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Rubbish in Dulwich Park

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To all users of the park...

It's clear that on a nice weekend for picnics such as the one we have just had the bins cannot cope and are not being emptied. It seems to me that all waste seems to be very localised to the bins, so I think we can be sure that a people are making an effort to take their waste to the bins, but what can be done when the bins are full?

I am lucky enough to be walking distance from the park and will take my waste home, I hope everyone can do their best to keep the park litter free, whatever that may be.

James B - anything do-able from council end?



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I was in Dulwich Park early Saturday and Peckham Rye Park early today. Both suffering from the combo of full bins from a sunny day and foxes having dragged out the contents all over the place overnight / early morning. I'm sure the parkies have it on their to do list, but it's a shame it can't be done earlier before the mess starts to blow around further.
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Another issue was one of the recyclnig bins had been knocked over - quite a feat as concreted in.so certainly on Saturday lots of plastics near the kids playground.

I've contacted the head of parks to ask what changes have occurred for Dulwich & Peckham Rye Parks to look quite such a pickle at the weekend.

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We were at Goose Green playground this morning and it looked like a cyclone hit it. Rang Southwark and had it logged with the typical 'we'll get to it within 24 hours' response. Also rang the head of GG playground Paula someone (her number was listed as the manager on a sign at the playground) and she said someone was trying to get there. About 20 minutes later, a chap walked through with a broom and dustbin (no binbags), looked at the state of the place and walked off without sweeping. Great response!
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In the same vein, I walked through Camberwell Old Cemetery on my way to work today and came across two groundsmen clearing up after what looked like a small cyclone of rubbish - not just what you'd expect in a cemetery but loads of food waste and plastic bags. They were trying to work out if foxes had got into the large, upright steel, Veolia rubbish containers (including lifting the lids!) or if someone had been in the cemetery after closing.
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it's the usual thing. the first warm sunny weather and all the great unwashed come out & litter everywhere. Brockwell Park was the same.

some of it is down to overflowing bins. much of it is just anti social littering by uneducated trash who's own homes are probably in a similar state.

it will be ok in a week or two, the novelty of first spring warmth will have worn off & they'll be back to watching Trisha & Sky Sports (bank holidays excepted).

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Apparently extra end of the day rubbish collections not planned this year until 1 May as the weather warms up and more light.

The head of parks is seeing if they can be brought forward.

This is general political decision about priorities and resources. General street cleaning has gone to sweeping streets once a month rather than fortnightly.

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Goose Green seems a particular shame, given the recent huge investment in a wonderful new playground.

The snobbish comments are unfair in my view (unless they were intended ironically?). Plenty of people of all sorts using the parks and playgrounds carefully putting their rubbish on top of or even next to overflowing bins, rather than walking a block to an empty one.

James, it's great that you're onthe case and also hurrah for the people who've taken the trouble to report rubbish to Southwark. We can all also help by picking up a few bits of litter on our way home, grim though that can be... euww.

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I have had contact with Senior staff re Dulwich and Peckham Rye Park. This is the first year of the new administration and last year's routine for bin emptying was being adhered to. As we had an exceptionally warm weekend, more people visited parks and local spaces. Later in the year there is an additional late bin emptying and due to the overfilled bins last weekend, this is now being brought forward to cover the Easter weekends.


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I've just been told that Dulwich and Peckham Rye Parks are considered tier 1 parks.

By 10am every day they should have a complete full litter pick.

Then every 3 hours a complete repeat litter pick until 4.30pm. ie total of three complete litter picks.

Clearly the quantity of litter I witnessed in Dulwich Park and others reported in Peckham Rye Park indicate this didn't happen over the weekend.

I'll ask why not.

NB Goose Green is a tier 2 open space and should have full litter pick by 11am and a further complimentary clearnace in the afternoon.

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Given the level of crime round here, I would have thought there are enough young offenders available for litter picking/ minor criminals on a Sunday morning. And if more money is needed, how about flogging off some of those Prius cars that council workers drive around in and instead making them ride a bike?
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Bunny19 - the majority of the litter this morning was around the bins so it seemed like most people had tried to do the right thing in taking the rubbish, in a bag, to the bin only to find it full. I'm assuming they thought it was better to leave it next to the bin rather than take it home which is understandable, if short-sighted.

Did feel sorry for the park wardens this morning since foxes had scatter some of it in a radius around the bins and it did look like more of a chore than an extra bin run last night would be have been; given that there must have been someone there to lock up, didn't it occur to them to use their initiative and go that extra mile last night?

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if their is problems with foxs takeing rubbish out of bins ect, someone should contact RSPCA 2 try an get them 2 stop. now the warmer whether is hear u can accept a lot more animals 2 cause problems be they fox, bagder, wild dog, plover. at the end of the day we live in EB so need to stop it ourselves. maybe more wardens' on patrol is the anser, be they night time or also day'time?
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nice idea m8, but I tried this at the caravan sight. problem is foxs r cunning. intarestingly a lot of fox's now live in towns in the uk, also some live in citys' as well, so r well used 2 climbaring up bins an what' not 2 find food. you are wright in that leaving bags at side is playing in 2 the fox's hands, but at the end of the day, they WILL clime up and get 2 the bag, be it atop the mane bin, or beside it 2. wardens may be what EB needs 2 root out these sevengers. y o y did they ban fox'-hunting?? LOL
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"PRP this morning, the area by the Japanese garden had lots of trees with branches that had clearly been snapped off- large branches. Can only assume its people as cannot think of any wild animal having the strength. What is wrong with them?"

Some anti-socials use lowish branches as a jaw strengthening exercise for their bull terriers. Could this be partly the problem?

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