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I think if you intentionally burn someone's face off with acid, a stranger who had no chance of anticipating or defending themself, then you've just resigned from society. Not for a year, 10 years, but forever.

That's my view, based on how abhorrent these crimes are. It's not self-defence, it's not a fight where someone picks up a weapon, it's innocent members of the public doing their normal thing and being mutilated.

I don't care what 'century' that makes it, I care about the person on the street and their safety from this kind of crime. I've always been upset by violent crimes on innocents and that won't change.

If these attacks were paid back with death for those proven guilty I believe they'd die-out.

I don't care what background someone's had, I don't care if they'd had tough parents, I don't care how bad their day's been. If you obtain acid to maim someone then know you're risking your remaining days to do so and don't squeal when you're caught.

I don't care about the morality or who says what. That's what I'd like to see, I am pissed-off about this and don't necessarily think my solution is perfect, but that's what I'd like to see. And I'll pull the trigger happily (or pour the acid back in the face of the offender, I don't feckin care).

Feck the bullshit pussy-ass high-fallutin 'logical' arguments about knives and everything else.

This crime deserved death. Other crimes, debatable, but this thread's about aceeeeeeeeeeeeeed innit.

I haven't read the whole of this thread and do hope you don't think I'm exceptionally stupid for putting my two peneth in, but wanted to put a bit of lightheartedness here if possible....

I was out with a friend having fish and chippies in a pub it was our first date and said friend squeezed his lemon on fish and accidentally some lemon juice shot into my eye, I was too embarrassed to say anything and excused myself to the wash room.

Ooouh blimey old Hindu proverb

Acid attack on first date, doesn't reach second base.

KidKruger Wrote:


> I think if you intentionally burn someone's face

> off with acid, a stranger who had no chance of

> anticipating or defending themself, then you've

> just resigned from society. Not for a year, 10

> years, but forever.

> That's my view, based on how abhorrent these

> crimes are. It's not self-defence, it's not a

> fight where someone picks up a weapon, it's

> innocent members of the public doing their normal

> thing and being mutilated.

> I don't care what 'century' that makes it, I care

> about the person on the street and their safety

> from this kind of crime. I've always been upset by

> violent crimes on innocents and that won't

> change.

> If these attacks were paid back with death for

> those proven guilty I believe they'd die-out.

> I don't care what background someone's had, I

> don't care if they'd had tough parents, I don't

> care how bad their day's been. If you obtain acid

> to maim someone then know you're risking your

> remaining days to do so and don't squeal when

> you're caught.

> I don't care about the morality or who says what.

> That's what I'd like to see, I am pissed-off about

> this and don't necessarily think my solution is

> perfect, but that's what I'd like to see. And I'll

> pull the trigger happily (or pour the acid back in

> the face of the offender, I don't feckin care).

> Feck the bullshit pussy-ass high-fallutin

> 'logical' arguments about knives and everything

> else.

> This crime deserved death. Other crimes,

> debatable, but this thread's about

> aceeeeeeeeeeeeeed innit.

Well of course you're entitled to your opinion, and certainly you hold it passionately. At least you'd be willing to carry out the courage of your convictions.

I still think you're massively wrong, and I await with interest you're answer to the very real risk of wrongful conviction.

KidKruger Wrote:


> I don't need to answer feck all mate. I'm not here

> to justify anything !

> You can await all you want, that's not on me.

Ok, be a cunt then. You hold a strident point of view, I ask you a pertinent question, you behave like a wanker.

Whatever, fuckwit.

No need to be rude old chap.

You think you're due an answer for a question you haven't actually asked.

Prams, rattles, etc.

This ain't a fecking trial so if you don't like the reply that's just tough shite, you're not holding court sport.

What's with people being determined to prove "they're right" that's just BS !

You accuse me of being rude?!

Suggest you re-read your own post - politeness returns politeness etc

I said I was interested in how you responded to the idea of wrongful conviction in a death penalty case. Feel free to twist words around to make yourself feel clever and superior. All you're doing is avoiding the question.

Latest mate, can't be arsed with you.

I'm with KidKruger all the way on this. Why do you keep being so nasty JoeLeg? Look, since the 1960s our justice system has gone downhill. Other countries used to admire our justice system, but not now. We are the laughingstock of the world. Thanks to all you liberal luvvies, this crime wave has escalated. Ok at the moment it's acid attacks, what next? Dousing people with petrol and throwing a match at them? Oh sorry, I forgot, mustn't dare say that. The perpetrators were 14 and 15 years of age. Put the parents in prison,I've always known where my son was when he was that age, es 30 now by the way, has a good job and, yes, I was a single parent, although thank the lord nota liberal one. Back off and get rid of the chip on your shoulder. KidKruger is right. At least he didn't swear at you. Just waiting for your,at rendelharris to put his two penny worth in.

We all have different views and that's fine. But we all agree that it's out of hand - whether there is an escalation or just a recent increase in reporting. I think it's the former.

I'd like to know what the authorities are actually doing.

It can't be easy as they have restrictions and the frequency in incidents is increasing due to that very factor.

Maybe the death penalty is harsh. Maybe prison is not a fitting punishment. There is not doubt our judicial system is too soft.

To make it clear: I in no way endorse a death sentence,never have and never will.i was agreeing with KidKruger with his comments about the leniency of our judicial system. The police have had their hands tied for years, i.e. Too much paperwork, being politically correct, don't touch anyone, etc.etc. This is the result.

Like I said, I'm not laying down the law, I'm saying how I feel. That may change, but right now I feel that if you wilfully commit a crime like that, then you get switched-off. You either want to be in society or you don't.

I'm not a death penalty fan per se, but this crime/thread has me switching those guys off tout suite.

Toffee Wrote:


> I'm with KidKruger all the way on this. Why do you

> keep being so nasty JoeLeg? Look, since the 1960s

> our justice system has gone downhill. Other

> countries used to admire our justice system, but

> not now. We are the laughingstock of the world.

> Thanks to all you liberal luvvies, this crime wave

> has escalated. Ok at the moment it's acid attacks,

> what next? Dousing people with petrol and throwing

> a match at them? Oh sorry, I forgot, mustn't dare

> say that. The perpetrators were 14 and 15 years of

> age. Put the parents in prison,I've always known

> where my son was when he was that age, es 30 now

> by the way, has a good job and, yes, I was a

> single parent, although thank the lord nota

> liberal one. Back off and get rid of the chip on

> your shoulder. KidKruger is right. At least he

> didn't swear at you. Just waiting for your,at

> rendelharris to put his two penny worth in.

Rendel Harris has had a lovely day out cycling in the Surrey hills and is too knackered to put more than a ha'penny's worth in, which is to say first of all, as Sherlock Holmes advised Lestrade, some reading in the annals of crime would be instructive for you: things haven't in fact been getting worse in relation to violent crimes against the person, in fact statistically they're improving if anything. There was a great spate of acid throwing in Victorian times, was it their wussy liberal justice system that caused it? I don't have any solutions, but I'm pretty damned sure pandering to mob desires to string 'em up or lock'em up and throw away the key does sod all apart from costing the taxpayer a fortune and brutalises society as a whole. Suggest you have a look at the US, where states with the most punitive penal systems, including capital punishment, don't fare any better in bringing crime down than the most liberal ones. Then perhaps have a look at some of the Scandanavian systems...or just rant on about liberal luvvies to your heart's content.

I don't know what "your, at rendelharris" is supposed to mean because it's y'know, gibberish. I assume you mean I tend to support Joe's posts, which I do generally because I consider he speaks a good deal of sense. I'm quite happy to be called a liberal luvvie, very much water off a duck's back - though it would have been interesting if we'd ever met on the rugby field - but calling a chap who has evidently served the country diligently, proudly and well as a soldier the same is pretty pathetic.

First of all, don't you ever correct my English. We all have word search on our phones, sometimes it goes bossiness. Secondly, you are a total snob. You won't even relate to this...snobs never do. Look back on your previous posts and comments. If you would like to discuss your manner in some kind of elf group meeting, I'm up for it. I'm guessing you're not. Don't you ever try to belittle me on this forum again. Do it face to face. Looking forward to your pm with a suggestion of a meeting place..

Toffee Wrote:


> First of all, don't you ever correct my English.

> We all have word search on our phones, sometimes

> it goes bossiness. Secondly, you are a total snob.

> You won't even relate to this...snobs never do.

> Look back on your previous posts and comments. If

> you would like to discuss your manner in some kind

> of elf group meeting, I'm up for it. I'm guessing

> you're not. Don't you ever try to belittle me on

> this forum again. Do it face to face. Looking

> forward to your pm with a suggestion of a meeting

> place..

You really don't like it when people disagree with you, do you?

You feel free to insult others posting styles but when you get called into question...well, how dare other people think that you might be wrong! Snob? Look in the mirror.

You call me nasty? Look, I have no time for this idea that online everything must be sweetness and light; you've just show yourself that you can't hold yourself to the standards you expect in others. You don't like robust discussion? Stop going online.

JoeLeg at what point do you stop and have a word with yourself?

I've not insulted you, called you any names, suggested you have a some ulterior motive, etc, etc.

But you have at me, for no sensible reason that I can see.

I said what I feel and refused to be painted into a corner to justify it, because I feel what I feel and don't have to justify it to anyone, now matter how abusive they get on the internet. Wow, big crime.

That seems to make you feel entitled to attack me and make accusations of superiority or whatever it was.

And you call that 'robust' !

Well good for you for being a steadfast internet poster, I genuinely wish you all the best mate.

Please read this message again, note the absence of insults, it is possible you know !

Maybe I'm naive, but if someone starts attacking someone when they haven't been attacked themself doesn't that mean they are angry, frustrated, a bully or something ? Perhaps it's just the internet 'way' when a poster can't get what they want. I'm speculating here, I concede that. Look I don't know but I sure never meet bullies like this face to face.

KidKruger Wrote:


> JoeLeg at what point do you stop and have a word

> with yourself?

> I've not insulted you, called you any names,

> suggested you have a some ulterior motive, etc,

> etc.

> But you have at me, for no sensible reason that I

> can see.

> I said what I feel and refused to be painted into

> a corner to justify it, because I feel what I feel

> and don't have to justify it to anyone, now matter

> how abusive they get on the internet. Wow, big

> crime.

> That seems to make you feel entitled to attack me

> and make accusations of superiority or whatever it

> was.

> And you call that 'robust' !

> Well good for you for being a steadfast internet

> poster, I genuinely wish you all the best mate.

> Please read this message again, note the absence

> of insults, it is possible you know !

> Maybe I'm naive, but if someone starts attacking

> someone when they haven't been attacked themself

> doesn't that mean they are angry, frustrated, a

> bully or something ? Perhaps it's just the

> internet 'way' when a poster can't get what they

> want. I'm speculating here, I concede that. Look

> I don't know but I sure never meet bullies like

> this face to face.

If you "feel what you feel" irrespective of what anyone else thinks, why post those feelings on a public forum?

Titch are you saying you don't feel anything that you post - that everything you post you don't actually feel, thereby qualifying it to be posted on a public forum ?! And that what you feel is only based on what others think ?! And that if you feel strongly about something, you won't post it on a public forum where the thread is pertinent to your concern. I don't think so !

Toffee Wrote:


> First of all, don't you ever correct my English.

> We all have word search on our phones, sometimes

> it goes bossiness. Secondly, you are a total snob.

> You won't even relate to this...snobs never do.

> Look back on your previous posts and comments. If

> you would like to discuss your manner in some kind

> of elf group meeting, I'm up for it. I'm guessing

> you're not. Don't you ever try to belittle me on

> this forum again. Do it face to face. Looking

> forward to your pm with a suggestion of a meeting

> place..

I presume this is some form of threat or challenge? As such it reminds one irresistibly of Dennis Healey's immortal description of Geoffrey Howe - like being savaged by a dead sheep. Pull yourself together and stop being such a silly person. It's most amusing that you're throwing your teddy from the pram about being "belittled" (no need for anyone to do that, your words and opinions do it most adequately by themselves) when you've been calling others "liberal luvvies" and saying they're/we're responsible for these attacks. You may wish to note, once your frothing red mist has subsided, that I said nothing on this thread, nor did I intend to, until you decided to mention me by name.

We could have an "elf group meeting" but should we invite the goblins and the pixies as well?

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