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Marmora Road Speed Problem

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henryb Wrote:


> > I would suggest that we simply close Scutari

> Road

> > at the junction of Mundania Road, so that all

> of

> > our roads on this wonderful 'estate' become

> > 'residential access' only. I did propose this

> when

> > the council was planning the speed bumps and

> went

> > into consultation with residents a few years

> ago.


> The problem with this is it would just shift the

> problem onto Shelbury/Dovedale and the end of

> Mundania - certainly not welcome. To shut off the

> rat run you would have to block off all three.

Henry B - I don't think it would shift the problem.

Shelbury / Dovedale are, effectively, self policing in that they are relatively narrow, unlike Scutari & Marmora. So drivers would rapidly appreciate that trying to "rat run" would lose them time rather than gain it.


1. If turning off Peckham Rye / Cheltenham Road into Homestall & Colyton today a driver can turn left onto a wide and clear Scutari, right onto a wide and clear Marmora and left back onto Forest Hill Road without encountering traffic lights or have to manoeuvre around parked cars or squeeze through narrow roads.

2. To achieve the same via Shelbury & Dovedale they would have to make two further turns, one left off Shelbury (or Dovedale) onto Mundania and then right onto Scutari. The Shelbury (or Dovedale) & Mundania roads are not easy to drive through due to parking on both sides and effective narrowing of the roads.

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James Barber Wrote:


> MarmoraMan could you design a residents survey to

> test the waters on potential options?

> I'll hapilly print and help deliver if you need a

> hand.

Will give this some thought and get back to you - designing and delivering are not, necessarily, much of a problem.

Achieving a sufficient return needs a pre-paid envelope and / or a second round of leafleters to collect responses or a web based survey. The former has a low response rate, if we got more than 10% - 15% I\'d be very surprised - the latter depends on access to the internet and the demographics for the area would mean disenfranchising maybe 40% of residents?

If you / the council can help with collating results then this is a runner.

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> Henry B - I don't think it would shift the

> problem.


> Shelbury / Dovedale are, effectively, self

> policing in that they are relatively narrow,

> unlike Scutari & Marmora. So drivers would rapidly

> appreciate that trying to "rat run" would lose

> them time rather than gain it.

They are about the same width and cars are parked on both sides of Scutari and Marmora.

> EG:


> 1. If turning off Peckham Rye / Cheltenham

> Road into Homestall & Colyton today a driver can

> turn left onto a wide and clear Scutari, right

> onto a wide and clear Marmora and left back onto

> Forest Hill Road without encountering traffic

> lights or have to manoeuvre around parked cars or

> squeeze through narrow roads.

> 2. To achieve the same via Shelbury & Dovedale

> they would have to make two further turns, one

> left off Shelbury (or Dovedale) onto Mundania and

> then right onto Scutari. The Shelbury (or

> Dovedale) & Mundania roads are not easy to drive

> through due to parking on both sides and effective

> narrowing of the roads.

I take it you mean going from Colyton to Forest Hill.

Why would someone turn onto Scutari? If Scutari/Mundania was blocked anyone could go left Shelbury/Dovedale then right onto Mundania then left onto Forest Hill just as they do with Scutari and Marmora.

If you are going to propose something that will just shift the problem onto neighbouring streets then I wouldn't be surprised if people object.

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Hi Marmora Man,

I'll happily help you knock and drop - knock on the door and explain what the survey is for and how to reply. That boosts replies significantly.

I'll also happily sit and enter replies onto any online survey so all replies in one place even if paper replies. I can borrow a freepost address.

I'm sure others on this thread would also be happy to help knock on doors, etc.

I think just referring the problem to council officials sounds nice but without some feeling of real support could be using those limited officials time unwisely - it will sit at the bottom of a tall tray of other work. Whereas presenting a survey with 20% to 30% response rate - unheard of when council officals undertake a survey - with fair and balanced questions would make a very compelling case to undertake whatever the results suggest.

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I live on Mundania and would strongly object to the proposal that there be a cut off on Scutari at the junction with Mundania. If the cutoff was on the marmora side of the junction traffic would simply cut into Mundania instead and onto Scutari. If the cutoff was on the park side of the junction traffic would cut into Mundania then down shelbury or dovedale. I don't believe the width of the road or parked cars would have any impact. We get boy racers as it is (one particular one every evening in a white escort...)

However if you added a block on the forest hill road end of Mundania as well as the junction between Mundania and scutari (park side) then it might work. The main inconvenience to this plan would be for those living near the forest hill road end of Mundania who would have to turn to get back down the road. The junction out of Mundania onto forest hill road is dangerous as it is now and I wouldn't miss it.

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Blocking two roads isn?t that more radical then blocking one. Plus it is actually solving the problem rather than shifting it.

I would support anna_r's proposal but would be dead against just blocking Scutari by itself.

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I didn't expect this to get so detailed, but there is clearly a problem here that needs some action from local people to be heard by the council/road planning.

First off, I hope all residents of Dovedale and Shelbury will forgive me for ignoring them. It might work to block off all 3 roads at the Mundania end. The main concern is that the roads discourage speeding drivers, which we all acknowledge are a danger to people and dogs wandering on the roads.

I would have no objection to Scutari being a 'cul-de-sac' up to Mundania, as previously stated. There may be a problem on Dovedale and Shelbury, where people do not have off-street parking, as they are narrower roads, and people would need to turn around. This may be an issue for something like a large lorry or Fire engine.

The other solution (still with a block on Scutari/Mundania) could be to introduce a one way system up Shelbury and Dovedale from Colyton road ends, so that traffic could still use Mundania for exiting, but not for entry. This would also confound the speeding traffic from one direction, but would allow for large vehicle access and exit.

Street planning expertise would be really useful to make this work as effectively as possible, as would a degree of consensus from all of the residents affected by any changes. I know the council listens, as we opposed the bumps at our end of Scutari when they were in the planning stage, and our wishes were granted.

At the end of the day, we just want a safe environment with minimal risk of any more accidents to road users, people or pets, and an end to the roads being used by dangerous thrill seekers.

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Sorry to jump onto the band waggon, but can we not also put road blocks into Underhill Road, Dunstans Road etc which would eleviate the issues with Barry Road and the accidents there.

We could then close off Forest Hill Road and Lordship lane and divert everyone around the South Circular. That would mean we could predestian all these roads and there would be no need for cars.

This would reduce the risk to all the children in the neighbourhood , leave large spaces for dog poo and everyone would live in a wonderful world.

Hang on

No police cars would get to houses to catch the muggers, no fire brigade or ambulances, waitrose and marks and spencer once built in Lordship lane would not be able to deliver goods.

None of the bars or restaurants would get delivery of drinks or food.

On good thing there would be no estate agents to push things through the letter boxes , as they would not be able to drive.

bring back horses and carriges.

No need for traffic lights and no issue with the road surfuce.

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