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Goodrich School in Daily Mail

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helena handbasket Wrote:


> Monkey Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > For goodness sake, James. I now really regret

> > voting Lib Dem. As you know, headteachers are

> > extremely well paid and there are no

> > violence/discipline problems at the school as

> per

> > the Ofsted report (apart from people reading a

> > tiny bit too much into school posters). There

> are

> > many worse schools out there and many heads

> would

> > like their biggest problem to be pushy

> parents.I

> > am sure that should the position become vacant,

> > we'll have lots of applicants. All we're asking

> is

> > for results to go up and not down. And no I

> don't

> > care about value added. I am talking about the

> > cold , hard facts: percentage of pupils

> > achievieving level 4 in maths, English and

> > science.



> Honestly, most educators I know would be much

> happier taking "complex" students and social

> issues than pushy parents. I've never seen

> anything like this, it's just so ugly. If you

> think well educated adults will be lining up to

> take on this position, you are breathing rarified

> air. Any sane teacher will think twice as well, I

> should think. Who needs this? Honestly, if you

> read these threads and knew you were the next

> thread, would you sign up? Fat chance! The

> school will suffer, the children will suffer, the

> community will suffer. Can you imagine what

> anyone would think if they google ED as a

> potential place to move to and this comes up?


> Frankly, every time I feel sad to have left I read

> a thread on this poor school and feel like I've

> dodged a bullet. It's absolutely shocking.

No bullet to dodge if you do not call the police unecessarily on a governor who's giving his time to the school. Lots of gratitude to be gained if you do a good job.

For the teachers who want "complex" students, there are lots of jobs available in more deprived areas than ED. My friend who had a ruler stuck down her pants in full view of all her pupils would much rather deal with pushy parents. And I actually think that a large majority of parents in ED are committed rather than pushy.

I am sure lots of headteachers are highly able but saying they would be earning much more elsewhere is debatable. They do make A LOT of money. They certainly would not get the same amount of time off, that's for sure.

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You may be right, probably not but it doesn't matter any more because the battle is lost. The school community has been broken and whatever you say about the head is neither here nor there at this point....... it certainly is not as easy as getting rid of her and finding a replacement. Educators aren't stupid, there's lots of "pillow talk" and I suggest that if you think this head makes too much money, wait until they have to find a way to lure the next one. Value added, as they say, goes both ways. Plus, even once she's gone there are clearly lines drawn between parents/governors/forumites. How are you going to fix that? By being right? Let's see where that gets you; so far it's not working.

You need to heal this school community and stop pointing fingers.

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so i think i'll sum the whole thing up. there's two main players. A headteacher - who is liked by some; disliked by others. A parent governor - who is liked by some; disliked by others. There's nothing left to say. Let's drop it.
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on reflection, I think Alice has summed it up. Two people have locked horns and never mind everyone else.

I think the rest of the school - teachers, parents, pta and all the other key players in a school community are going to have to cut these two loose and get on with what they have all been doing - educating all their children in a fab local school.

only the one glass tonight......

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So, like me, you want the best for your child?s education at Goodrich: You got together with some other parents who have a few misgivings about the Headteacher, attended a couple of meetings and voiced some of those worries. You felt there was a groundswell of opinion so you were emboldened. On a thread on the East Dulwich Forum one or two of you chipped in with further gripes that caused anxiety in the school community (and it got unpleasant enough for Admin to pull the thread). Now the story goes national and on this thread some of you fan the flames further.

Anyone reading this thread might think there is trouble at Goodrich. Some might be disinclined to put Goodrich as one of their choices next year. Thanks for contributing to the destabilisation of our school.

Just to put new and prospective parent?s minds at ease, most of the parents I meet are happy with the education and care their children receive, as am I. There is no serious trouble at Goodrich. Read again the Ofsted information that Alice posted on page 2 of this thread.

In 2005, under the previous headteacher, Ofsted said ?Goodrich School provides satisfactory quality of education with many good features, but some important weaknesses.? It also said ?Leadership and management are unsatisfactory overall.?

In 2008, under the current headteacher, Ofsted graded Goodrich Satisfactory. It said, ?This satisfactory school is moving in the right direction under the clear direction of the new headteacher.? It also said ?Leadership and management are satisfactory and steadily improving.?

In 2009, under the current headteacher, an Ofsted monitoring visit stated 'The strong and decisive leadership team has demonstrated its commitment to improving the school.?

In the autumn the school will have it's next Ofsted. I trust all parents join together to support the headteacher and her management team in the run up to it.

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ive had kids in this school for the past 20 years, i like many others feel the previous headmaster was alot better then the current one, she walks around the playground in outfits that should only be seen on a weekend night out not in school grounds!!! she has obv took this whole poster out of proportion and i like many others think she stand down so Goodrich can get back to being a good school!!!! bring back mr Coleman and mrs donneley i say
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> Anyone reading this thread might think there is

> trouble at Goodrich. Some might be disinclined to

> put Goodrich as one of their choices next year.

> Thanks for contributing to the destabilisation of

> our school.

What? Now you are blaming those reading this train wreck for the problems at Goodrich? I have no idea what is going on there, but public battles leave no one to blame but yourselves. Maybe it's time for a bit of introspection.

I have a feeling this thread does not represent most of the school or it's parents. But there is a lot more than a paranoid headmistress going on here.

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I have read your posts on whether this is a race issue or not and have decided that as much as you all try to create some kind of scenario, regarding the Head at Goodrich and make excuses for Moyles, the fact remains that subtle racism did play a part in this whole sorry saga. I just wish one of you would admit it.

London is very multicultural and most people like it for that reason. London is going to have black Head teachers. As a black woman I do not want to live in a area of one race. A mix of people, cultures, foods and smells is for me, wonderful. Though one of the most multicultural cities in the world, the chasm between black and white is disgustingly enormous. I love to watch people's body language and I find some white people who live in this area to be very stand offish, seemingly superior, indifferent and sometimes incredibly rude. I am not saying black people are not the same, but I always try to create some harmony with everyone I have connection with.

In Dulwich Park, I have been in the play park and watched with great interest how a white middle class mother of a mixed race child, will avoid a black parent with a black child like the plague - not even eye contact. I have spoken to other friends about this and they too, have experienced this odd behaviour. The saddest thing is that these women, though married or with a black partner obviously, secretly struggle with their child's heritage, not appreciating that they will be seen as black by black and especially by white people as they grow up. Hence, we end up with screwed up mixed race children because their white parent chose to ignore their black side.

I have lived in this area for a long time and have many long term, white, middle class friends who are all university educated and they at times, have astounded me with their 'outbursts' of totally unprovoked racism. Interestingly, none of them have any other black friends - only the odd one because he/she is married to a white middle class partner.

Some examples:-

Once talking to a friend re the teen mugging that goes on in London, she actually said that if her son was ever mugged by a black group of boys, she'd be so upset she'd have to reconsider our friendship. Now how can I be blamed for the actions of black perpetrators, that I do not even know?

I had another white friend who said she felt guilty for making her daugther half black.

A white teacher friend of mine, in London says that white middle class parents, at her state run nursery, always seem to feel 'safe' saying racist things to her.

I have a white friend who though married to a middle class man, has affairs with black men and had the sheer audacity to say, if she got pregnant by a black man, she would not abort the child but put it up for adoption - hence adding to the large amount of mixed race children living in children's homes already.

I have a married friend who is a science teacher (head of her dept)in a secondary school and she described a new boy in her class as being 'black as the ace of spades'. Her husband just happens to be black and they have a mixed race son aged 5 who is the same colour as me. I am a light skinned black woman (two black parents), but she makes no bones about saying that she sees me as mixed race not black. She is obviously having problems accepting her son is mixed race and is as dark as me.

Another friend of mine with two mixed race children and one black grandaughter, told me some time ago, she voted BNP to keep the Polish out. She died of cancer recently.

Mrs. Patterson, I am sure is not perfect, but who is? She has been subjected to an awful time, even having 'Black C....t' written on the school wall and yet only one person during this thread has mentioned it. Maybe some of you think she deserved that? Imagine your livelihood going down the pan, overnight due to another race wanting to set the bar and deface your character at the same time. My aspiratons for my children are high but worry constantly with whats happening at this school in 2011. I also think racism and intolerance is getting worse. You care for your children, so do we, believe it or not.

To end, I do realise that the feelings most of you have cannot be helped. Most importantly you cannot ever imagine what it is like to be black, so some of your comments unfounded. The Head needs a little compassion because she is being crucified in such a way, I do not know if she will ever recover. Moyles will though.

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Citizen Ed thanks for the Ofsted reports which everyone keeps ignoring...wonder why!!!!!

Please forgive me for speaking out of turn oh greater than thou, voices of all parents at Goodrich school!!!, but this has definitely gone a tad too far now and getting a bit dangerous.

All we "lowly, ordinary" parents want for our kids is a good education in a stress free environment for them, that will turn them into decent human beings!.

The school is reflected in the Ofsted reports, and it's SAT results are in the top quartile of value added for the country, but most seem to be avoiding these facts. Are they bad reports!!!

Because a few parents do not like the head, it seems they feel they have the right to speak for the rest of us!

Whatever Mrs P's reasons for doing what she did, she obviously felt justified, or was she recently released from Morsley...You can never please all the people all the time!

My concerns are for my child's education at this school, and not having them subjected to posters done without due care and attention, and in bad taste, parents seizing the opportunity to dog a woman who is just trying to do her job, against the odds, racial slurs written on walls, and unrest and divide being brought about in innocent children's lives, just to tip the iceberg.

Come on now people, her position in a predominantly white school, in a predominantly white area was never going to be accepted lightly..as much as the masses try to smoke screen that a black head was not the problem..but the higher heads felt she was the right person to bring the school forward...let her do her job!. Where is the evidence that she is not a competent, able head? I do not see it, many other parents do not see it, just the few with an axe to grind, and who are these people!!!

Because some of us just don't want to be involved in this higher than thou brawl, and persecution, some feel they have the right to speak for us all. Well I for one am saying I am more than happy with the head!. I am happy with the school. I am happy with the education my child is receiving..and the facilities that have been provided. But will my child be happy when all this hatred spills over into the playground?. Will their minds be on the education they should be receiving or on the slurs they are hearing in their homes, or the whispers in the playground?

A post mentions Kingsdale school is doing well under a black head..and that Goodrich parents are sending their kids there in droves as if to reiterate it's not a black thing...hmmm, where the minority is not of coloured people!, and she is being allowed to do her job, with the utmost support from staff, and without personal attacks on her character being the main point of topic.

Some posts have had dealings on a personal level with Mrs P...you do not like her for whatever reasons!...I have had personal dealings with her, and she facilitated me and brought about a solution to my grievance professionally and fairly..we all have our own opinions of her as a person!...but I do not see evidence of how the school is failing, just of personal indifference to what you are not used to......

Thanks Tony rabbit for interesting reading, and what a great shame that this experiment cannot be made mandatory in this instance [www.uiowa.edu] then maybe a better insight would be had by some

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The pushy middle class parents I experienced at Goodrich were not being pushy about the education of all the children, they expected their children to be given VIP treatment because they had the time to spend all day at the school.

The ones I was aware of were usually mothers whose husbands earned enough that they didn't need to work and fathers who worked from home. It was a little clique that I didn't have the time or inclination to join as I was a single parent, working full-time to support my kids but I'm glad Mrs Patterson refused to give the kids of the clique preferential treatment over the kids of hard working single parents like me.

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Hear, Hear Lady Delilah!

I know for a fact that these middle-class parents put the Head under a lot of pressure to segregate classes along the lines net-family-income. Apparently some pupils were to concentrate on learning how to play bridge, to mix the perfect G&T, and solve the Telegraph Cryptic Crossword, whilst others were to focus on changing car tyres, scanning grocery items, and mixing the perfect G&T. Luckily sense prevailed.

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Apparently the clique mentioned by Lady Deliah are planning a coup at Goodrich! The new We speak for all of us regime is so damned middle class and self satisfied that they reckon they can run the school in all that spare time they have. Once they've taken over they will banish all lower income single parent families to the back garden of the Harvester.

(edited for brevity)

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I was suggesting that by airing grievences on a public forum people are creating a negative (though not necessarily accurate) picture of the school. I think the best way to ensure future continued success for the school is to support it, not destabilise it. On a thread a few weeks ago, when a mother of a child who had been given a place for next Sept asked about people's opinions of the school, the response was wholly positive.

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I can't believe that this article has caused such a fuss. In fact I'm surprised that anyone noticed this article. The Daily Mail is a right wing rag written for 50- and 60-something women who tut and disapprove. I didn't think 'fashionable' ED was so full of that type of person. Or that it was so full of people who were likely to believe the rubbish the Daily Mail publishes.

For those of us who aren't older women who tut and disapprove, here's a link you might enjoy:


Remember the absolute nonsense that the Daily Mail stirred up about breastfeeding in the Mind Shop....?

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Loz, mate, the governer and the Head standing down are not equivalent.

One is a small minded opinionated crapster who harrasses other people in his spare time. He stands down, he gets more time to drink Heineken.

The other, it's her job. She stands down she can't feed her kids.

I'm with Citizen. All the evidence is that it's a successful moderately ambitious local school that's been turned over by unimaginative local prejudices.

LadyLibra, I think you overcooked it.

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Huguenot Wrote:


> Loz, mate, the governer and the Head standing down

> are not equivalent.


> One is a small minded opinionated crapster who

> harrasses other people in his spare time. He

> stands down, he gets more time to drink Heineken.


Do you know him well enough to make this statement Huguenot?

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I'd cut him some slack Mick, he made that post at 03:30 and I imagine he was tired and emotional after the celebrations. Did pick up an interesting bit of info at one of the parties that I went to yesterday, that the complaint made by the Headteacher to the police had no racial element to it and was just plain old bog-standard Criminal Harrassment. Shame on so many people here for believing everything they read in the Daily Mail!
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Huguenot Wrote:


> Loz, mate, the governer and the Head standing down

> are not equivalent.

I'm sure they are not, and nor have I argued they are, but both standing down is the only way this school is going to move forward.

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Dulwich_ Park_ Fairy Wrote:


> I'd cut him some slack Mick, he made that post at

> 03:30 and I imagine he was tired and emotional

> after the celebrations. Did pick up an interesting

> bit of info at one of the parties that I went to

> yesterday, that the complaint made by the

> Headteacher to the police had no racial element to

> it and was just plain old bog-standard Criminal

> Harrassment. Shame on so many people here for

> believing everything they read in the Daily Mail!

Huguenot lives in Singapore, our 3.30am isn't his 3.30!

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Yes Zeban ;-)

The point is that the Head didn't parade nasty posters around the school that could be misinterpreted to order.

Now she has to stand down? Ridiculous.

An idiot on the governers made a stupid decision to put up offensive crap, and the Head went through the system to gain redress. You want them both fired?

Absolute rubbish.

Teachers have a terrible existence with twattish parents. Tell them to get lost.

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Sorry, Hugue, but unless there is an underlying substory that I (or probably you) don't know about, there is no way that poster is, on the face of it, offensive - and especially not racially offensive. But we are now in a position where two people's actions are undermining an entire school and there is only one way out - they both must depart.

I agree that teachers get a pretty raw deal in the UK, but from what I've read here there is a massive schism at the school and only an entire overhaul will sooth that wound.

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Sure Loz, but that argument has the moral equivalence of saying 'get rid of racism by deporting black people because they're creating ill feeling'.

Absolutely not. There needs to be a just resolution to this episode, and whether you can see it or not, in my family fortunes quip earlier I pointed out that the are no positive associations for lynch mobs.

White people rarely experience the detrimental effects of persistent racism, but I was (un)lucky enough to experience this in China. The remorseless effects of this can be thoroughly exhausting. It's not one off occasions, it's every second of the day, and every encounter you have with people.

I'm not suggesting that Moyles was racist, I'm just highlighting that within this context and considering the extended attack the Head had been under posting photos of lynch mobs was more that catastrophically insensitive, it was downright offensive.

I understand you can't see it, but I can. You don't fire people on the grounds that somebody has attacked them in what appears to be (from Ofsted) a completely unjustified way.

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You seem to have an inside-track into this story that most other forumites don't have access to. Could you explain to the somewhat baffled Goodrich parents why this poster was not taken down by the school? It was left up for a month, long after the police and LEA were called in, and long after it was ruled as damaging to children. Could this also be construed as negligence?

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