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Our 7 year old grandson has come along in leaps and bounds since he has started school, but daughter was surprised at last weeks parents evening as to how he had progressed. It seems as though from a slow start his reading and comprehension has taken off and he is now the top reader in his year of 60 children. School has stated that he is exceptionally bright in all areas except his handwriting and that he will only concentrate on this if he is writing about a subject that holds his interest. Daughter has been advised to work with him at home on his concentration and handwriting. He is a very active child - loves football, his passion is animals and his knowledge of wild life etc is that equal to a secondary age child. Any tips on how to increase his concentration span and also improve handwriting.

His parents do not have the money for private tuition, he has just started attending Beavers and also goes to football training twice a week.

Apparently his language skills are very advanced for his age and he often tells the teacher that he is bored in class ( usually as he has finished his work ahead of others).Daughter lives in Bromley area - her older child did well with Kuman Maths and English, but O.is not the sort that would sit down and work through the worksheets.

Any ideas gratefully received

Here is a 7-year-old child who is "top reader in his year..", "exceptionally bright in all areas....", "...loves football...", has a "...passion for animals...." and whose "...language skills are advanced for his age...". Sorry, am I missing something. This is a perfectly engaged, fulfilled child.

To be honest, (and grossly unfair to the hard-working teachers) the advice for him to learn to concentrate is because it would make it easier in class if he could. This boy is doing very well.

And if it's just handwriting that is the concern, then I really would not worry. Much more important to concentrate on the process of writing rather than what it looks like - this comes with time and in the grand scheme of things is rarely taken account of when comes to performance, e.g only 3 marks out of 50 in the SATs test at age 11. If he is in bored due to finishing earlier then it would be good if you could ask what challenge the more able children are being given provision wise within the lessons as that will help to keep him more engaged actually within the lessons. Teachers of mainstream schools are used to differentiating 3 or 4 ways in lessons according to ability now, so it's not asking anything extra.
As a teacher of 6/7 year olds, I always find that it is at this age that handwriting changes for both genders. Especially as they are learning joined up script. Does the school have handwriting slots in their day to accommodate the children?e..g I have 15 minutes after lunch of modelled script, by me, in handwriting books for children. From all accounts it seems your grandson is doing extremely well! Boys and writing is always a tricky area and they certainly do excel in areas of interest to them. You could ask what extension is being provided in lessons to engage him so he doesn't become bored. Teachers certainly do differentiate 3 or 4 ways or in my case 5 ways!You could also ask the teacher to set handwriting tasks to do at home so that he is writing in the handwriting script of the school?This would also offer support to the parents. Concentration should also come with age and ability. Really though if this is the only concern I would wait and see how it progresses.
I think it is a mixture of the handwriting not being easily read/understood and the concentration needed for him to improve on this. he does have 'hand writing or rather letter formations. for homework at times and have slots for this during the school week. Daughter does not want his 'boredom' to become disruption as she knows he can be a handful at times. He is very chatty and will talk at length about something that interests him - I can imagine that he needs firm but fair 'control' to allow the other kids to have a say. His big sister's report is that she is too quiet in class and he is the opposite

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