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Goodrich School in Daily Mail

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I never said that did I? I agreed with *bob*'s initial post, that both sides have been silly, and the whole thing is a complete and utter nonsense, blown out of all proportion. I was just talking about one particular post, and you chose to put words in to my mouth.
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Dulwich_ Park_ Fairy Wrote:


> As for what Murphy said, I don't think s/he was

> saying that this issue shouldn't be discussed on

> here, but rather, that it was wrong to attack a

> person's professionalism, or personality on here.

> If that is what Murphy meant, then I couldn't

> agree more.


> The governor involved seems to be fair game

> though, eh Otta?

Exactly, it is the public attack on the head's professional capabilities to do their job that is out of order. The head has no real right of reply does she?

If the head was not happy with the way a parent at Goodrich was bringing up their child she wouldn't come on the EDF and exercise her democratic right to name the parent and castigate their child rearing capabilities and then justify it by saying it was, to use your words, an assessment that she was well within her rights to make.

Goodrich parents should get off the forum and go through the correct channels if they want to complain about an individual's perfomance. If you had to say anything on the EDF why not just say "some parents are unhappy with some aspects of the school and are taking the matter up with governors and the LEA" instead of a vindictive and unqualified assassination of the headteacher's ability to do her job.

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I would have thought the quality of leadership and management of a local primary school is exactly the sort of issue that should be discussed on a forum like this. Public criticism (or indeed praise) is part of the job if you are a headteacher.

I am aware that there are real concerns amongst parents of children at Goodrich about the school's performance and that must inevitably reflect on the headteacher. It is disappointing those genuine concerns have been hijacked by discussions about race. I cannot believe anyone who took time to think about it could honestly believe that there was any real likelihood the poster was intended as a racist attack. I do not know the governor in question but it seems unfeasible to me that - even if he was a racist - he would have decided to announce this to the world at large on a poster advertising a meeting of parents and governors - and at a school with such a mixed racial catchment.

Whether you like it or not, the response of the headteacher demonstrated poor judgment - and she should have anticipated that reporting the governor to the police would expose the school to unwelcome attention. The Daily Mail would not have had a story if any concerns she had about the poster had been dealt with internally.

It is also worth remembering that being a school governor is a unpaid role involving a certain amount of personal sacrifice. This fiasco may well put people off taking it on.

I also think that people should remember when posting on this forum that you may unwittingly be the source for newspaper stories - I am sure plenty of journalists check the topics on a forum like this for story ideas.

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Whatever the cases on either side of the debate...the last thing we need is to drive past one of our communities schools and see that someone has spray painted the words 'b**** c***' on the school wall, as was the case this morning!

The management did a great job getting it removed before parents AND children had to pass it before entering the school.

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As the whole world and his dog is now picking over the bones of this story it was interesting to see the Fortean Times board commenting (quite perceptively IMHO) on the case in a thread labelled WTF - not yet on the BNP site but it can only be a matter of time. If there wasn't a lynch mob at the start of this story there is now. Scroll down for the start of the ED discussion.

Fortean Times Forum thread

BTW a Freedom of Information request can be used to get the minutes/ background to the council decisions if it's that important at no cost to the respondent.

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well the story went into the Evening Standard last night. The bottom line is that any teacher or head is in (an albeit small) public spotlight and can't expect to escape media attention if warranted. I also think it's totally appropriate to discuss a local issue on a local forum, and thought the original thread shouldn't have been removed either. It's also outrageous that meeting minutes would be suppressed. Anyone posting on an online forum should be prepared for their comments to migrate elsewhere, whether onto another board or into the media.
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Everything else aside. There is a shortage of primary school.heads, esp in London. Not many people are capable of such a demanding job and many highly capable teachers choose quality of life over leadership. I do worry that it may become difficult to recrut heads ed.

Edited to clarify that I was trying to point out that it is a demanding job requiring a rare range of skills, not that heads were rubbish.

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You make a valid point Toast, a number of these heads arent up to the job in hand, and have in all likelihood been pushed into these positions when they are not up to the task in hand, just because there are few others who will fill them.?
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So would it be fair to say that as she is obviously out of her depth and finding it very difficult to perform, and under scrutiny from the parenst and governing board, that perhaps the pressure is a little to much for her, and the atural reaction would be to go into defence mode, where she thinks everyone is attacking her. And because of this train of thought it might of been quite easy for her to think that she was under attack because of her colour, not neccessarily her performance.
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Hi traveller1,

You've suggested I've linked SATs with secondary school admissions.

Where have I done this?

My concern is a debate by anonymous people on this thread about a named head teacher.

Apart from the unfairness of this it also makes other heads in the area nervous and concerned about whether working in our community is such a good idea for them.

If anyone has issues with any local East Dulwich school that you've not been able to resolve with the scholl then please do get in touch with a one of your local councillors.

As it happen I've visiting ED Harris Boys school, Goodrich and hopefully Kingsdale on Monday 9 May - so a perfect opportuntiy to take up any concerns.

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My concern is a debate by anonymous people on this thread about a named head teacher.

Apart from the unfairness of this it also makes other heads in the area nervous and concerned about whether working in our community is such a good idea for them.

James I don't understand how you consider this to be a valid statement, when this debate is a result of a head teacher reporting someone to the police. If that hadn't occured there wouldn't have been a newspaper story and no thread on here.

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Mmmm funny how the words words 'b**** c***' being spray painted on the school wall hasn't shocked many people on this forum!!! Is racism more subtle and covert these days? Wonder whether this will be reported in the Daily Mail as a follow-up story?
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aprayerforowenmeany Wrote:


> Because these are brickbats hurled by people who

> can duck back down behind pen names. I wonder how

> many other parents (like me) who have children

> starting at Goodrich in September are looking on

> in utter disbelief.

It is not just new starters that are looking on in disbelief. I have 2 children at the school and I feel really sad about this whole situation. This is something that happened back before the Feb half term and now the Daily Mail have dragged it up. Many, many parents were sad about the old thread in the family room and now feel even worse about this one and the Mail/ Standard article. Plus the additional racist websites (as it bound to happen with a Mail article) that have latched onto it.

Please do not feel all parents at Goodrich speak badly about the school and speak in the ways this thread is suggesting. We don't. The school is not perfect and I would like some things to change. Where is perfect though? I am sure even the private schools have their issues too.

My children really like the school - I think that speaks volumes. There are also plenty of ways to get involved with the school through the PTA- this is separate from the governors (I think they were mixed up in one of the postings on this thread earlier).

I am not going to get involved with the argument/ discussion that is going on here but i just wanted to try and put your mind at rest a little. This whole thing is making the school look ridiculous.


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I think both the head and the governor should, for the good of the school, stand down. Their actions of both of them, inadvertently or otherwise, have brought the school into disrepute. Neither can retain their position. A fresh start is needed.
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For goodness sake, James. I now really regret voting Lib Dem. As you know, headteachers are extremely well paid and there are no violence/discipline problems at the school as per the Ofsted report (apart from people reading a tiny bit too much into school posters). There are many worse schools out there and many heads would like their biggest problem to be pushy parents.I am sure that should the position become vacant, we'll have lots of applicants. All we're asking is for results to go up and not down. And no I don't care about value added. I am talking about the cold , hard facts: percentage of pupils achievieving level 4 in maths, English and science.
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Monkey Wrote:


> For goodness sake, James. I now really regret

> voting Lib Dem. As you know, headteachers are

> extremely well paid and there are no

> violence/discipline problems at the school as per

> the Ofsted report (apart from people reading a

> tiny bit too much into school posters). There are

> many worse schools out there and many heads would

> like their biggest problem to be pushy parents.I

> am sure that should the position become vacant,

> we'll have lots of applicants. All we're asking is

> for results to go up and not down. And no I don't

> care about value added. I am talking about the

> cold , hard facts: percentage of pupils

> achievieving level 4 in maths, English and

> science.

Honestly, most educators I know would be much happier taking "complex" students and social issues than pushy parents. I've never seen anything like this, it's just so ugly. If you think well educated adults will be lining up to take on this position, you are breathing rarified air. Any sane teacher will think twice as well, I should think. Who needs this? Honestly, if you read these threads and knew you were the next thread, would you sign up? Fat chance! The school will suffer, the children will suffer, the community will suffer. Can you imagine what anyone would think if they google ED as a potential place to move to and this comes up?

Frankly, every time I feel sad to have left I read a thread on this poor school and feel like I've dodged a bullet. It's absolutely shocking.

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'Honestly, most educators I know would be much happier taking "complex" students and social issues than pushy parents.'

I agree HH.

Most heads are highly able people who could be earning a great deal more elsewhere, I know this particular issue is complex but if heads in general become fair game its our kids who will suffer as teachers and heads may think its just not worth it.

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