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We've been away for the weekend and my daughter (2 years old) has been constantly complaining of a sore tummy, stretching out her body and saying it hurts to go wee wee (temperature too, but has just got over the mother of all colds - so could be that). I'm worried she may have a urine infection. Tried to call MG who cant see her for 2 days due to being fully booked up so what do I do? I'm so angry that they wont see a child, they should get priority!! Are MG wrong for not giving her an appointment? It doesn't seem right to me to ignore concerns about a young child.

Typical I stop breastfeeding and everything comes at once. All a bit stressful. Anyone help?

Deffo go to A&E. My son once had a urine infection and it turned out to be E Coli. Don't want to worry you as this was very extreme and unusual, especially in a boy, but urine infections are bloody painful at the best of times, so if you think that's what it could be then you are best to get her checked out. Kings paeds A&E are normally very good and quite quick and they will do a dipstick urine test on the spot from which they will be able to get some indication of whether infection is present
Am just trying to get some wee off twin 1 here, as he was sick once yesterday and once today, has a bit of a fever and says his tummy hurts.. and has been like this off and on for a couple of weeks though no luck getting a wee sample yet!
How do they expect a sample of urine off a toddler, do they no longer use the absorbent pad in the nappies, or is this just for babies? She has seemed fine all day today, I'm just unsure if she was playing up or what. Will get it all checked out anyway, just really peeved with MG! Changing GP immediately, been meaning to for months now.

Fuschia's right I'm afraid - in A&E there are urine pots with funnels attached, but it is a case of patience and perseverance & encouraging lots of drinks... difficult when their not feeling 100% I know, but the dipstick can immediately indicate signs of infection (blood/white blood cells/nitrites) and when combined with the Dr examining them determines if it's a viral/bacterial infection, if further tests are required or even if the urine is a red herring and the infection is elsewhere.

Just to add, the Drs won't delay seeing a child just because they haven't done a urine yet (is often mistakenly thought that they won't be seen until the urine is produced).

Hope she feels better soon, would suggest A&E for this so that they can do urine dip asap.

I am going to take my one along tomorrow I think. I won't go tonight as have had too many late nights there with one twin or t'other... buggie I think it was boytwin I was in with when we "met"?

I don't know what else BUT a UTI would give lowgrade fever with the occasional spike, and occasional vomit, complaints his tummy hurts... over a couple of weeks. I feel a bit guilty I haven't managed to get the wee but with two toddlers, a new baby and just a tiny sample bottle from the GP it's rather difficult. I might sneak in after he's asleep and try putting a little plastic bag round his willy inside his nappy. It wouldn't give a sample that could be cultured, but it could be dpped I think for white cells, blood etc?

If you do get a urine in advance, keep it in the fridge tonight so that it's preserved... didn't mean the post to sound like a dig at you (know you know your stuff!).

Sometimes can be throat/upper resp tract infection even with complaining of tummy ache/vomits - in boys over 6mths UTI's are nearly as rare as hen's teeth.

Don't think anyone can blame you for having difficulty being able to time catching the sample... I have trouble getting things done with one baby!!

buggie, didn't think you were getting at me at all! I thought UTis in boys were rare but the GP said they do see a few.. she said 8% of fevers turn out to be UTIs? Obviousky girls much more common. Having had them myself, and traumas with twin II, I am a bit paranoid!!

Plastic bag didn't work. He still says his tummy hurts. Willtry to get to Kings today or if not, tomorrow. Need to pick a time when MrF is about of course. I can't see the point of repeat GP visit as being given a little it is no good. Need to sit in a and e with the funnel. Going at naptime wuld make sense I guess. Lie him on the bed on a plastic sheet thing with his nappy off.

Gin, how is your little girl, has she been seen?

Must of been lapping up swimming pool water for us I think, she has been absolutely fine all day, easting loads, no sore tummy, and plenty of pooing (after 2 days without). Maybe constipation? Will see how she is over the next 24 hours.

Just me feeling crappy today now. Ho hum!

Hows your boy Fuschia?

Has been very lathergic all day and not eating... though his temp was normal when I took it (but not sure if MrF had does him with calpol, he was unhelpfully vague)

I think without a fever the symptoms don't really warrant medical attention, so will check it tomorrow first thing and decide what to do

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