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Last night my 'mid-range' push bike was stolen on Northumberland Avenue. The thief cropped through an armoured chain to get at it. After 3 1/2 years and 15000 miles I was upset to say the least. Around half an hour later on gumtree an ad went up for my bike, a rather general description but it is quite a unique model. On searching the mobile number on google I found four more adds for mid range racers. All rather 'general' and all using 'brochure' rather than real pictures. I have informed the police and hoped (and still hope) for a sting operation. In frustration I called the number only to get an evasive response, that it was his brother's bike and it had been sold. All this fits in with the information from London Cycle Campaign about Gumtree and what the police told me. Compare with e-bay and for the same type of bike on sale there is heaps of information and numerous pictures of the cycle indicating that for my type of model these are genuine ads.

Anyway, pending futher police investigations I will quite happily share the mobile of the person on gumtree on this forum, in the hope that 100s of people would then call or text to ask about the bike. That would p them off, and also indicate that they had been rumbled. Yes it is futile, yes they will change their number, but it will get back at them for a while. The ad was in the public domain so their are no issues of privacy. And I would not suggest any texts would start up with 'dear bike thief'. Views please! Sadly I am not Facebook savvy enough to use this as a means for a campaign.

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Sorry your bike got stolen.

I buy stuff on gumtree quite often and I bought my bike off ebay too so it'd be nice if you could share that person's name so that I (and other people) know that the guy is selling stolen bikes.

Maybe post a link to the ad on here.

I'd give him a call no problem.

Your reaction is understandable.

malumbu Wrote:


> Last night my 'mid-range' push bike was stolen on

> Northumberland Avenue. The thief cropped through

> an armoured chain to get at it. After 3 1/2 years

> and 15000 miles I was upset to say the least.

> Around half an hour later on gumtree an ad went up

> for my bike, a rather general description but it

> is quite a unique model. On searching the mobile

> number on google I found four more adds for mid

> range racers. All rather 'general' and all using

> 'brochure' rather than real pictures. I have

> informed the police and hoped (and still hope) for

> a sting operation. In frustration I called the

> number only to get an evasive response, that it

> was his brother's bike and it had been sold. All

> this fits in with the information from London

> Cycle Campaign about Gumtree and what the police

> told me. Compare with e-bay and for the same type

> of bike on sale there is heaps of information and

> numerous pictures of the cycle indicating that for

> my type of model these are genuine ads.


> Anyway, pending futher police investigations I

> will quite happily share the mobile of the person

> on gumtree on this forum, in the hope that 100s of

> people would then call or text to ask about the

> bike. That would p them off, and also indicate

> that they had been rumbled. Yes it is futile, yes

> they will change their number, but it will get

> back at them for a while. The ad was in the public

> domain so their are no issues of privacy. And I

> would not suggest any texts would start up with

> 'dear bike thief'. Views please! Sadly I am not

> Facebook savvy enough to use this as a means for a

> campaign.


If you wish to retrieve your bike i strongly suggest you don't spook them by having lots of people call them.

Better to arrange to meet as a 'buyer' and steel your bike back.

Do not wait for the police to try to catch they are too slow. I have retrieved several bikes this way.

You must however, carry details of the frame number, receipt etc.

Please don't all go calling the thief, they will simply bin that phone.

As regards Gumtree and bike, one should assume the bike to be stolen if the price is too good to be true.

If the seller cannot provide details of purchase etc then walk away..

^ i only suggest taking proof in case the police do get involved.

When taking the bike back, do not mention it was yours.

Just ask for a test ride and pedal as fast as you can.

Better still take a mate with you. Get them to wait on the other

side of the road and to call the police as soon as you bike appears.

You keep the thief chatting until the police arrive, do not arouse

the thieves suspicions. Show the police proof of ownership, go home proudly on beloved bike :-]

it goes without saying, but do be careful if you do this.

Best of luck

> Around half an hour later on gumtree an ad went up for my bike, a rather general description but it is quite a unique model.

> On searching the mobile number on google I found four more adds for mid range racers. All rather 'general' and all using

> 'brochure' rather than real pictures. I have informed the police and hoped (and still hope) for a sting operation.

I might be wrong, but I can't imagine the police rushing into action (if at all) without a pretty good likelihood of its being your bike, and provably so. To satisfy the first point, I hope you were able to persuade them of the 'quite a unique model' bit, and that that's the one that's being advertised.

Pearson Wrote:


> ^ i only suggest taking proof in case the police

> do get involved.

Yup I thought as much, and I also thought that could be a risk, but then I thought what kind of bike thief that nicks (by the sounds of it) a lot of bikes would draw the attention of the police to themselves? I suppose a particularly savvy thief might register the frame numbers using their own details, but realistically I reckon if the real owner can't prove ownership the thief has no chance...

Liking the idea of bringing the mate along. Just out of curiosity how many bikes have you managed to "retrieve" in this way? :)

Thanks for all the posts. You will see that I did contact the number of the seller, but was told that the bike had "been sold" and "was his brothers". The cops told me that the crims never actually own the bikes, but are always selling them for "a mate or relative".

To answer some of the points:

I am not a vigilante but I would like to give some grief to the thief - and alternatively someone out there may find that I was wrong!

I would clearly stay within the law, but if I draw your attention to some ads on Gumtree then there is of course nothing stopping you from calling and passing the number onto your mates to do similar.

There is a Met Police Cycle Task Force who do sting operations, I hope I have provided them with enough information, even if I don't get my bike back, to do something:



The crims use pay as you go mobiles and no doubt change them very often. Difficult to trace people through Gumtree.

My evdidence is circumstantial, but it is highly likely that this was my bike.

More views please!

This is taken from www.lfgss.com

So, what to do:

Before a potential theft:

* Consider insuring your bike.

* Take photos and note the frame numbers. If the police do recover a stolen bike (and it hasn't been resprayed etc.) then a photo of you with the bike will help you prove it's yours. The same goes for frame numbers. You could even take a photo of your frame number next to your face by standing the bike up on one wheel.

* Ask your employer to install secure bike parking, where you can leave your bike without worrying.

* There's a lot of advice on here about getting heavy locks. The Kryptonite Fahgettabout is particularly recommended. However, be aware that any locking mechanism can be overridden, and the more locking develops into an arms race, the more thieves will likewise tool up. The upshot is that those with worse locks will be more at risk from thieves coming equipped to break much heavier locks.

* At any rate, never use a cheap cable lock on any bike--they can be easily snipped. Full locking advice is here.

* Also be aware that a lot of thieves steal components, such as saddles and seatposts, or wheels. It is not recommended to use quick-release levers anywhere on your bike in London. They were developed for quick wheel changes in races. You don't need them on your commute. Get normal wheel nuts and carry a spanner with you. There are also special locking mechanisms with which you can further secure components, such as pitlocks or a saddle chain/wire loop.

* With a bit of experience in London, you'll develop an instinct where it's fairly safe to leave your bike and where it isn't.

* Bikes that evidently look very 'used', e.g. dirty or scratched, are of little interest to thieves. However, if it's a fashionable kind of dirty bike that doesn't look very 'owned', they may think that they can sell it on, anyway.

* Thieves' activity is often very recognisable to people living near them, e.g. bikes going in and out of the house all the time. Do report this if you can.

* Many people and even some police officers don't know about the Cycle Task Force yet. Make sure you spread the word.

* The police offer security marking of bikes. There will hopefully soon be a nationally unified system of bike marking. In the meantime, look out for events at which your local police do security marking for free.

* You can also register your bike on the Immobilise property database. This could help the police in case they find your bike and need to return it to you. It is often impossible to return such bikes without this information being available to them.

In the event of a theft:

* Report the theft. The Met Police are becoming much more aware of bike theft, and the special Cycle Task Force are a good unit to whom to report your loss. Their contact details:


If it's urgent: 07768 928 456

If it's less urgent: e-mail [email protected]


City Police: If your bike is stolen in the City, call the City of London police 020 7601 2000.


If your bike is stolen in the London Borough of Hackney (or you may have information leading to bike thieves operating in Hackney), you should contact the Hackney Cycle Crime Unit: [email protected]

See their thread here: http://www.lfgss.com/thread53274.html

* You can even register your bike after a theft if you have the contact details.

* There are various DIY techniques that people have used to get their bikes back. It is not advisable to put yourself or others at risk, but it is of course understandable why people resort to DIY action, e.g. because the police couldn't help. Hopefully, with increased police action on theft, DIY bike recovery will become increasingly rare.

* Bikeshed helps with trying to find your bike on-line by scraping together pictures from around the web, e.g. from sites like Gumtree, where stolen bikes are often advertised for sale very soon after the theft. A Gumtree ad may also help the police. Stolen bikes also sometimes turn up on eBay.

* You can ask the forum to look out for your bike. Post on the Stolen Bikes thread. It sometimes works--someone may spot it and can PM you or post on the thread. A few bikes have been reclaimed after being spotted by people from the forum. Unfortunately, the nicer bikes tend not to be recovered. But it does happen.

This is by no means complete. Please post things to be added!

new mother Wrote:


> I am now worrying something awful happens when

> people try their own sting operations....

Don't worry PC Pearson is a playing plod in his own head.

>You keep the thief chatting until the police arrive do not arouse the thieves suspicions Show the police proof of ownership, go home proudly on beloved bike<

Or get your head stoved in by some crack head/bike thief.

http://www.allfancydress.com/Images/Products/Large/Deluxe-Joker-Costume.jpg Have you got the Batman costume yet Pearson ?

Top advice, really it is.


Very droll...

I am only offering advice from personal experience as it worked for me.

Only through sheer frustration as the police not making progress.

A friend who was not insured and their bike was very special so it

seemed like the only thing to do.

We were lucky that time and have been lucky a further two time since..

I have posted alternative methods to help recover bikes

Will your next retort accuse me of trolling?

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks again for the advice. It has not turned up again on Gumtree. I did get some correspondence from the Cycle Task Force which I am happy to share below as it is general. I did also get a letter the day after from the cops saying that they were not investigating it further. Hello - I give you a lead. Hello - the place is covered with CCTV. I will pick my own fight with the Met. Interestingly their advice about checking it out myslef was "some people do get their bikes back". Obviously other people get into intimidating situations. Please do follow this thread to the end where I give the relevant ads on Gumtree. I will also PM those of you who kindly said that they will make enquiries.


again I'm sorry about the lack of communication between units. We are ain a very difficult position at the moment, where I have a team of 28 officers covering the entire Met Police area, which leaves us very busy with requests for assistance.

In answer to your questions, I cannot give a definitive answer, but only offer my opinion based on my experiences gained from working on this unit so far:

1. Buyers of bikes range from cyclists looking for a bargain to people who buy bikes with a view to sell them on again. All of which seem to be oblivious to the fact that a bike being sold at a low price could suggest it is stolen. A point that we are working to publicise, as often we intercept sales after bikes have changed hands numerous times - the person in possession of the bike will often lose the bike and the money they paid for it when it is seized by police.

2. The length of time varies - sometimes bike are listed and sold within hours of being stolen. In other cases it can bve weeks or even months before appearing on internet sites for sale.

3. The seller could have been spooked, but to ask specific questions about a bike for sale is normal, then again each 'seller' is different so it is hard to say in this case.


Ads on Gumtree. Please do enquire about whether they have an extra large racing bike, and if you get any info pm me or share here if it is of wider interest. These are ads in the public domain so I see no problems in sharing them with the local community:

? ribble excellent condition Bikes, & Bicycles for Sale north london ...

Reply to this ad or paul on 07578585479. i have a excellent condition ribble racer for sale as shown in picture only ?150 please call if interested thanks ... [for tall man]


? b.twin sport 3 (good as new) Bikes, & Bicycles for Sale north ...

Reply to this ad or john on 07578585479. i have a good as new b.twin sport 3 ...


? b twin front and back carbon Bikes, & Bicycles for Sale north ...

Reply to this ad or john on 07578585479. i have a brand new b twin as shown ...

www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/b-twin-front-and-back.../76845285 - Cached

? bianchi nirone 7 Bikes, & Bicycles for Sale north london London

Reply to this ad or john on 07578585479. i have a good condition bianchi ...

www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/bianchi-nirone-7/76791118 - Cached



Many thanks Malumbu

  • 3 weeks later...

I've just PM'd a few of you (Claire - your in-box is full) but I thought I'd check to see whether the person was still active. First hit on Google is this thread, so no doubt he will be around with a baseball bat.

I assumed that he would have switched numbers by now but bloody hell, he is active again (as Peter or Johnny) as :

gt zum1 2011 good as new Bikes, & Bicycles for Sale north london ... 0 0 None None http://www.browserdefender.com/%s/getdomain/www.gumtree.com Reply to this ad or johnny on 07578585479. i have a excellent condition full working gt zum1 as good as new foor sale please call if interested thanks ...

www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/gt-zum1-2011-good.../79718919 - Cachedspecialized sirrus elite Bikes, & Bicycles for Sale north london ... 0 0 None None http://www.browserdefender.com/%s/getdomain/www.gumtree.com Reply to this ad or johnny on 07578585479. i have a excellent condition full ...


era subway ux good as new Bikes, & Bicycles for Sale north ... 0 0 None None http://www.browserdefender.com/%s/getdomain/www.gumtree.com Reply to this ad or 07578585479. i have a good as new carrera subway ux as ...

www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/carrera-subway-ux-good-as.../79905823PINNACLE STRATUS 3.0 Bikes, & Bicycles for Sale north london London 0 0 None None http://www.browserdefender.com/%s/getdomain/www.gumtree.com Reply to this ad or peter on 07578585479. I HAVE A GOOD AS NEW NO SCRACHES ...

www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/pinnacle-stratus-30/79144800 - Cached

This one went on last night on Gumtree:


i have a good as new carrera subway ux as in picture please call if interested thanks tony

frame size large

New lightweight 7005 T6 heat treated aluminium frame

Tough and light Chro-Moly forks with eyelets for mudguards and rack

SRAM SX4 shifters and X5 rear mech have 21 speeds and provide an intelligent blend of performance and value

Tektro IO Mechanical Disc brakes feature dual pad adjustment

Automatic pad angle adjustment via floating plates and high performance metal ceramic pad compound to provide reliable stopping power in all conditions

The double wall alloy rims are fitted with Innova Kevlar lined X-Rated puncture resistant tyres

Mudguard mounts for the easy installation of spray reducing mudguards

Sturdy 26?? MTB wheels allowing the bike to cope with bumpy modern roads

Low profile tyres to promote fast efficient cycling

Puncture resistant tyres to minimise the risk of an untimely puncture


The description sounds pretty comprehensive. Too comprehensive. It is taken straight from the Halfords web site. I've informed the cycling task force. If everyone on this site would phone up 'Tony' and tell him he is a scumbag then I'd sleep happy tonight.

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