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Those I know who have had it done went via their doctors. They make you wait until your youngest child is 6 months old and will ask questions to ensure that in their mind you are 'ready' and really have finished with having children.

I imagine you can go private, but don't know anyone who has gone down that route.

Of the 6 or so men I know of who have had it done there seems to be massive variation - some really suffered, others said it really wasn't bad at all....I guess it is like labour, some are luckier than others. ;-)

It seems to be like marriages and babies....we've had the years of all our friends going through that, now it seems to be everyone getting the snip.

I am instructing my husband that he is getting the snip after this one, thanks very much. Doesn't matter HOW careful we are, I somehow wind up pregnant just by him looking at me. He's already spoken to his GP about it, who has advised him to come back again when New Unborn Baby is 6-12 months old. If I had it my way, he'd be having it done as I was delivering my placenta, but anyhoo...

Keef, YES! Without wanting to give too much away- ahem- nothing has ever worked with me and Husband. Always end up preggers. Breastfeeding and sleep deprivation was a good 'un for a while but still...

Theres always Natural Family Planning for those who fancy it, which was the only thing that DID sort of work. Worked better than the alternatives, anyway.

ALSO, Vasectomys are reversible- no?

Wow, just caught up with the thread. Funnily I was speaking to a mate last night when hubby arrived home from work and i told her that he wasn't in the best of moods!!! she then logged into EDF a few hours later for me to ask about vasectomy's and she thought - oh my god he must be in a seriously foul mood for her to want to do that to him!!!!

I think GP is the way we should go then. Kids old enough for them to listen to us then!! I'm v v lucky in that he volunteer himself rather than me having to do the persuasion.... the fabric scissors way :)

Keef - it hadn't occurred to me until recently, but think it cd be a good alternative to e.g. the pill or IUS if the woman reacts to hormones in those (I know I have in the past). I didn't realise it hurt though! Assume it's under anaesthetic? But then, it's a one off thing.

Can't help on the vasectomy front but do know that depending on the method used (tubes cut or tied), vesectomy's may be reversible!

That said I know someone who became pregnant when her family were all late teens.... Hubby's vasectomy had reversed itself!!!! It was years ago now so I'm sure that sort of thing doesn't happen these days!

When the dog had his done he was right as rain in a day! Felt sorry for himself the day it was done though ;-)

Re pain, it wasn't the op, but the week or two after that I gather can be painful....er I gather that in some cases the body takes a while to stop producing sperm and so, with nowhere to go it can get a bit 'congested'.....what a ball ache eh??!

Still sniggering at the image of Mellors suggestion of using elastic bands.

Poor boys, still we have to go through pregnancy, birth, periods....and don't even get started on the menopause ....I reckon you get off pretty lightly (but I wouldn't swap places for the world)!

we have to go through pregnancy, birth, periods....and don't even get started on the menopause [/quote

Quite right, but unfortunately, nothing can be done about that (unless of course you chose not to have kids). Deciding to get your meat severed from your veg, is something that people decide to do, on purpose?!?!?

Blimey ladies! Keef and the boys are brave to join in on this thread...

Anecdotal grr - one of my closest friends is a couple of years older than her husband, and went to discuss permanent contraception with her doc. He suggested she could consider a hysterectomy, given she's 40 and positive she wants no more kids. But when she asked whether it wouldn't be a better option (smaller op) for her husband to have a snip instead he umm'd and ahh'd and said he thought the husband might be a bit young and could possibly want to change his mind later. "Presumably" said my friend "with his younger second wife, you mean?".

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