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Many of you might know that the Ivy House in Peckham Rye has been closed down few months ago.

Apparently there has been an interest from various managers to take it over and the leaseholders group Enterprise are hoping to have the pub/venue re-opened soon, and so do we living nearby..

In order to help with the improvement of the 'new' Ivy House a member of the community here, Hugo, has came up with a questionnaire, that will hopefully help the new management to make the right choices, accordingly to our wishes.

If you don't mind taking the time to fill it, it'd be interesting to see you ED forumites opinions and suggestions?

You can either answer here or send it via PM, I will then forward it to the people concerned.

Thanks in advance!

Have you been to The Ivy House before?

Have you been to The Ivy House for other events other than comedy?

Have you ever been to The Ivy House just to have a drink? How often?

How aware are you of The Ivy House's reputation as a live music venue of note in the late sixties and early/mid seventies, when it was known as The Newlands Tavern?

Is The Ivy House the nearest pub to your house? Have you ever been there (how often?) If not, why not?

Does the pub feel inviting from the outside? (Briefly explain)

Does the pub feel inviting inside? (Briefly explain)

What changes would make you more likely to use the pub?

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Have you been to The Ivy House before? Yes.

Have you been to The Ivy House for other events other than comedy? Yes.

Have you ever been to The Ivy House just to have a drink? How often? Yes. Not that often. It's just a little out of the way from my usual haunts.

How aware are you of The Ivy House's reputation as a live music venue of note in the late sixties and early/mid seventies, when it was known as The Newlands Tavern? Very much so. I saw some great bands there in the 70s, including Dr Feelgood, Kilburn & The High Roads (Ian Dury), Upp (with Jeff Beck in attendance) who later played with them there and many more who's names have slipped my mind.

Is The Ivy House the nearest pub to your house? No. Have you ever been there (how often?) If not, why not?

Does the pub feel inviting from the outside? (Briefly explain) Hmm... not really. Could maybe do with some plants or flowers to brighten in up a bit.

Does the pub feel inviting inside? (Briefly explain) On the times I've been over the years and from my own experience yes but then it is not somewhere that I have visited regularly, certainly not since it's 70s heyday.

What changes would make you more likely to use the pub? It was a great music venue and I'd like to see a return to that. I've also been to the Pull The Other One variety/comedy nights there and they've been great fun and a fabulous addition in more recent times. Other than that I think the way forward is to also provide some good food. There is plenty of room for diners in the pool room.

Good luck.

The Ivy House is my local. The last owners made the huge mistake of completely ignoring the local residential demographics and priced locals out of being able to afford to drink there, instead following the price ranges of various higher priced ED pubs. Basic business failure tbh.

kaparte Wrote:


> Many of you might know that the Ivy House in

> Peckham Rye has been closed down few months ago.


> Apparently there has been an interest from various

> managers to take it over and the leaseholders

> group Enterprise are hoping to have the pub/venue

> re-opened soon, and so do we living nearby..


> In order to help with the improvement of the 'new'

> Ivy House a member of the community here, Hugo,

> has came up with a questionnaire, that will

> hopefully help the new management to make the

> right choices, accordingly to our wishes.


> If you don't mind taking the time to fill it, it'd

> be interesting to see you ED forumites opinions

> and suggestions?


> You can either answer here or send it via PM, I

> will then forward it to the people concerned.

> Thanks in advance!


> Have you been to The Ivy House before? No

> Have you been to The Ivy House for other events

> other than comedy? n/a

> Have you ever been to The Ivy House just to have a

> drink? How often? n/a

> How aware are you of The Ivy House's reputation as

> a live music venue of note in the late sixties and

> early/mid seventies, when it was known as The

> Newlands Tavern? Not aware of this

> Is The Ivy House the nearest pub to your house? Yes, 1 min away

> Have you ever been there (how often?) If not, why

> not? Never been, looks far too rough/not my scene/wouldn't take my daughter there if daytime etc

> Does the pub feel inviting from the outside? No, whenever we walk past there's always lots of leering men and dangerous looking dogs

> (Briefly explain)

> Does the pub feel inviting inside? (Briefly

> explain) n/a

> What changes would make you more likely to use the

> pub? More woman and child friendly/complete redecoration/food offered (maybe it is already?)

Have you been to The Ivy House before? Yes

Have you been to The Ivy House for other events other than comedy? Yes - used to go to the Easycome nights. A great way to meet people.

Have you ever been to The Ivy House just to have a drink? How often? A handful of times, when George was the landlord. The beer selection was very poor and there was never more than a handful of people in there unless there was a function of some sort going on.

How aware are you of The Ivy House's reputation as a live music venue of note in the late sixties and early/mid seventies, when it was known as The Newlands Tavern? Well aware.

Is The Ivy House the nearest pub to your house? Have you ever been there (how often?) If not, why not? Yes, nearest to my house. Stopped going due to ill health.

Does the pub feel inviting from the outside? (Briefly explain) Not particularly inviting - could do with a tart up and new tables outside.

Does the pub feel inviting inside? (Briefly explain) Loved the wood panelling and the stage area, plus the open fire.

What changes would make you more likely to use the pub? Better selection of beers, real ales would be welcome addition. Food. Tea & coffee alongside the alcoholic offerings. Sofas & newspapers. Chess and backgammon. Stitch and bitch, theatre, films. Return of Easycome & similar fixtures.

1) I have been to the Ivy House before, but not to the comedy because I'm not a fan

2) No events

3) Yes, 3 or 4 times in the past two years

4) Yes, I'm aware of it's history, but I suspect when it was a 'live music' venue back then, the residential blocks of flats/houses were not next door, so noise may not have been such a problem.

5) It is the nearest pub to my house

6) It doesn't look particularly inviting from the outside, very run down & neglected looking, especially the 'beer garden'!

7) The few times I ventured inside, I didn't find it inviting either. A few locals at the bar, large screen tv with the sound turned down, hardly any tables (and they were all empty), no atmosphere whatsoever. It kind of felt like we were interrupting a private gathering, just by walking in.

Because it was so quiet & the tables were so close to the bar, we had to whisper to each other to stop our conversation being overheard by our fellow drinkers!

It felt quite uncomfortable, hence, only a few visits.

8) The only pubs that seem to thrive nowadays are the ones that specialise in food. The trouble is, most gastropubs build up a good customer base from word of mouth, a good reputation for serving good food. Even little out of the way places get people travelling from miles around, if the food is great. It would also need to cater more for families.

Maybe a complete overhaul would work, with a grand re-opening, lots of advertising, cheaper prices, a few freebies & a good chef!

Have you been to The Ivy House before? Yes

Have you been to The Ivy House for other events other than comedy? Yes, Open mic type things

Have you ever been to The Ivy House just to have a drink? How often? No

How aware are you of The Ivy House's reputation as a live music venue of note in the late sixties and early/mid seventies, when it was known as The Newlands Tavern? Have heard stories, but before my time

Is The Ivy House the nearest pub to your house? Have you ever been there (how often?) If not, why not? Nowhere near my house

Does the pub feel inviting from the outside? (Briefly explain)I'd say so, it looks like a boozer, might scare some people away, who like a pub to be "gastro"

Does the pub feel inviting inside? (Briefly explain)Not been for a couple of years, but the front bar didn't feel particularly welcoming, and the place was a bit tatty

What changes would make you more likely to use the pub? Mainly location for me I'm afraid, but a lick of paint, and more live music, and open mic nights. That said, I hardly get out in the week these days.

It's probably a 25 min walk from where I live, you can't get there on public transport, and there aren't many other places of interest in the vicinity. So I'd never just pop in on the off-chance. I might give it a go if there were some bands playing that really appealed, or a strong comedy lineup.

HonaloochieB Wrote:


> aquarius moon Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > 1) I have been to the Ivy House before, but not

> to

> > the comedy because I'm not a fan

> >


> I think this must be the most sad post I've ever

> read.


Now it's more mood lighting; less plebs.

Well there are several pubs in the area that manage to do good business withput ripping locals off (and yes some pubs definitely DO take advantage of the more affluent sector of ED. The Ivy House is NOT in ED btw. Obviously gigs and events will make money but you need to have people coming in at other times to drink. The last managers of the Ivy House completely ingnored this and did nothing to appeal to lcoal residents.

aquarius moon Wrote:


> HonaloochieB Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > aquarius moon Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > 1) I have been to the Ivy House before, but

> not

> > to

> > > the comedy because I'm not a fan

> > >

> >

> > I think this must be the most sad post I've

> ever

> > read.



> Why?!!!

AM, you don't like comedy, I find that sad. I'm tearing up as I type.

Have you been to The Ivy House before? Once

Have you been to The Ivy House for other events other than comedy? No

Have you ever been to The Ivy House just to have a drink? How often? No

How aware are you of The Ivy House's reputation as a live music venue of note in the late sixties and early/mid seventies, when it was known as The Newlands Tavern? Didn't have a clue

Is The Ivy House the nearest pub to your house? No

Have you ever been there (how often?) If not, why not? Once. Don't go because it's too out of the way and there are nicer pubs in ED.

Does the pub feel inviting from the outside? (Briefly explain) No, run down and shabby

Does the pub feel inviting inside? (Briefly explain) No. Too run down, quiet and empty.

What changes would make you more likely to use the pub? Probably none. I am not a local.

They're better off asking the locals than trying to turn it into a gastro pub that doesn't benefit from the ED location.

They're better off asking the locals than trying to turn it into a gastro pub that doesn't benefit from the ED location.

Very true. What is that place on Nunhead Lane, that has tried several different times, under several different names, to attract the ED type crowd, and it never lasted.

Biggest problem for the Ivy House is location, simple as that. The Hob in Forest Hill does very well with the comedy, and gigs, but the reason for that, is that it's opposite a train station, and on a main road with buses going by.

That said, people could jump on a 484 from Goose Green, which will take them to the Ivy House.

The last manager of the Ivy House and the various attempts didn't fail because they tried to attract an ED type crowd

They failed because they were already failed old-school pubs and revamps were a last throw of the dice

keef has it with the location thingy (although Hoopers has carved a niche for itself after initial wobbles, partly due to location, I think)

Ignoring the locals is not going to help, but if the locals aren't in the pub regularly enough they can't complain when it goes under/gets revamped. From my first visit to the Ivy House 10 years ago, to the present day, anytime I went for a normal pint it was me and about 3 other people - no business going to stay open with that kind of income

As others have said, it is all about the location. It will really struggle to ever work as a pub that simply looks to up its game to be like the other pubs in East Dulwich. To work the pub has to offer something very different.

Try having The Meatwagon as your partner, he is doing it at the moment at Goldsmiths Tavern in New Cross and doing a roaring trade - people will travel for that.

Or make it the south London base for guerilla dining with new mobile food operators coming in for a few days/week/month at a time.

Have really good beer, that changes all the time.

Keep going with the special comedy and music nights.

Thousands of people go to Peckham Rye Park every day - I doubt more than 5% know if the pub exist. Get involved and associated with the park.

Unless Enterprise offer someone a great long term profit share or partnership the pub is doomed.

Finally a local boozer can work in poor locations, nearly always as a freehold though. This place in New Malden was great a few years ago, did lots of simple things very well and looks like it is still going strong http://www.woodiesfreehouse.co.uk/Home.html

Is that the Pangean brewery ;-P

Jsut joshing, effectively correct but for a bygone era.

see PubCos (in this case apparently, Enterprise Taverns).

Here's a very good post from an ex landlord that makes it all a bit clearer


Have you been to The Ivy House before? - YES

Have you been to The Ivy House for other events other than comedy? YES

Have you ever been to The Ivy House just to have a drink? How often? NO

How aware are you of The Ivy House's reputation as a live music venue of note in the late sixties and early/mid seventies, when it was known as The Newlands Tavern? - YES

Is The Ivy House the nearest pub to your house? NO

Have you ever been there YES (how often? 4 times) If not, why not?

Does the pub feel inviting from the outside? ISH - probably wouldn\t just stroll in (Briefly explain)

Does the pub feel inviting inside? YES - I LOVED IT - LOVEKY MIX OF PROPER PUB AND FABULOUS FADED GLAMOUR (Briefly explain)

What changes would make you more likely to use the pub? - JUST KNWING WHAT's ON (ie there needs to be events for me to make the trip,) FOOD that's cheap

aquarius moon Wrote:


> HonaloochieB Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > aquarius moon Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > 1) I have been to the Ivy House before, but

> not

> > to

> > > the comedy because I'm not a fan

> > >

> >

> > I think this must be the most sad post I've

> ever

> > read.



> Why?!!!

Now this is even sadder/funnier.

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