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When did everyone move their 'babies' to toddler beds? How did it go?

I still feel that Cheeky S is too small, and too cheeky, to be moved to a toddler bed (I suspect he will shimmy off and scream whilst throwing himself againt his stairgate/play with his toys all evening). I also suspect it will result in weeks of crap nights, in which Muggin's will be doing the re-settling. Hmph.

My husband thinks this is A Brilliant Idea, and I think this stems from not wanting to buy another cot, only for us to have to get rid of it in due course (say, 4-6 months) when Cheeky S IS actually ready for a bed rather than a cot. I asked whether it might be an idea to get a cot that converts into a bed, and put him in that so the smaller cot (the one he's in now...) can be used for the new baby, but apparently this was not acceptable to His Majesty.

Mr B seems very very keen on getting him out of his cot and into a bed before the next baby arrives (in 7-10 weeks...). I am less keen; can you tell?

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Ruth_Baldock Wrote:


> I asked whether

> it might be an idea to get a cot that converts

> into a bed, and put him in that so the smaller cot

> (the one he's in now...) can be used for the new

> baby...

That's what I would do. Or, alternatively, get a baby hammock for the New Arrival. Your newborn can be in the baby hammock from birth to 6-12 months, depending on how quickly Baby grows. We had an Amby Hammock (Nature's Nest). The Amby had a small footprint, was light and easy to move, and much nicer than a moses basket, though maybe not as handy as a sidecar cot. The 'Bed Nest' also look interesting, but it wasn't available yet when Little Saff was born.

If you go for the bigboy bed option, be sure to get a bedguard. Little Saff is now so tall, I'm worrying about her tipping out of her cotbed over the rail. We tried taking the side off, but she fell out (onto a pillowed matress on the floor next to her cotbed), and it woke her up. This happened twice and Hubby insisted the rail go back on until we can get a bedguard. My mother also suggested a matress flat on the floor is a good compromise at some point.

Good luck xx

I really love the idea of a babynest, for loads of reasons, but also believe they have a good resale value? I also like this: http://www.johnlewis.com/230878308/Product.aspx (We had a look in JL, it's very very light, yet stable, and would be easy to store. Also bigger than a standard moses basket...)

I am convinced that if S isn't in an enclosed bed-type-thing he'll go mental. Also, we hear him waking between 10pm=midnight and chatting away, playing with his cot toys. He normally drops back off to sleep, but if he could get out of bed then it would be a much bigger problem. It took 6 months to get him into a good enough bedtime routine, and I think he's too young to understand 'It's bedtime, get back into bed'. When he's on a mattress at my MIL's, he gets up and plays in the room, and also, rolls off mattress onto the floor.

Oh gawd.

I would advise keeping S in a cot for as long as he will put up with it (or fit in it!)- especially if new baby is iminent - theres no need to deal with lots of issues concurrently unless entirely necessary. And if he's likely to get out its worth waiting until he's at an age (...he's only about 1.5 isnt he?) when he can be reasoned with a little bit more (or bribed) New baby wont need a proper cot for a while - and when she does, borrow one or get a second hand one to use until S is done with his. (sorry - loaned mine out already)

Cheeky S is LESS than 1.5- still only 16mo- a baby, a mere baby! *wails*.

When we took S to look at beds in John Lewis, he was MOST unimpressed, even with the dinosaur bedding, which made Husband say 'hmm, maybe we should wait'. Yes, yes we should. By the time New Baby is 6-9 months, Seb will be...er...2.5? Ish? I think I'll suggest to my husband that we worry about it then. Also, you're right- so much for such a little person to deal with! New bed, new baby (and all the crying/pooing/constant bf from Mummy) which that entails.

Definately think about the hammock, we had an Amby hammock for my daughter and she loved it and was in it until about 7 months. I saw someone selling one on here the other day for ?50 I think. It was the best thing ever, so portable, could stick hand out of bed and rock without actually really moving (all good obviously!!) but also hardly takes up any space.

As an added bonus the flat head thing really works, my daughters head was a really lovely shape (hmm son in a cot not so much...)

As late as possible!

We had a small gap, 16.5 months, and decided to buy a 2nd cot (cotbed, both kids have the same one) for the baby. A wise decision as we ended up keeping our older boy in it as a cot until he was close to 3, and he is still using it now as a toddler bed at 4 and will continue to do so for at least another year. Daughter has only just had the sides taken off hers, and she will be 3 in a couple of months.

Having watched friends struggle with the transition when their kids were much younger I'm glad we waited - they were both old enough to understand the "rules", and we've never had any problems with them getting up and wandering round at night.

Ruth, I haven't even done it yet! Lily is nearly 10 months older than Seb. She co-slept till 16 months, then cot by our bed until 20 months then into her own room. She has been there in the cot for coming upto 6 months now. Honestly she is so aware and grown up, I don't even think we will have problems with removing the rails yet. She's really turning baby/toddler to little girl already and understanding things a lot, LOT more. When she was 16 months I was still having horrendous sleep problems with her and it took a long time for her to settle down. I couldn't of done it with her then. But now, you know its not harmed her to have her rails on for this amount of time (as if it would, right?) she has become more aware when she is 'against' the rails at night and this in turn means she doesn't fuss and stays relatively centered at night.. Surely she wont fall out when she gets into a big girls bed. But hey, I don't know. I'm yet to try. (BTW- We are in grobags still, they are my saving grace!! My next step, gro - stay on bedding!)

Re toys, we never had that problem as Lily doesn't have toys in the cot only a teddy. When she wakes she cries for us straight away, still. I'd imagine it would be a nightmare him waking up in the night playing with toys, running round his room. Too much stress just before baby etc.

Personally I wouldn't bother, its not something that needs to be rushed. Relax! X

I agree that you should keep him in there for as long as possible and definitely wait until he can discuss why he doesn't get out of bed etc.

I've also heard that you should never do major things 2 months before a baby arrives and 2 months after - ie move to bed, potty train etc. There was a 2 yr gap between mine and we were lucky enough to borrow a cot from a friend that was in her loft awaiting their no.2 - i'm sure if my eldest had heard the baby cry and us get up then he would have been out of his bed in a shot to see what was happening.

Show your husband this thread?

Had similar dilemma but bigger age gap. Currently baby no 2 in bednest next to me - love it love it don't have to get out of bed all night, and little sb in his cotbed still in little room. We've shied away form any room changes too but will have to think about what to do soon. Judging by recent performances there is NO way little sb (aged just 2) would stay put in a bed. Forever may he be imprisoned in a grobag and cot.

Also the amby hammock can be converted to a bouncer with the aid of a different attachment, so even if you only use the bed bit for a few months you'll get a lot of use out of it.

G is now 2 years 8 months and still in his cot. He has very recently been saying thatvhe wants to sleep on the sofa or the big bed instead so is probably time to either take the sides off or order a toddler bed!

Ha I'm with you on this one snowboarder! E was 2 in Feb and still in cot and grobag. Am convinced that given half a chance she could climb out as she can get out of grobag so we have to respond to her as soon as she wakes in the morning but would rather do that than change to a bed. Baby 2 due in October though and can't decide whether to change things before then, like Ruth can't bear the thought of constant putting back to bed/resettling when things have been so good *touches wood*. E was quite a small baby but out of moses basket at 12ish weeks due to rolling over/thrashing around so we may need E's cot sooner than we think. Trying to persuade OH that we NEED a bednest but he's not keen...
Like others, daughter (nearly 2.5) still in cotbed with sides and grobag and we're planning on keeping her like that for as long as possible (until 3 I should think). She's a very big 2.5 year old and I think she'll be in the cotbed without sides until she's at least 5, there's still loads of room. Second hand cotbed for S I'd say when the time comes to move new baby from whatever contraption (amby, Moses, sidecot) you choose.

Hmm I'm pondering this and potty training at the moment - currently looks like we're exactly on course to do both at worst possible time i.e. shortly before/after baby arrives, simply because J seems like he will be ready for both quite soon. Like the idea of perhaps buying a cotbed for the older child to prolong their time in a contained bed, but then wonder if that's ultimately an unecessary expense, suppose a second hand/ikea type cot for second child might be a more economical way.

I'd say with Seb you still have plenty time to wait till baby ready for a cot, sounds like waiting till nearly 3 is an excellent idea, I do esp worry (with J) about him getting up to go and 'visit' the new baby!

Bit of a different situation for us due to cosleeping / no cots but introduced their own beds not till age 4 for child no 1 and imminent now at just 3 for twins - old enough for sticker charts to encourage cooperation

Under age of 2 I am of the ' make it inaccessible ' school for things like safety, staying in bed, not dragging out CDs from cupboard

Don't change a thing Ruth! You really don't need the stress with a new baby on the way, nor does little S. I read in lots of places not to make any changes 3 months before and at least 3 months after a new baby. Not sure how practical that always is but its to give enough time for the current bubba to not feel unsettled. Also, I've spoken to tons of people who have all regretted moving their toddlers into a bed too early and have had months and months of them being up and all over the place. Last thing you all need while everyone is adjusting to the new family dynamics. My little girl is 2.5 and she's staying put in her cotbed for as long as she a)fits and b) doesn't climb out of it. She's also still in a sleeping bag. If it ain't broke don't fix it! xx PS transition from cot to cotbed is not even noticeable and then baby can have the cot once out of moses, hammock, whatever.

Thanks to all that posted! I managed to prove to my husband that I was, as usual, right by:

1) Showing him this thread and

2) Making him try to calm Seb down and get him to go to bed/sit nicely without my assistance. He then agreed that Seb should be kept in a cot until sixth form.

We're going to invest in a babynest, second hand probably, and then when Baby is old enough for a cot, buy a one of those toddler cot/bed thingies that converts, so that if Seb STILL isn't ready for a bed (i.e. still a total and utter mentalist), we're okay. Poor, because of all the money thrown at this, but okay.

This means I get to go to John Lewis and do more shopping for baby things. This is excellent.

As a hilarious aside, when I mentioned the three-month rule for change in a toddler's life around the time their sibling rocks up, I told my husband that I'd read about it on here. His response? "Do you literally do everything the internet tells you to???" WELL, OBVIOUSLY! We don't have a magic 8 ball anymore, what else am I meant to do?!?!

Speaking as 'the Internet', I have just let out a very attractive snorty laugh reading this:-

Ruth_Baldock Wrote:


> 2) Making him try to calm Seb down and get him to

> go to bed/sit nicely without my assistance. He

> then agreed that Seb should be kept in a cot until

> sixth form.

I believe it involved a post-bath, naked toddler, running around the top floor of our flat demanding ceebeebies and milk and biscuits and then shouting 'NNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOO! NOOOOOO DAAADAAAA!!!'. I also believe it took my husband well over 10 minutes to wrestle the child into his babygro/gro-bag. And even then, my son had to remind him to put his mobile on before he left ('Dadaaaa! this! do this!' with vigorous pointing)

I was downstairs scoffing Haribo and watching 'Don't Tell The Bride' on the tellybox. Smug.

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