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Morning forumites,

I'm in real confusion about expressing and also my milk supply and would really appreciate any advice or tips..

my baby is about to turn 7 weeks old and over the last 3 weeks I have expressed a few times with very mixed results. On the occasions I've expressed, there has been an occasion where it took 45 mins to produce 1oz, another where it took 15 mins to produce over 4oz and other times 20 plus mins to produce about 3oz. I know there is nothing predictable about the human body but I don't understand why it is so varied? even the occasion where I produced over 4oz I would not say was that productive as that isn't really a full feed, or only just.

The first couple of times I tried the let down was quick, even though the yield was drastically different each time. The last couple of attempts, the let down has been very slow or hasn't happened so I have given up. The one time I produced a full(ish) bottle was first thing in the morning, as I know is suggested, so I thought that was the key but I tried first thing yesterday and today and again managed to produce 1oz only. It can't be the pump (medela swing) or I wouln't have produced a semi decent amount on that occasion? I'm wondering if my milk supply is dwindling? I'm really keen to be able to express so that there is the option of her dad giving her a bottle but it doesn't seem to be working out that I can, certainly not with any reliability. Does anyone have any tips?

Oh I remember this well! I don't think your milk supply is dwindling, it's just that after b/fing for 7 weeks or so your body has adjusted and is producing roughly how much your baby needs. This is just in my experience, from what I remember, I'm no expert! When your baby has a growth spurt, it takes your body at least a day or two to start producing more milk so whatever you do it'll take time. The only thing I can suggest is to try expressing at roughly the same time every day (and as you say, morning is best). Are you using the little freezer bags you can by for expressing? I used to keep one in the fridge and add to it during the day - for example if baby only fed one side during a feed, I'd express from the other side and keep it in the fridge, then freeze at the end of the day.

That is all completely normal and your milk is just fine. Your baby will always be better at 'milk removal' than a pump, and some women's bodies just don't respond well to a pump. When you read some the baby books, they talk about pump 6 oz here and 8 oz there etc as you were a cow. The reality is that pumping is a learned skill that your body does not necessarily take to naturally. Also your milk letdown is in part dependent on hormones. Your hormones vary with time of day, mood, stress level etc. And at just 7 wks postpartum, it would be pretty normal for your hormones to be all over the place.

There are some things you can try. Not all pumps are created equally. Do you have a single only? You might want to try a double pump, or expressing/nursing on one breast while pumping on the other.

Consider renting a hospital-grade pump for a few weeks. Medela is a good pump, but a hospital-grade pump will be a little bit better. It might be just the extra that you need.

Try an herbal supplement to improve your letdown with the pump. I had one from Motherlove, which I found on the Le Leche League web page. It was from a company called Motherlove:


Acupunture can also help your milk supply and letdown. Giles Davies on Barry Road (07739414210) is a very experienced and sympathetic practitioner, as is Ella Keepax (07787118931) who practices out of Harley Street.

Enjoy your baby, good luck and try not to stress too much about it! xx

Hello sailor- at 7 weeks your milk supply is pretty well established. I think it's the stress of anticipating the pumping that is causing let down to be slow as saffron suggested. It's easier said than done but try to relax, think of or look at your baby. I used to express in the baby's room surrounded by baby smells and things. Can also recommend mothers milk tea from health matters-whether it works or not I couldn't tell you but it has a calming and relaxing effect which is the real goal. I also used a medela double pump which I found really good but you need to be consistent with it and give it a bit of time. Milk supply is highest first thing in the morning as well as 2am.

Good luck sounds like you're doing a fantastic job!

Thanks for the advice, all really useful and I will definitely get some mother's milk tea from the health food shop tomorrow! I feel more relaxed about it as I think you're right - if my milk supply was low then she would not be satisfied after a feed which she seems to be, so is perhaps that I'm not relaxed enough to get a good flow going with the pump - will persevere! thanks again!


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