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14A (Basement) Crystal Palace Rd noise nuisance

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Anyone heard the epic soundsystem partys coming from this basement flat / garden ? Towards Goose Green end of CPR. Suprised they havent had the police round. Seemed to spill out onto Crystal Palace Rd afterwards and the road looked like a tip this morning. Second time in a week.

Such a lack of respect and not fair on kids trying to sleep.

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Tend to agree with the Medic.

If they're playing loud music repeatedly in the wee hours they already know they're pissing people off, and they don't care.

Show up at the door and you just identify yourself as a target.

Keep a diary and keep contacting noise prevention squad. The only way you'll get the coppers round is if there's a breach of the peace. Best way to create a breach of the peace is have the noise prevention squad visit three times and then try and take their stereo.

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I really sypathise with you MrLoxley, we had the same problem when we lived in Streatham. Extremely loud parties that would always involve a professional sound system, an MC, doormen, even promotional flyers. People would spill out onto the street afterwards and the music was so loud it was like being in a club. Also for a woman very intimidating and even if I was a guy they were not the kind of people to 'respect' me for going round to have a word.

The police weren't interested unless I'd seen a gun, knife, drugs or serious violence. The environmental health were going to come round our house to make a report (we lived next door!) The first time we thought it was a one off but when it happened again, I tracked down the organisers from the numbers on one of the flyers - turns out an estate agent had been using empty properties to hold club night after parties in!! By the time neighbours complained he'd move on to the next one. Slick operation I'll give them that. Anyway, I can't really offer you any advice, but good luck!

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If you are scared, don't approach. If it is a real problem for you, here's my advice:

Southwark Noise team will try and fob you off. Get more neighbours to complain with you, keep a noise diary and call them to come out whenever it happens. Anything before 11pm they won't respond to, anything after that does count.

Noise team will also say they need to be in your property to assess noise levels, they don't but go along with it unless it makes you a target or they'll refuse to help at all. Defra issued guidelines in 2005 that gave councils very strong powers but Southwark quote their own policy, which directly contradicts Defra's and actually makes getting Southwark to act very difficult. They stood in my home and said "right kind of noise, wrong time of day" then it was the "right time of day but the wrong kind of noise". A few times they said they'd been and sent me a letter saying they tried to access the property and no one was home but we were home all the time. In the end they caused us more stress and upset than the original noise makers. I know other people who have suffered similarly. I had them on speed dial on my phone at one point, they were useless.

Get support from your neighbours and hit the council en masse, much harder for them to manoeuvre out of helping you that way and they will do all they can not to act so be persistent. I speak from bitter experience. Get your local councillor involved too. The council don't like being shown up.

They really are very bad, we had to take our own action in a magistrate's court under Section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act in the end, we won a noise abatement order. According to the judge it was an open and shut case but for four years, Southwark council did nothing but make excuses.

One day I'll write about them properly, right now I'm still recovering from the trauma of it all. They have a lot to answer for.

Good luck

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Have you made a formal complaint to Southwark's CEO? If not you must, you should take this up with Eric Pickles MP in his capacity as Secretary of State for Local Government as well. Should the CEO prove unhelpful complain to the Ombudsman.

You might like to consider taking legal action against Southwark for breach of statutory duty under the relevant powers and also for breaching its duty of care to you.

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Manda - that sounds like an absolute nightmare.

I agree Mr Loxley ought to start keeping a record and taking action, preferably with neighbours. Approaching them is unlikely to solve anything and frankly he shouldn't have to if they're an intimidating bunch.

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Sorry I just re read your original post and you said it spilled out onto the road so no wonder you don't want to confront them.

nunheadbelle I'd love to see if you felt the same if it was your neighbours. I very much doubt it. It's out of order no matter what time of year it is. You want to have a big party go to a pub or bar. It just shows a selfish, self centred, thoughtless, and arrogant attitude to throw parties like this.

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zeban Wrote:


> Sorry I just re read your original post and you

> said it spilled out onto the road so no wonder you

> don't want to confront them.


> nunheadbelle I'd love to see if you felt the same

> if it was your neighbours. I very much doubt it.

> It's out of order no matter what time of year it

> is. You want to have a big party go to a pub or

> bar. It just shows a selfish, self centred,

> thoughtless, and arrogant attitude to throw

> parties like this.

Actually, the pub I mentioned had some sort of event (re-opening/Easter party/whatever) over the past couple of days and the noise was very loud, but I just thought that as long a it wasn't going to be a regular occurrence just let them be.

It's normally a very quiet area so I'll be taking note and if it does happen all the time, then I'll complain to the pub and if necessary, to the Council.

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I had a problem with noise this weekend - a young guy a few doors down had a party on Saturday night (not a huge problem) but it was just so damn loud! I phoned the noise team, who said they would be there within 45 mins; an hour later noone had called so I called back - it would take a couple more hours for them to arrive (so, by about 4am) so I just cancelled the complaint.

I know from past experience in Clapham that noise can have an awful effect on your life, and that, because they have already chosen to act in a highly antisocial manner, many noisy neighbours won't care if you try to reason with them. My advice is to complain to the council whenever it happens, don't be afraid to escalate it to the appropriate noise officer (rather than just the nigh team) and, if necessary, get in touch with your councillor.

If you've never been affected by this, it can be really difficult to understand just how disruptive it is - Manda has my utmost sympathy.

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A pub will however be subject to it's license and noise pollution considerations often form part of the license.

I had problems with noisy neighbours for three years about a decade ago. Both with music and rows. The music was so loud that my windows rattled in their frames for example. It was a miserable. My then housing officer eventually dealt with them and they were evicted under anti-social behaviour legislation.

It seems half the battle is in getting the council to take the complaint seriously but once they are involved they do have a range of powers.

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Thanks everyone,

Amelie, I will do that. Thanks especially.

We used Noise Direct, who kept us sane and guided us through the legal process, they were a god-send. They said we could take Southwark Council to court for neglecting their duty of care and/or the noise-maker. We only had the energy for one battle, so we opted for the latter.

Here's their website: http://www.noisedirect.co.uk/


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MrLoxley Wrote:


> LadyD - I'll just head over to your place with a

> sub bass dancehall sound system until 3am every

> Sat placed next to your child's room (if you have

> one) and then dump a garbage can on your front

> lawn. Maybe then we can have this conversation

> again.

I live extremely close to 14a, this happens once a year for the nice lady birthday, not every weekend!!

I have in the past knock on her door asking to turn the music down and she has been very accommodating.

The music was not on until 3am, the music stopped at 11.30pm, as it does every year. If you are going to post messages on here, please be honest.

You also mention, the music disturbs your child who?s bedroom is next door. There are no children living either side on 14a

I will mention this post to 14a, hopefully she will reply too.

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