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Marmora Road Speed Problem

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Good day all, im sad to say my dog was killed last night on marmora road 9pm, young one only 3 years old, my main concern is with the speed people come down the road at so quickly, my dog is one thing only a small spaniel but what if that was a child that ran out and got hit by a car,

If anyone knows anyone who works at the golfcourse or was at the golfcourse that night i would like to have a word with them because its just a joke that you didnt even have the nerve to stop and you kept driving.

My family are now upset because weve lost a member of the family and a close one at that.

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You learn something every day...

Some animals do not come within the definition of animal within the Road Traffic Act 1988 so you are not required to report it to the police. However, it may be worth contacting the police to inform them of the incident. Also the local authority will need to be contacted to remove the remains of the animal.

A dog (as well as a goat, horse, cattle, ass, mule, sheep and pig) does come within the remit of the Road Traffic Act and is a reportable accident so you are required by law to report it to the police.

So if you hit a dog, report it. If you hit a cat, drive on.

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like ok my dogs dead nothing i can do about it he must of been doing some because when i saw my dog his body had no markings his head was clipped and im assuming damaged his brain as he began to bleed from the ears and mouth, but we need to make sure that this doesnt happen because if that was a small child then what.
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It is a real tragedy ? I am sorry for your loss. You should definitely check with the police that the driver reported it as that is crime and they may investigate.

I live near there and there are a lot of speeders around those streets. There are many children around playing and it is a real problem.

Whilst the police are unwilling or unable to catch speeders on residential streets it is hard to know what to do without putting in more speed bumps.

Personally I think the police should dish speed cameras to members of the public. Big society and all that.

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I raised the same thing in a 'thread' a few weeks ago with speeding traffic far in excess of the 20 limit, let alone 30 mph on Fellbrigg road and perhaps now we should really get a serious campaign going with the police and local authority/councillors before any further serious accidents happen. I am so sorry for woody549 losing his dog, I know how i'd be feeling today if it were my 2 cats. James Barber over to you on this - where do we go from here and how do we start to get these lunatic drivers stopped. HP
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Cheers everyone for the comments, its need to get sorted i mean i dont know if it was someone from the golf course or someone down that end but the amount of times i come out the house to go to work you just people flooring it round corners
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Sympathies for your loss. I loved my two dogs dearly so can imagine a bit of how you must feel.

I strongly urge you to contact your councillors about this, in addition to what others have been saying about the police. It's the councillors who can raise it with the local authority, who are the ones who can change the road in the future. I live on Mundania and know the speeds on Marmora to be too much.

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Thank you for all the comments they honestly mean a lot we need to get something done about this, because the marmora, mundania, therapia and scutari area are dangerous roads, the amount of times ive almost been clipped by people speeding as a joke
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Part of the problem is the use of Marmora & Scutari as a rat run into Colyton Road avoiding the traffic light controlled right hand turn into Colyton Road and vice versa. If the roads were simply residential those of us that live there would be the only routine drivers and take care.

There is also a problem with poor parking, particularly on corners. This restricts visibility around corners and results in drivers either creeping very slowly around the corner or "nipping out" smartly at speed.

I wouldn't want to propose speed bumps - they would ruin resident's car suspension & tyres - but a narrow, one car width, bottleneck on Scutari, just below Marmora junction might dissuade some of the rats.

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Im sorry for your loss! But i have been informed that the golf club was not open on that day! Are you sure they came out of there? maybe they come from the road close by? Not all cars parked on the privet road near the golf club go in the golf club. I live on marmora road and i know the cars do go down too fast! somthing needs to be done, and also the parking is just a joke!
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Maybe its someone on the road from the end or from the little side road out the back, but its one of those things as i said before the dogs dead theres nothing i can do but if it was a family member for anyone on the street it would of been a lot worse.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I live round the corner on Scutari, and am also a dog lover/owner. While I'm as upset and sympathetic as everyone else here, I just wondered what your dog was doing on the road at 9pm? If the dog was on the lead, then whoever had hold of it would surely have heard any cars approaching and yanked it to safety?

I can vouch for all of the comments on speed, as well. As I'm at the bottom of Scutari, where we opted for no speed bumps (for the reasons given - damaging to suspension/wheel bearings/steering bushes), we get regular speedsters (usually young male drivers in hot hatches) ripping up the road at ridiculous speeds.

I would suggest that we simply close Scutari Road at the junction of Mundania Road, so that all of our roads on this wonderful 'estate' become 'residential access' only. I did propose this when the council was planning the speed bumps and went into consultation with residents a few years ago.

Sorry to hear about your dog, but very interested to hear why it was off the pavement and on the road at 9.00pm at night?

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I would suggest that we simply close Scutari Road at the junction of Mundania Road, so that all of our roads on this wonderful 'estate' become 'residential access' only. I did propose this when the council was planning the speed bumps and went into consultation with residents a few years ago.

I would support this option. Is it worth a local poll to determine support - I would be happy to help leaflet all the houses in the immediate area Marmora / Scutari / Therapia / Mundania / Shelbury / Dovedale / Homestall & Colyton - but we would need help to collate replies and then lobby the council to make it happen.

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I'm also sorry to hear of not just your loss but also the callouds way the driver drove on.

Traffic calming with humps would reduce speeds but doesn't always get universal support.

Making roads reisdential access only - effectively cul de sacs - is much cheaper than humps, takes more effort to get everyone to buy in it but would be very effective.

MarmoraMan could you design a residents survey to test the waters on potential options?

I'll hapilly print and help deliver if you need a hand.

HennyPenny, Fellbrig road has speed cushions already. Adjacent roads Bawdale etc had them as well but then residents asked ofr them to be removed. Beefing up speed cushions to full humps would be ideal but we have many other local roads without any traffic calming that would need it before Fellbrigg Road. Sorry.

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> I would suggest that we simply close Scutari Road

> at the junction of Mundania Road, so that all of

> our roads on this wonderful 'estate' become

> 'residential access' only. I did propose this when

> the council was planning the speed bumps and went

> into consultation with residents a few years ago.

The problem with this is it would just shift the problem onto Shelbury/Dovedale and the end of Mundania - certainly not welcome. To shut off the rat run you would have to block off all three.

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