way you can hear and see if someone is coming for you and have more of a chance to leg it than you would walking along the pavement.

I once had self defence training form the old bill in Brighton. When I moved to London and found that I really needed to learn more, the old bill when I rang them up said they could not give me any details about where to take classes as they have to be seen to act impartially. Bollocks. I'll just go down like a sack o spuds then shall I?

I am at work now and don't finish for another hour or so, so coming home late at night and after reading these stories of incidents in ED has given me the willies.

Keep those eyes peeled.

Sleep well and don't have nightmares.

MW - stop over-fretting - you will be fine. You will get home and no-one will attack you

I know it happens - but in a metropolis like this the chance of it happening to you are slim. More likely to be run over by a car crossing the road....

No hee bee gee bees necessary

A very nasty business

I am a (quite large) Oglander bloke, and several months ago suffered an attempted mugging near my home (at around the same time of day) by two teenage boys. When first attacked, I instinctively screamed like a stuck pig. Something predictable along the lines of "help me", "please" and "I'm being robbed". I do have a loud scream/shout and in no time at all quite a few people came running out of their houses. Fortunately, they included a couple of blokes who looked even scarier than the muggers, who legged it. I was very lucky ... no weapons were involved; nothing was taken ... and I'm not sure this approach will always work. I am, however, very grateful to my fellow Oglander residents, who came swiftly to my rescue.

Kids seem to wander around in a lawless society, people are scared to tackle them. Gone are the days when I was a kid and people would tell me off for the most minor infringement.

I always have something in my hand that I could defend myself with e.g. keys, rolled up paper pen or pencil. I would never threaten someone with them but if they tried to harm me BAM, element of surprise.

Being a victim is a horible place to be, you are a survivor and from this will probably develop the skills to avoid this from happening again.

Description: 3 girls, 1 black chubby girl who initiated the confrontation, two thin mixed race, one carrying a metal bar. All aged approx 15/16 and wearing black with their hair tied back. I walked pass them on Grove Vale where they were hanging around next door to the Chinese. They followed me and confronted me on Oglander.

Crime Ref is 303 4920/07 (Thurs 11 October at 7:50pm).

  • 1 month later...

"... attack happened in October and the yellow witness appeal boards have been up what, a week or 2?

[big sigh]"

If they've made arrests, it's possible that that they're looking for potential witnesses in order to pursue a successful prosecution, rather than to assist the apprehension of the suspects. So the timing of the boards going up could make very good sense.

However, it's a pity that the police don't seem to have moved beyond those yellow signs and towards making use of websites like EDF.

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