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rendelharris Wrote:


> I call you out on here because I find your

> opinions extraordinarily unpleasant, bigoted and

> based on falsehoods, some parroted from the usual

> right/far right sources of misinformation and some

> blatantly created by yourself (one still recalls

> with relish the Russian bloke you met in a pub who

> went into great detail for you about how he was

> fiddling the benefits system). Your posts

> frequently disparage immigrants, Muslims,

> minorities, the working class, "lefties" and

> basically anyone who isn't you. I don't care if

> you find my challenging you rude, people like you

> should be challenged forcefully at every

> opportunity.

Pots and kettles it would seem.

If you really don't like what someone is saying how about trying the grown up approach and ignoring them? Just a suggestion :)

Back on the topic of this thread...

I found myself getting quite grrr with the whole gender pay difference and mostly certainly not because I think both should be paid the same.

It is clear these salaries are based on popularity - by means of prime time broadcasting/type of show/general "stardom" status of presenter etc. I really don't see where the argument is that women are not paid fairly. Everyone there is paid differently so it can't be a gender issue and that's what really gets me grrr. It's similar to the annoying misuse, and do forgive me here, of "is it coz I'm black?" argument. No it has nothing to do with that at all.

If you are popular and successful in that line of work that you do you will be in demand. When you are in demand either you are in a position to negotiate higher pay or companies will throw money at you. If you're not so popular...

KalamityKel Wrote:


> If you really don't like what someone is saying

> how about trying the grown up approach and

> ignoring them? Just a suggestion :)

So when a subject is being debated and someone says something with which one disagrees, one should just ignore it? What's the point of the debate then? Sticking one's fingers in one's ears and singing "la la la I can't hear you" is not a "grown up approach."

ETA: If you don't like me calling someone out, by your own suggestion shouldn't you just be ignoring me?

I'n not debating. I'm giving my views which are correct and you should all adopt.

It's a competitive market and the BBC need to pay accordingly. The value of those tssers who used to do Top Gear demonstrates that.

For many I understand why they command decent salaries.

Chris Evans is an annoying opinionated so and so. Entertaining but still the former (and oh so sycophantic when with celeb guests). He's not worth 5 time Jeremy Vine

malumbu Wrote:


> I'n not debating. I'm giving my views which are

> correct and you should all adopt.

Yes sir. It is strange that people will pay many hundreds of pounds a year for Sky sports, but don't make a fuss about the obscene salaries of footballers who are benefiting from their subscription, and hundreds of pounds a year going to the movies or streaming films, but they don't object to the big stars amassing a fortune, yet paying ?154 per year for the BBC they are outraged if someone earns anything like what their counterparts in other sections of the same industry receive. Funnily enough those complaining are often the same ones who will say we should mind our own business when we enquire about the salaries and tax affairs of business people, the royal family etc.

malumbu Wrote:


> I'n not debating. I'm giving my views which are

> correct and you should all adopt.


> It's a competitive market and the BBC need to pay

> accordingly. The value of those tssers who used

> to do Top Gear demonstrates that.


> For many I understand why they command decent

> salaries.


> Chris Evans is an annoying opinionated so and so.

> Entertaining but still the former (and oh so

> sycophantic when with celeb guests). He's not

> worth 5 time Jeremy Vine

Unless you believe it's not really talent but a job.

Let new people try it.

I have to agree with Rendelharris, what do you expect these people to earn? How much do you think Sky or ITV or any other company pays for their 'Stars'? What is more worrying is the disparity and the fact that women in general seem to be paid a lot less...and yet this must also happen at these other companies too, not just the BBC. TBH I am a little sick of the pearl-clutching of some of the right wing rags like the mail, whose main aim in life is to bag the 'straw man' BBC and everything it does on a 'daily' basis...and if you're going to talk about wasting tax payer's money, what about the ?6.2 billion we wasted on the 2 white elephant aircraft carriers that we don't need along with the potential hundreds of millions of pounds of hidden costs on top of that?
Does anyone deserve to earn more than say, the Prime Minister. the answer IMO is no. And as I said in an earlier post we are talking about the use of public money. How can these people justify such high wages plus who actually sets and agrees these wages. They clearly need to take responsibility and be accountable for the decisions they made about spending License payers money on such astronomical wages. Wha's more these are generally part time jobs, it's not as if they do them all day every day. In the case of Chris good heEvans, it is not like he broadcasts every day for 8hrs a day.

dbboy Wrote:


> Does anyone deserve to earn more than say, the

> Prime Minister. the answer IMO is no. And as I

> said in an earlier post we are talking about the

> use of public money. How can these people justify

> such high wages plus who actually sets and agrees

> these wages. They clearly need to take

> responsibility and be accountable for the

> decisions they made about spending License payers

> money on such astronomical wages. Wha's more these

> are generally part time jobs, it's not as if they

> do them all day every day. In the case of Chris

> good heEvans, it is not like he broadcasts every

> day for 8hrs a day.

Market forces at the time you negotiate - so probably a few

years ago for Chris Evans.

It's difficult to then reduce somebody's wage when they fail.

Brulysses Wrote:


> I have to agree with Rendelharris, what do you expect these people to earn? How much do you think

> Sky or ITV or any other company pays for their 'Stars'?

They are commercial entities with very different commercial pressures and aren't funded by what is effectively a tax though.

> and if you're going to talk about wasting tax payer's money, what about the ?6.2 billion we wasted on

> the 2 white elephant aircraft carriers that we don't need along with the potential hundreds of

> millions of pounds of hidden costs on top of that?

That is what the Guardianistas call "whataboutery".

teddyboy23 Wrote:


> I'm a BBC camera man.im glad they published the

> list I was going to ask for a Payrise .but now

> know I earn more than any of them

The old joke used to be what the difference between a London Weekend Television (LWT) cameraman and the Rothschilds.

London weighting.

The media industry has been the recipient of large sums of money since the advent of commercial advertising on TV. There's nothing commercially wrong with this (morally maybe it's different) level of reward but the BBC continues to forget that it is essentially a public service broadcaster and not a commercial one. They have no need to compete with the commercial channels and, perhaps if they didn't insist on doing so, it would bring some reality back to the marketplace more generally. Some of the output, radio and TV is utter crap competing only with more crap chasing advertising revenue.

rahrahrah Wrote:


> What about the radio 'stars'. Hardly a competitive

> market there (BBC are dominate). With an almost

> limitless supply of talented young people looking

> to get a foot in the door, it's hard to see how

> some of these people are genuinely being paid a

> market rate.

It's an interesting question, one has to in that case consider the relative ability of the "stars" to do their job. That depends entirely on one's subjective taste, doesn't it. Personally I've never heard a current affairs broadcaster on any medium do such a good job of entertaining, informing and courteously and intelligently pressurizing interviewees as Eddie Mair on PM - conversely I find John Humphrys, paid twice as much, to be an arrogant vacuous gobshite who has no talent beyond shouting rudely. I can't imagine any talented young person being able to step in and do what Mair does with such skill and class, on the other hand if the BBC want a belligerent gobshite to step in and be rude to people let the record show I'll do it for a tenth of Humphrys' salary.

Eddie Mair wasn't always a 'star' broadcaster. I used to listen to him when he worked for Radio Tay in the 80's. He was one of those 'talented young people' who start off doing hospital/local radio, learning his craft, working his way up. It's a well trodden career path route in radio and TV.

Still, the BBC can always go and buy a magic 'limitless supply of talented young people' tree...

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