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The condems are planning to turf out single tenants who have one more room than they need,and if they dont move will lose up to fifteen % of their housing benifit from April 2013.

Reducing peoples benifits or moving them further away,or pushed into the private sector isnt right.

Its blackmail, most people have lived in their homes most of their lives,who thought of this one they are betraying people.

Why are they taking this action?because they have failed to stop the mass immigration and asylum seekers.

We are full up and fed up.

That is the reason we have no homes, poverty,run down schools,cuts,redundantsies,pension cuts,national health cuts.

Brittain is being destroyed by leeches.The e.u are planning to dump the tunisian refugees at our door next.

Stupid,lets all take a tramp in our homes,even though it would be detremental to our families

Funny logic ,that is what these goverments are doing, Get real, we are full up, we are sinking under the strain.

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Gordon Brown, was only interested in giving money to Africa while flood victims over here were ignored.he also sold our gold reserves to Africa.he was too far left.

While Blair was only concerned with promoting himself in Europe, he now owns a four million pound country mansion,

along with most bankers,he was the one who distributed all the illegal immigrants that were in a camp in France

and spoilt all our seaside resorts and country towns and villages.

He could,nt face up to France and Germany.he caved in, hoping to be president, the threadworm. Immigrantst they say contribute this and that, why are we on our knees then,British life has corroded,its p.c. mad and believing every twaddle they hear about immigrants and contribution . Its not true,they have lost control of the borders,and fake visas, students, arranged marriages.asylum seekers from far and wide,south america even.

They take us all for Charlies.George Smith said we would be the dustbin of europe. A prophet,Full up Fed up.

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I think trying to blame Britain's financial problems - generated by predominatly white English bankers - on 'immigrants and asylum seekers' is pretty much the lowest form of racism.

'Gordon Brown [...] sold our gold reserves to Africa' is pretty much the same kind of racism, and of course a complete nonsense.

Tarot you are just fabricating reasons to hate foreigners. It's despicable behaviour. I don't know what goes on in your head, but this is shameful.

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I disagree,I blame them for the crisis in the housing situation,where those in power are considering throwing people

out of the homes they have lived in most of their lives.

If the immigration was tackled by a responsible goverment in the first place we would not have overcrowding problems

like we have.

The schools , are out of control,overcrowded, and NO teacher can teach a class of children who cannot speak English or teach gang mentality kids.Impossible task.

Multicultral bliss is a myth.

No point in accusing people of racism,or pretending the problem does not exist. We are fed up and full up.

Hughnot ,why have you moved to Singapore?

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what a total load of shite, the housing problems is because a whole load of it was sold off in the 80s and very little has been built to replace the social housing stock. There is not enough to go around for the people who need social housing. This administration, like the administration in the 80s, wants to reduce dependency on the state and doing this at significant pace and mostly blaming it on the economic crisis. There is a political agenda for wanting to move people into private housing and it nothing to with immigration.

My school, many many years ago was out of control, over crowded and with discipline problems to the extent it was finally closed. It was an all white school with no immigrants. My brother teaches in an all white school with similar issues. The problems stem from poverty, limited job prospects on leaving schools and homes where there was several generations of unemployment and parents who just didnt care. I am not going to deny that London has a specific problem with teenage gangs but 'sink' schools where teaching is difficult have always existed. The international schools in Kensington and Chelsea which are made up of the kids of international bankers lawyers (ie immigrants) etc dont have these issues. So perhaps you are only talking about 'unacceptable' immigrants (bit like those unacceptable camp homosexuals on the other)

I believe you have stated you are a teacher, well with the views you have expressed I think it maybe more of a case of you shouldnt be teaching rather than cant teach.

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Referring to the housing situation, I also heard about this, but understood it somewhat differently.

Apparently, the council is going to be offering shorter tenancies, rather than life-long ones, to new tenants.

They will then review the situation when it expires, to make sure that the occupants are still in need of a council home.

I'm pretty sure that existing tenants are not going to be affected, or 'turfed out' of the home they have lived in for years.

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Tarot, take a look at the fact that the council are selling housing stock, at auctions, for pittance, to bankers and the like, who then give them a quick makeover, and sell them for double the money they paid for them. On top of that the council are not building, and they are not maintaining the homes. Where on earth are you getting your information from? Look at the real issues, stop looking for scapegoats.
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I have given lessons in arts and craft therapy.

THe articles have been in the papers,buy more papers.it was mentioned that the influx of immigrant families

needed bigger houses to live in,cannot get plainer than that.

The other night on the B.B.C an exsposure of Nigerian workers on the Southwark council were selling tenancies ,and others were jumping the waiting list.

Are they skapegoats or libertines. they see Brittain as a soft touch run by idiots.

We cannot be responsible for everyone,we owe them nothing

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I have a related question: why do people who don't work and never intend to think they have some divine right to a lifelong tenancy in a Chelsea riverside flat....? I am sure there are many hard-working souls out there who want this too but are denied as they simply can't afford it.

I don't think anyone has the right to demand anything..

And as for blaming everything on immigrants, that is a very blinkered and convenient way to see the world. The majority of immigrants come here desperate for work and will do all those jobs that a lot of our indigenous lot refuse to do. And just because you see a TV programme about one dodgy Nigerian, you can't tar them all with the same brush my friend.. Shaky ground I say and guaranteed to provoke a negative reaction.

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Tarot Wrote:


> The other night on the B.B.C an exsposure of

> Nigerian workers on the Southwark council were

> selling tenancies

You've excelled yourself on this one, Tarot!

I saw the same programme. The only mention of 'Nigerians' during the entire hour came from a non-Nigerian fraudster who was offering people the chance to acquire council houses for his own personal gain - using the justification that 'Nigerians' (aka 'the bogeyman') were taking all the council houses. I think he mentioned 'homosexuals' and 'junkies' as well - for good measure.

The programme maker was then at pains to point out in no uncertain terms that the claim that immigration has a big impact on council housing is nothing short of a myth.

What happened? Were you taking a dump for 59 minutes and popped your head around the door just to hear the word 'Nigerians'..?

Or are you simply a complete idiot?

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Frankito Wrote:


> Here here...

Yes Frankito here here here you have some immigrants and some of them are lucky enough

to have succeed earlier tham most of us working here and investing in their own countries.

A few people I know don't work long hours anymore and as far as I know they are down to earth

and they retired younger than most of us perhaps at the age of 40-45 years old.

Luck, luck, luck....

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The Daily Mail does have its finger on the pulse they dont bury their head in the sand and make out these things are not happening.

This is a global problem and even Europe has admitted opening the borders was wrong.

The idea they do all the work that British people wont do is rubbish,they refuse the work because they the wages are too low,immigrants take work because they have wives drawing benifits,the rest are illegal, exploited slaves.

But you dont see them digging roads,working down sewers, most other jobs they dont do is because they cannot speak English.There was a time people could not have benifits if they had not paid enough stamps in.widows could not have full pensions if their husbands never had the full amount of stamps,indeed that is still happening to people that were born in the !940s.Now an immigrant can have full benifits,its mockery.

At street level people are resenting this preferential treatment.and impotent goverment,Euro puppets.

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The proposal is to take into account the size of accommodation in relation to the size of the household when assessing Housing Benefit claims, so it will affect existing tenants who rely on benefits. This is being introduced under the guise of freeing up under-occupied accommodation for families that need it - and those families will be offered the properties at new, non-secure tenancies at up to 80% of the local market rent. At the same time, the Government proposes to cap the maximum amount of Housing Benefit payable. All of this has worrying consequences for social tenants in areas where rents are high, whether they are working or claiming benefits. I have read a fair amount on the new proposals, written by people from a whole range of political perspectives but funnily enough none of them links the proposals to 'mass immigration' so I wonder where this 'fact' comes from?

As for people that cheat the social housing/welfare and benefit systems, they come from all sorts of backgrounds and some of them are even 'people have lived in their homes most of their lives'...

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Tarot Wrote:


> The condems are planning to turf out single

> tenants who have one more room than they need,and

> if they dont move will lose up to fifteen % of

> their housing benifit from April 2013.

Excellent. Benefits should help you through a bad patch. Why should one person be able to bounce around a 4 bed house on their own when some poor family is shoved in B&B accommodation?

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