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Grove Tavern Public Meeting


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There is a poster up in Dulwich Village saying that there will be a public meeting on Saturday 4th November, 2pm at the pavilion of the Streatham & Marlborough Cricket Club by the junction of Lordship Lane and Dulwich Common (opposite the Grove Tavern) to talk about its future - it is facilitated by the Dulwich Society who are keen to find out what neighbours would like to see on the site - given that neither the Dulwich Estate (the freeholder)nor the Council can agree on what should happen. If you have a view it might be worth attending.
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Thanks for this - we live close by and will come along. My understanding (gleaned on here more than anything) is that the Dulwich Estate want to turn it into housing (and have declined approaches from supermarkets and fast food outlets) and the Council want it to go back into commercial use or as an old people's home. Does anyone know if that's the latest state of play? I would love to see it reopen as a pub but - as was pointed out last time I said that - it just doesn't seem to be viable.
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There is an item in Dulwich Society?s latest newsletter which gives the current state of play and the announcement that Southwark Council have agreed to fund a charette (no neither had I) - go to the bottom of http://www.dulwichsociety.com/2017-autumn/1551-dulwich-society-news

The Society?s home page also announces that Southwark Council have rejected the DE proposal to build almshouses on land currently occupied by Judith Kerr

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The inefficiency of democracy, eh ? Benevolent dictators have their advantages at times.

This site has lain empty for years and years. The owners and the council bleat about lack of money and yet they are staring in the face of a huge lost opportunity. Years of no business, no housing, no income, no improvement to the local environment. Probably years of no business, no housing, no income, no improvement to the local environment to follow on too.

It makes me want to weep.

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George Orwell Wrote:


> Ah, a revision is needed. I just read that

> apparently the pub lessee is still paying ?100,000

> a year in rent - that helps a bit I suppose.

To Dulwich Estate? or to someone else? Either way its not particularly helping anyone. Unless you are one of the benefactors of one of the school bursaries?

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Appalling location for a care home, equally the elderly or otherwise vulnerable people who might be housed in the almshouses - horribly busy junction, noise, accident hotspot, pollution, little in easy walking distance etc.

There has been an inn on that site for over two hundred years apparently. The eponymous Mr Cox who cut Cox's walk to link to Sydenham Wells owned it in the late 1700s. How about a bar/club? Need a dance venue around here.

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The Sydenham Wells is a fake connection.


An Account of a New Purging Spring Discovered at Dulwich in Surrey, by Mr. John Martyn, F. R. S. Prof. Botan. Cantab

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1683-1775), Vol. 41 (1739 - 1741), pp. 835-838

Published by: The Royal Society

In the Autumn of 1739, Mr. Cox, the Master of a well-known House of good Entertainment, called the Green Man at Dulwich, lying about a Mile beyond the village, was desirous to dig a Well for Service of his House, there being no Spring of good Water near it.

December 11 1740.

[The full three page text of the article is available on-line]

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KidKruger Wrote:


> Looks like on the Lordship Lane side of the

> property some folks have moved in, or, at least,

> have tarpaulined-off a bay for use as sheltered

> accom.

Yeh, I noticed that the other day.

Please please please don't bring back the Harvester, it was horrible (in my opinion).

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    • Sorry I posted the same answer twice so I'm also confused  
    • I picked one up from Stuart Road allotments. Usually these events have them at venues. Use online map as a "bootstrap". The map is better on paper - its 2xA5 on a cleverly folded A2.  Exercise for reader - how many folds.
    • Yes the one I remember was round about there, so could well have been next to Dulwich DIY, but I'm getting very confused because you seem to be answering your own posts, but with different information 🤣 Blockbusters was the video shop, wasn't it? There used to be a sort of deli in North Cross Road around 1991 (?), I think it was Turkish. I once bought some cream there. When I got it home, I found it was about three months out of date (I may be exaggerating, I can't remember exactly). When I took it back, the guy opened it up, looked at it, tasted a bit and told me it was perfectly alright 🤣 I didn't buy anything perishable there again 🤣 In more recent times in North Cross Road, there was a little  shop next to the mosque which sold really cheap but good quality  ginger and garlic. I was sorry when that closed. That's the place which is currently undergoing a really massive renovation. Speaking of which, what happened to the French guy who used to come every year to Lordship Lane with strings of onions and garlic? And also in more recent times, there was the pet food and supplies shop in NXR (no actual pets). That closed shortly after the guy's partner, who was a dog walker, was outed on this very forum after one of his clients became suspicious and installed a camera. The recording showed said dog "walker" entering the house, moving the dog lead from one place to another, then leaving the house. Without the dog 😮  I don't know whether the closure was connected with this unfortunate recording, but if not it was an uncanny coincidence of timing. Unless I have misremembered when it closed, but I don't think so.
    • Glad for you, but I feel worse today! 😭  A friend of mine just told me on Facebook he has been feeling like this on and off for SIX WEEKS 😭  Oh dear. Thanks for that, I didn't know. I will definitely wear a mask if I have to go out, but it feels like I need to rest at the moment. At least I'm sort of glad to hear it's something going around, it's a bit worrying when you don't know what's wrong.
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