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At every opportunity Hughnot throws in the race card,or the religous one ,he was pointed out to me in a pub actually

by someone from this forum.

In his., forties,No;one haircut,jeans and sports jacket and jeans,glasses and asian looking.

Seemed a pleasant enough person at the time.

I cant understand why people come here to live,when they despise Englishmen so much.

Tarot Wrote:


> At every opportunity Hughnot throws in the race

> card,or the religous one ,he was pointed out to me

> in a pub actually

> by someone from this forum.

> In his., forties,No;one haircut,jeans and sports

> jacket and jeans,glasses and asian looking.

> Seemed a pleasant enough person at the time.

> I cant understand why people come here to

> live,when they despise Englishmen so much.

This is splendid. Not only an Indian, but an Immigrant, and an Anglophobic one to boot!

The notion that all immigrants are leeches is ridiculous. My other half and many of his friends are immigrants - all work very hard, pay their taxes, live in privately rented homes, and when they need medical or dental treatment tend to go private, even though their incomes are modest (most are in the building trade or working in restaurants). When one of them is short of work (some are self employed) they tend to look after each other financially - not claiming dole. They came here not to scrounge off the state but simply because employment prospects were greater here than where they are from.

I also work with plenty of immigrants - there aren't enough actuaries in the UK to meet demand (too many mathematicians tempted into the banking industry for the higher pay). They wouldn't be here if the UK market provided enough staff to meet the demand. And trust me, you won't find my colleagues from overseas are here to get a council house to live in. They are here because the UK offers the best chance to develop their skills. Many intend to return back home long term, and will have paid plenty of tax in the meantime whilst not imposing much cost on the state during their time here.

Neither groups would be here if there were enough people in the UK willing and able to do these jobs.

Yes does right but remember many immigrants come from different back grounds

and some of them don't come here just to do the odd jobs but they are here for family business

The family I know build and sale properties in their country for more than 20 years

and most of this properties are sold to their comunity in Latin America, United States, Canada, England,

Madrid etc and they have their own agents on each country so 2 of the members of the family who lives abroad is in charge of all the other agents from other countries.

Most of their family business are connected with their comunity living abroad

so there is a lot of other reasons why they are here. Hope this Forum have help people

to see things on a different prospect and probably not not discriminate some people.

As we know for some is easy to say than done but lets try for future generations as all

of us live in a very cosmopolitan countries and we can't avoid from each other not even

our children would be able to do it.

so its it ok on this forum to use racist inflammmatory language used by tarot????? he really is stuck in the 70's (who uses the 'h' and 'g' word these days? where are the moderators, and who can guess what tarot will come out with next.... the words politically and correct stand to mind....soooo predictable. whatever he/she says, i've no doubt it will resemble the contents of my stomach, and smell like my waste products...yes tarot, people of colour eat and deposit in the same way that you do, but don't regurgitate it when trying to express an opinion.

Tarot, you have steangely managed to win me over with some of your previous threads, not because I agree with anything you say, quite the opposite. You do skillfully manage to sharpen each word to cause just enough reaction to keep a nuclear plant going..

It makes for interesting reading if nothing else.

How can a thread about goverment future plans to callously throw people out of their homes because they need places for the influx of migrants turn into a race thread,let alone about black people.

Their is more than one race coming here to live.

There are people on the forum going on about slavery and white guilt. I for one do not feel guilty about something

other people done over four hundred years ago,and further.Get real.

There are agitators like Hughnot, who thinks the world owes him something so he jumps on the bandwagon and fans the


Live in the present your howling at seventeenth century ghost.

They are not turning people out of their homes for migrants...you are completely away with the fairies now Tarot. They are looking at making existing tenants downsize so that those families in homes too small for them can be housed. I know of five families in council accomodation that is woefully too small while single people are occupying 3 and four bedroom flats. There is common sense in the council, who after all OWN the properties, swapping those tenants.

It has nothing to do with migrants (the majority of which are not eligible for social housing) at all.

Asylum seekers get social housing.

It does make sense to downsize,and many old and infirm people are accepting that, but their plans are blackmail

forcing them to move by cutting their rent allowance.

There is a very large pensioner population,widowers, widows,singles.

Where are they going to get single homes for them , when they oust them from their homes, should they all be stuck in homes and drugged ,in a chair all day.

Immigration must be curbed, we are full up, its common sense.

Every year you hear on the news,a lorry in India has toppled over a cliff. why because its over crowded.

Whats hard to understand about overcrowding.

Dont know about these faries though,where they come from.

Asylum seekers do not get social housing...they get temporary accomodation (usually in hostels). Something entirely different.

The only people that are being forced to downsize are those that don't want to move. Again you are foccussing on pensioners when most persioners who are moved, are moved into accomodation suitable for them, like bungalows etc. No pensioner is ever moved to somewhere unsuitable.

The people who will be most affected by this are younger, succeeded tenants with no dependants living in three and four bedroom properties, who should have been forced to downsize in the six month window the law allows authorities to use, but failed to do so.

So please stop with your nonsense Tarot. This is an area I know a lot about and pretty much everything you've posted so far has been untrue.

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