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First Past the Post or AV


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james84 Wrote:


> Congratulations to the "NO" for AV camp, looks

> like it will be a crushing victory..... with the

> MAJORITY of support.

I don't mind so much, "No" was my second preference.

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Wow james ! how are you posting from the row boat ! Funny I was in ED yesterday and I could sense an almighty NO

Those pesky news channels huh ? maybe under AV they would fall under your control and you could then mop up any dissenters.

Anyway hope you are looked after in ED as your as 'rare as hens teeth' after the local election results !!

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James Barber Wrote:


> The AV count starts at 3pm today. It felt really

> positive for a YES result in ED yesterday but the

> news channels are suggesting a very clear NO

> result.

That's because Southwark returned a Yes. The rest of the country, however...

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Southwark residents voted 53% for YES. At the box count it looked like 79-80% of East Dulwich voters voted YES.

I'd like to say a big thank you to every resident of East Dulwich who voted but especially those who voted YES.

I'd also like to say a big thank you to everyone who helped deliver the 4 YES leaflets and 2 YES letters during the last 6 weeks and those that came out yesterday to Get Out The Vote. Fantastic team work.

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An interesting result.

Looking at the map at the Guardian, it seems as if AV won only in the London boroughs of Southwark, Lambeth, Camden, Islington, Hackney and Haringey - and in the cities of Oxford and Cambridge.

I wouldn't dare suggest the correlation that springs to my mind, or whether it seems borne out by this debate.

But I don't feel as bad as I might have done.

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The first past the post system had delivered a yes for southwark by approx 3000+ votes

Interesting that the turnout was only 17% of the turnout for the local 2010 elections. I thought the problem with FTP in the first place was that the minority get to feel like the majority? Well I suppose politics is all about smoke and mirrors eh kids.

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The whole point about the referendum is that it was yes or no. You can't have AV when there's only two choices. Actually, you can't have FPTP in a yes/no question either. It's a simple majority vote. A majority of voters.

One of the gripes about FPTP is that it enforces two party states, hardly electoral choice.

I'm getting truly bored with people posting rubbish on this subject and thinking they're clever.

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I'm not quite so despondent.

An elected House of Lords via PR is not on the cards under the constitutional reforms agreed in the coalition agreement. So I think changing how we elect MP's won't change for some time but probably sooner than a lifetime!

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It is ironic indeed that Nick Clegg will share a platform this week with David Cameron on unemployment. I fear Nick Clegg is completely blind to the fact that he is the reason why 700+ of his own party now find themselves politically unemployed. AV may well have a lovely Tuscan ring about it but the Britsh people have, for now, decisively spoken and that has to be acknowledged. My fear now is that despite Nick Cleggs past statements about 'Gordon Brown being deaf to his own unpopularity' that Mr Clegg has fallen into the same trap , not able to accept that he has become 'utterly toxic'. If the wider party does not move and move quick, then the damage to the party will get worse. To make the statement as he did yesterday that "we will listen but we have a job to do" , is deluded to say the least. The country delivered a verdict yesterday on AV and to the direction that Nick Clegg has taken the Liberal Party.

Today he steps out and issues a rallying for the NHS, the problem is it was only a few months ago that he signed the NHS white paper for changes to the NHS and persuaded his MP's to support reforms in a commons vote. Instead of presenting the the party as a party who can govern and are electable, Nick Clegg has presented you as a anything other than a party with decisive conviction and clear direction.That is exactly what the british people, rightly or wrongly, voted for in the AV vote, a way of voting decisively and with clear conviction. Like it or not listen or prepare for further political unemployment.

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