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fazer71 Wrote:


> monkeylite Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Then you are part of the problem. I have not

> flew

> > in eight years, and have no issues with

> aircraft

> > noise. You on the other hand fly 12 times a

> year!



> Are you serious?



> On your logic if my neighbour get up at 4.30 am

> starts up his loud high performance car revving

> the nuts off it for 20 minutes to warm it up and

> in the process wakes up the whole street before he

> finally departs for work a 5am.

> I AM THE PROBLEM ????? Because I also have a car?



> FFS with neighbours with logic like that we're all

> fvucked....

Yes, very serious. You fly 12 times a year thus contributing to the increased demand. Of course you are part of the problem.

Let me ask you a question, during your 12+ flights a year, have you ever flew out in the morning, or at night, or arrived in another airport in the morning, or at night?

A close friend of mine works night shifts (like many others working in various industries in London) and have to sleep during the day time. He doesn't whinge about day time flights - which appears to be a-okay with you.

My say: aircraft noise in East Dulwich is often unbelievably loud particularly between 4.30 and 6am, especially considering how far from Heathrow we are. In my personal experience, it's as instrusive here as further west eg Oval, Clapham Junction. Of course this is a subjective view. What else could it be?

It's not enough to actually drive me mad (unless my windows are open) but it's the only negative aspect of my life in London which I expect to continue getting progressively worse over the next 10 years, which is a depressing prospect.

As for this being something that I accepted when I moved here, I think that's not quite right. Flights during the day, like trains or buses, are something that normally fade into the background of life. It's not until you're lying there at 4:30am with the window open that the impact becomes clear - i.e. after you've moved in. It's not just one noise every 45 seconds: it's pretty much continual with peaks every 45 seconds. I don't really want to move out of East Dulwich because apart from the flights, I like the area. But yes, I'd like to improve my life if possible. Who doesn't? I'd probably accept more flights during the day if that meant fewer at night / early morning. But I think there is no capacity to increase daytime flights.

Yes moving the airport would be "moving the problem onto other people". There are approximately 3 million people in South London. How many would be adversely impacted by noise in a different location?

Taking the big picture, it seems quite mad to me that slowly over 50 years we have reached a situation where Europe's busiest airport lands about 350,000 flights each year directly over the largest city in Europe.

Well the good news Mikeb is that technology advances mean that newer aircraft such as the A380 are already much quieter than the older long haul planes (like the 747s that will be prevalent at that time of the day) so over time, it should be quieter not noisier than now.

There is some chat on the Heathrow website about it all if you want to look into it.

SplendidLikePeckham Wrote:


> "Why do Jah Lush KidKruger *Bob* El Pibe amongst a

> number of posters on here appear intent at one

> level or other of insisting / telling those of us

> who have become increasingly bothered by the every

> increasing aircraft noise to bury our heads in the

> sand.??????????


> Are they the missing link between us normal Humans

> and Ostrich?


> Do they have some other agenda ?

> Shares in Heathrow associated companies a desire

> to avoid negative topics Re East Dulwich?

> FFS The mind does boggle!"



> This thread has clearly gone a bit ranty, but I

> have to say I too find it very odd that those not

> affected by an issue would take the time and

> effort to even read, let alone then post such

> vociferous comments a) denying the issue's

> existence and b) denegrating those who claim to be

> affected by it ("176 bus overcrowded? RIDICULOUS!

> IF you want to get into the West End MOVE NEARER.



> The noise clearly varies depending on wherabouts

> in the area you live, quality of windows, how

> light a sleeper you are etc - and I am genuinely

> pleased that many aren't affected by it - but to

> attack those who post here saying they are is

> downright peculiar in my opinion.


> The only people I can think of who would go to the

> effort to do so would be a)the incredibly bored

> b)estate agents and/or house owners fearful of the

> effect "East Dulwich/Peckham blighted by

> flightpath" headlines might have on houseprices

> c)shareholders/employees of BAA/British

> Airways/Virgin etc.


> It would be fascinating to know whether those

> descriptions are accurate in this case, but sadly

> we'll never know. Such is the beauty/frustation of

> an internet forum like this.....


> Ho hum

Indeed, OP. Why are they hell bent on stopping our protest? It's more than strange.

Normal people look down the list of topics on the forum, read any threads that interests them then decide whether (or not!) to bother to post a comment.

It takes a real no-lifer to REPEATEDLY return to something that they consider a waste of time. In fact, a psychologist would describe it as OBSESSIVE behavior!

monkeylite Wrote:


> fazer71 Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > monkeylite Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > Then you are part of the problem. I have not

> > flew

> > > in eight years, and have no issues with

> > aircraft

> > > noise. You on the other hand fly 12 times a

> > year!

> >

> >

> > Are you serious?

> >

> >

> > On your logic if my neighbour get up at 4.30 am

> > starts up his loud high performance car revving

> > the nuts off it for 20 minutes to warm it up

> and

> > in the process wakes up the whole street before

> he

> > finally departs for work a 5am.

> > I AM THE PROBLEM ????? Because I also have a

> car?

> >

> >

> > FFS with neighbours with logic like that we're

> all

> > fvucked....


> Yes, very serious. You fly 12 times a year thus

> contributing to the increased demand. Of course

> you are part of the problem.


> Let me ask you a question, during your 12+ flights

> a year, have you ever flew out in the morning, or

> at night, or arrived in another airport in the

> morning, or at night?


> A close friend of mine works night shifts (like

> many others working in various industries in

> London) and have to sleep during the day time. He

> doesn't whinge about day time flights - which

> appears to be a-okay with you.

monkeylite it?s Flown (past participle of fly) not Flew ? 1st time I though it was a typo but 2nd time I guess you weren?t aware, no insult intended.

I have a close friend too, anyone working night shift, unless they are a fool will know there is little possibility of a quiet daytime sleep as 99.9% of the population are awake working and making a lot of noise.

At least night workers have quiet night?s work, unless they?re affected by the 4.30 am flights.

To be clear?.

My issue with the aircraft noise is that it is a NEW phenomenon in ED.

I?ll say this again

?In the 40 years I have lived here I have woken on a Saturday and Sunday morning and when not working (I get up a 4.30 am for work) all other mornings,,

It has been quiet! NO aircraft noise ZERO ZIP NISH NADA?.

I would sit in my garden and it was QUITE! NO aircraft noise ZERO ZIP NISH NADA.

I would walk in Dulwich Park or across Peckham Rye it was QUITE! NO aircraft noise ZERO ZIP NISH NADA.

I guess somewhere else New Cross, Bermondsey or further North other Londoners may have for the last 18 or so months had peaceful QUITE mornings and days?

Exactly where I don?t know and it?s very unlikely those people will be shouting about how quiet it has become over the last 18 + months?. But as we can see in this thread there are some weird people about there may indeed be a forum somewhere with people moaning they can?t sleep because the aircraft noise has disappeared, bizarre but possible.

I can assure you all I am 100% certain I am NOT noticing noise which has been there for the last 40 years.

The aircraft have shifted to a flight path which affects East Dulwich some parts more than others.

I never expected that I would suddenly find myself on the Heathrow flight path but that is exactly what has happened, over the course of 18-24 months I now find myself under the HR Flight Path.

I guess I have a right to bitch and moan about it as it isn?t what I bought into 40 years ago.

It is NEW it has shifted from Others to us in East Dulwich ?.

edit to correct spelling confusion.... soz

fabfor Wrote:


> BTW, Hacan stats for last summer show that there

> were more complaints from Brockley than from all

> other areas combined!

> Strange. I wonder why that is

The 'early morning respite trial' which ran back then temporarily moved air traffic from its traditional path - to a new one which passed over Brockley.

I can't believe some of the arrogant comments i've read here.

My house is under the flight path. Planes stream over constantly with only a few blessed hours of peace. Lucky for you if you can't hear them , but a lot of us do. And i'm not about to up sticks and move to Orkney. I come from round here, and my family and work are here. I also don't see why I should have to wear (ineffective) ear plugs when I'm sat out in my garden!

The problem has got massively worse over the years, and can't be allowed to get worse still.

Air travel should be on the decrease, not the increase (Q dissent from all those new Dulwich types who want their cheap flights to go snowboarding for the weekend, or pop over to NY for some shopping)

why are some people being called "arrogant"?

Why doesn't someone volunteer to hold a BBQ in their flight-path back yard, invite the "arrogant" ones and show them just how bad it is

Either the "arrogant" crew will say "huh, now that IS worse than my gaff, I understand your position a bit more " or they will say "yup, about the same where I live but I hadn't noticed it until you drew my attention to it"

but it'll be progress. And people will get to socialise

fabfor Wrote:


> Puzzled at the "arrogant" comment? Seriously?

> Why not leave this to us little obsessives then?

> You're not helping.... Bye.

Dogs returning to their own shit.

You're pissing in the wind.


Well, I've been following this with interest and the odd comment. This is slightly off topic but I'm looking for advice.

My 8-year old has been waking early for ages, and I just assumed he was an early riser. Don't know why. He said yesterday that its actually usually the planes waking him up early. Don't know why I didn't ask him before. Children usually just accept whatever's happening as the 'norm' so he didn't think to say.

Any tips to help him gratefully received. He's looking permanently shattered at the minute.


Jah Lush Wrote:


> Well fabfor, I only started posting on this thread

> today but I'm concerned that you're concerned

> about something that for me and many others simply

> doesn't exist or aren't affected by and I'm quite

> puzzled as to why you persist in trying get other

> people to sign your silly little petition that

> will come to nothing. If it really does affect you

> and you're obviously such a light sleeper get some

> earmuffs, take some downers to help you sleep or

> move somewhere where you think it won't affect

> you.


Posted by Jah Lush February 17, 11:12PM

fabfor Wrote:


> What's the word for people who get involved in

> matters that, by their own admission, don't

> concern them?

What's the title of this thread?

I shan't be signing your petition and that is my last word on the matter.


Posted by Jah Lush Today, 11:14AM

fabfor Wrote:


> Puzzled at the "arrogant" comment? Seriously?

> Why not leave this to us little obsessives then?

> You're not helping.... Bye.

Dogs returning to their own shit.

You're pissing in the wind.

Looks like the "obsession", in this case, is personal. How much do body guards charge?

hpsaucey Wrote:


> Well, I've been following this with interest and

> the odd comment. This is slightly off topic but

> I'm looking for advice.


> My 8-year old has been waking early for ages, and

> I just assumed he was an early riser. Don't know

> why. He said yesterday that its actually usually

> the planes waking him up early. Don't know why I

> didn't ask him before. Children usually just

> accept whatever's happening as the 'norm' so he

> didn't think to say.


> Any tips to help him gratefully received. He's

> looking permanently shattered at the minute.


> HP

Hi HP, sorry to hear that your 8-year old boy's affected by this.

The only thing I can think of trying is to use soft music near his bedside, not to drown out the aircraft noise but to, hopefully, provide a steady focal point for his mind. It's just a suggestion. Perhaps HACAN Clearskies might have come across this before??

fabfor Wrote:


> hpsaucey Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Well, I've been following this with interest

> and

> > the odd comment. This is slightly off topic but

> > I'm looking for advice.

> >

> > My 8-year old has been waking early for ages,

> and

> > I just assumed he was an early riser. Don't

> know

> > why. He said yesterday that its actually

> usually

> > the planes waking him up early. Don't know why

> I

> > didn't ask him before. Children usually just

> > accept whatever's happening as the 'norm' so he

> > didn't think to say.

> >

> > Any tips to help him gratefully received. He's

> > looking permanently shattered at the minute.

> >

> > HP


> Hi HP, sorry to hear that your 8-year old boy's

> affected by this.

> The only thing I can think of trying is to use

> soft music near his bedside, not to drown out the

> aircraft noise but to, hopefully, provide a steady

> focal point for his mind. It's just a suggestion.

> Perhaps HACAN Clearskies might have come across

> this before??

HI there - good idea. I'll give it a go. He's got an MP3 so might tell him to try and get back to sleep using it...

I'll take a look at HACAN too.



hp - I'm not saying your child isn't woken by planes but it's worth looking into sleep patterns generally



if they are going through a waking early phase, then they hear the planes they may associate the planes with the cause incorrectly

when you say ages - months? weeks? years?

StraferJack Wrote:


> hp - I'm not saying your child isn't woken by

> planes but it's worth looking into sleep patterns

> generally


> eg

> http://theparentingpassageway.com/2011/03/27/norma

> l-stages-in-sleep-for-the-child-ages-4-9/


> if they are going through a waking early phase,

> then they hear the planes they may associate the

> planes with the cause incorrectly


> when you say ages - months? weeks? years?

Thanks I'll take a look.


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