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BT phone line still dead.

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> The laptop picks up and connects to my router but then says underneath the router name "no Internet access

Have a look at the modem log, and also recheck that your ISP login settings (username and password) are as usual.

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Interesting new development.....have just discovered that even though I thought my phone line was up and running, turns out that I have a line, but am on someone elses phone number!!! BT have somehow managed to mix up several peoples lines in the area. So, if I dial my landline number from my mobile, instead of hearing my house phone ring, I am instead connected to another east dulwich household! Fun and games....I'm hoping though that this mix up may be the reason why my Internet connection hasn't been working....
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My house phone can dial out but when i call my house phone it does not ring but i can hear it ringing on the mobile

I would have thought the only way this could happen is if your landline is forwarded to your mobile. If you have BT broadband this might help


have just discovered that even though I thought my phone line was up and running, turns out that I have a line, but am on someone elses phone number

In earlier posts I have said that BT has had to manually reconnect all 2000 pairs (twice) to link forward to your premise and backwards to the exchange - I suspect that live pairs have been linked, but have terminated onto the wrong part of the frame in the exchange - so that your pairs have linked through to someone else. BT have 'mixed up' the lines - but only because they were having to splice in a new length of cable - you will probably have terminated onto a line-pair which is not connected to an ADSL rack (the system which enables broadband). BT should be able to re-jumper at the exchange (rather than having to go back into the repaired section of cable) - if you can find the number of the phone that is ringing when yours is called that would probably help speed up their repair process.

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> My house phone can dial out but when i call my house phone it does not ring but i can hear it ringing on the mobile

> and after a few rings the lady says your mailbox is full.

Your telco (or BT via talk talk) arranged redirection to your mobile when your line went down three weeks ago, but haven't yet cancelled it?

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  • 2 months later...
Since the weekend my phone line has been doing very odd things indeed. On calling out the the line is very crackly and recorded message lady says that "This number has not been recognised, please check and redial". Behind her recorded message i can hear the ring tone and the person im calling talking to me. I can have a conversation but with 'madam' in the background telling me i had diled incorrectly throughout the call. All very odd, i am in the 'Horniman Triangle black hole' so i need my land line. Anyone else had this experiance?
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There is clearly a fault on your line - it looks like you may be cross connecting, when your phone is jumpered into another line (this may be the result of work in a flexibility point - pillar or cabinet (green, road-side boxes) close to you. It is possible that the cross connection could have taken place on the exchange frame, although these faults are less common. Have you seen work going on locally withing the last few days?

You should report it to BT - I doubt whether it reflects any general fault locally (although the other line you are cross-connected to will be having similar problems). If the problem is at the exchange that other line may be terminated well away from you, if at a flex point it will probably be close by.

You can report on any land-line, or via a mobile.

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JW Wrote:


> My phoneline is dead again. Is anybody else having

> the same issue? I'm on North Cross.



There was a BT (I think) guy doing some work in a box on North Cross Road the other day, possibly he wired something up wrongly.

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