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Look I'm not interested in intimacy with anyone who insults me publicly. If you don't like someone's approach and they're not being rude then you don't need to attack them - but I'm just repeating myself. Am I really saying this to what I presume is an adult ? Any PMs I get which are rude or confrontational will appear here pronto.

Toffee Wrote:


> Don't you ever try to belittle me on this forum again. Do it face to face. Looking

> forward to your pm with a suggestion of a meeting place..


> Looking forward to seeing you render. Name the time and place. Seriously, we need to

> talk, we have differences of opinions.

Sorry, but are you actually inviting people for a physical confrontation because they disagreed with you on a forum?

Ha! Actually I do have a bit of the Clint Eastwood about me...well alright, when younger I had a hat and a long black coat like his, looked a right tit (in retrospect, thought I looked the mutt's at the time).

One is forced to assume Mr.Toffee's rather rash and inappropriate challenge was the beer talking, given the hour and its impetuous bellicosity. If you're still reading old chap, feel free to call in any time, 177 Peckham High Street. If I'm not in tell the concierge why you're there and you'll be well taken care of.

Toffee Wrote:


> Thank you. Exactly, how on earth asa society do we

> all deal with this? It's an awful thing to say,but

> I feel it's too late, there's no going back.

> 😭😭

So with that in mind, we exterminate people then?

Oh god please, even America is backing off that particular 'penalty' having got so many woefully wrong.

Anyway, back to the real world.

Loz Wrote:


> Toffee Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Don't you ever try to belittle me on this forum

> again. Do it face to face. Looking

> > forward to your pm with a suggestion of a

> meeting place..


> and


> > Looking forward to seeing you render. Name the

> time and place. Seriously, we need to

> > talk, we have differences of opinions.


> Sorry, but are you actually inviting people for a

> physical confrontation because they disagreed with

> you on a forum?

This is farkin' hilarious. Not seen stuff like this since Carter and his lady got all ansty, mind you he had a shotgun and polished it in the garden, so he did. So Toffo might have something equally as 'ard.

She (lady Carter) also used the "How very dare you (which I always find very hilarious)" when rilled.

If I remember rightly, Carter thought he should be allowed to blow a burglar to bits with his shotgun if they 'very dared' to break in. In fact I'd go as far as saying he hoped someone would break in so he could give them both barrels.

It's a f***ed up world sometimes.

Don't disappear tho, there's some beautiful stuff!

titch juicy Wrote:


> I guess a big lesson here is you are approached by

> youths asking for anything, give them it. Your

> phone, wallet, bike is far less important than you

> yourself.


> Perhaps consider adding cover away from the home

> to your contents insurance policy too.

Easy enough to say but when they are circling around you

like vultures my Celtic temper comes up (even though I

try so hard to be demure and charming usually).

(it happened last week)

I hate bullying of any sort so much I can't contain it.

luckily the change in attitude so shocked them I made my

get away (with a few FUs from a safe distance).

"i was agreeing with KidKruger with his comments about the leniency of our judicial system. The police have had their hands tied for years, i.e. Too much paperwork, being politically correct, don't touch anyone, etc.etc. This is the result."

"I think we all agree that bit.

It's what to do is the issue."

No, we don't. In particular, very few people who are actually involved in the judicial system, or indeed the police, have such a simplistic view. I've posted plenty on here and rarely been accused of being a 'luvvie liberal' but this tired narrative about hamstrung coppers and soft judges is a load of tosh. Sentencing for violent offences has been getting stiffer for some years and any acid attack is likely to get prosecuted as s.18 (actual or attempted) for which max sentence is life. There isn't a guideline but a couple of cases that I've seen reported have involved double figures prison sentences - maybe not enough to satisfy everyone but hardly a slap on the wrist.

DaveR Wrote:


> No, we don't. In particular, very few people who

> are actually involved in the judicial system, or

> indeed the police, have such a simplistic view.

> I've posted plenty on here and rarely been accused

> of being a 'luvvie liberal' but this tired

> narrative about hamstrung coppers and soft judges

> is a load of tosh. Sentencing for violent

> offences has been getting stiffer for some years

> and any acid attack is likely to get prosecuted as

> s.18 (actual or attempted) for which max sentence

> is life. There isn't a guideline but a couple of

> cases that I've seen reported have involved double

> figures prison sentences - maybe not enough to

> satisfy everyone but hardly a slap on the wrist.

I'm seen as liberal BUT

You have to make it so robbing people like this is more risky than lucrative

and the other robbers have to see that.

"You have to make it so robbing people like this is more risky than lucrative

and the other robbers have to see that."

I agree completely. Tough sentencing for serious crime is necessary for all sorts of reasons - for punishment, for deterrence, to maintain confidence in the system, and to take dangerous people off the streets. But the idea that we can stop people committing serious crimes just by making sentences ever tougher, or by giving police more powers, is a fantasy. In fact there is very little evidence for longer prison sentences being an effective deterrent to crime per se, although it can push criminals towards different types of offending or change behaviour in other ways.

The demographic being attacked is changing IMHO. I considered myself outside the victim range for years but am now wondering.

This woman of 41 was rescued when a car mounted the pavement to attack the mopeds - but thats probably illegal in itself.


JohnL Wrote:


> The demographic being attacked is changing IMHO.

> I considered myself outside the victim range for

> years but am now wondering.

Curious to discover why you thought you were outside the mugging demographic in the first place. What did you think it was?

Loz Wrote:


> JohnL Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > The demographic being attacked is changing IMHO.


> > I considered myself outside the victim range

> for

> > years but am now wondering.


> Curious to discover why you thought you were

> outside the mugging demographic in the first

> place. What did you think it was?

Younger people than myself - mostly teenagers (i.e.

much younger than 40 somethings).

But just see more and more people like me in the

paper (40s & 50s).

I always thought they assumed "older" people would

take it to the full extent of the law so went after

easier targets or rival gangs.

I'm out all the time and still haven't been mugged

properly (as I put earlier some boys tried to bully

me to see my reaction last week - first time that has

happened in 10 years).

I still think these scooter muggers are different from

the gangs of the past (black, blue, red, whatever) - but

I've been shot down on that one before - most people

believe they are the same people.

rendelharris Wrote:


> Toffee Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > First of all, don't you ever correct my

> English.

> > We all have word search on our phones,

> sometimes

> > it goes bossiness. Secondly, you are a total

> snob.

> > You won't even relate to this...snobs never do.

> > Look back on your previous posts and comments.

> If

> > you would like to discuss your manner in some

> kind

> > of elf group meeting, I'm up for it. I'm

> guessing

> > you're not. Don't you ever try to belittle me

> on

> > this forum again. Do it face to face. Looking

> > forward to your pm with a suggestion of a

> meeting

> > place..


> I presume this is some form of threat or

> challenge? As such it reminds one irresistibly of

> Dennis Healey's immortal description of Geoffrey

> Howe - like being savaged by a dead sheep. Pull

> yourself together and stop being such a silly

> person. It's most amusing that you're throwing

> your teddy from the pram about being "belittled"

> (no need for anyone to do that, your words and

> opinions do it most adequately by themselves) when

> you've been calling others "liberal luvvies" and

> saying they're/we're responsible for these

> attacks. You may wish to note, once your frothing

> red mist has subsided, that I said nothing on this

> thread, nor did I intend to, until you decided to

> mention me by name.


> We could have an "elf group meeting" but should we

> invite the goblins and the pixies as well?

Can I watch?

Rather than threatening people, maybe we can focus on the practical - I reiterate first aid advice in the event of suffering or witnessing an acid attack:

London acid attacks: Ambulance Service boss tells Londoners what to do immediately after being targeted


'As concern increases over such attacks, the London Ambulance Service has taken the step of issuing advice to people outlining what to do in the event that acid is thrown at them.

Acid is corrosive and when it comes in contact with the skin can cause intense pain and life-long injury.

It can cause severe damage to the eyes, skin, and surrounding tissue, so it is important to act quickly.

LAS medical director, Dr Fenella Wrigley, says you should immediately remove the chemical causing the burn while protecting yourself with gloves or other suitable object such as a towel.

Any contaminated clothing or jewellery should also be removed to prevent further burning.

The burn should then be immediately rinsed with a gentle, steady stream of cool tap water. The burn should be doused in water for 10 or more minutes.

A shower can be used if available, and mild soap can be used on skin safely, while your eyes should always be protected while washing acid off your skin.

A dry bandage, gauze or clean cotton clothing should then be loosely applied.

For minor burns take an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

There are also circumstances when emergency care should be sought, Dr Wrigley said.

This includes when a victim is showing signs of shock such as fainting, a pale complexion or very shallow breathing.

Emergency care should also be sought If the chemical has burnt through the first layer of their skin and a blister has formed, and if the burn covers an area more than three inches (about eight centimetres) in diameter.

In the case that the chemical burn goes all the way round a limb or involves the eyes, hands, feet, face, groin or buttocks, or a major joint such as the knee or elbow, emergency treatment is also required.'


Jesus what a tw*t and I'd chuck him in a camp with his mates and loads of acid - but notice he targets other gang members (and for some perverse reasons their girls) not innocent 40 somethings.

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