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Is there any chance of a thread actually about Le Chardon and its replacement and not a set of cod sociological rants. When any new place opens people try it out - the ones who like it go back, the ones who don't, don't. I will aim to try out Le Chardon's replacement (which I wish well). If it meets my needs, I will use it again - but with the wealth of place in LL I can't be going to eat everywhere all the time (or, at least, that's what my health and financial advisers advise me!)

Edited to add - cross posted with Admin

In response to Ruffers, yes it is a genuine held belief. If a kebab house or a chicken shop opened up a new branch, how many people on here would be talking about? Very few based on past experience of this forum. Walk into a park and listen to conversations about you. I often overhear people walking around in designer clobber and sunglasses talking about popping to an organic bakery to buy young India a croissant. Why do we all need to hear this? Crazy.


JoeLeg Wrote:


> DulwichFox Wrote

> >

> > May I just say something about comments aimed

> at

> > Louisa.

> >

> > Louisa never sets out to insult and belittle

> > other posters. Unlike some on here. You know

> who

> > you are.

> >

> > Foxy.


> Louisa also isn't shy about voicing controversial

> opinions either, not all of which are easy to back

> up.

What's controversial about pulling people up on their reasons for queuing outside shops to buy certain things? It's simply an observation. As XIX suggested in their post, people only queu up at Christmas because it's busy and they want to buy cheese. My response to that would be, why tag yourself on social media and post photographs telling people you're buying cheese from a small ED independent rather than a supermarket? Does no one here get my point? I sometimes think I'm the crazy one, as everyone seems to not want to get my point? Might go for a lay down.


Maybe because they had a reasonable expectation that some nosy, opinionated person wouldn't be earwigging.

I don't stand outside your house listening to drivel emanating from the back garden.

Who the hell uses their garden anyway, other than to be seen and rub the noses of the poor flat owners nearby who can't afford a garden.


I?m going to regret this but here goes?..Favourite filling is cheese. Cheese from a shop that I have queued to get into having worked a 5 day week with a commute and the only time I can buy said cheese for said Tart/Flan/Quiche is on a Saturday when unsurprisingly other people like me queue too! Pastry made with some lovely french butter because it?s delicious. Oh and maybe a bit of meat (I am quite partial to a Quiche Lorraine) which I also queue for on a Saturday because I have no other option. But wait, I could by these ingredients for a quarter nay half the price in a supermarket and not queue at all (well maybe just a little bit, but it?s an entirely different sort of queue). But I don?t bloody want to. I want to buy decent ingredients, support local businesses and I can afford it and I?m not ashamed of that.

And sometimes on a hot evening I will shamelessly sit outside a pub or restaurant because it?s pleasant and might be a bit cooler (just to be clear, that?s temperature not a reflection of my wanton vanity). In the colder months I may even sit in the window looking out to the street and watch the world go by.

Ah the forum the gift that keeps on giving.

Sorry, rant over. Tried to keep it on topic though Admin ;)

Out of curiosity, I've checked on Louisa's newly found 'evidence' of social queuing (ie people tweeting about queuing for the new restaurant openings/shops in East Dulwich).

Yes, some people have tweeted about great food at the likes of Franco Manca etc. I can't see anyone 'bragging' about being in the queue though....funny that.

Interestingly, just as many people seem to have tweeted about the lovely produce at Ayres (their cronuts seem popular) and the lovely fish dishes made with fish from Sopers.

Instead of 'social bragging', perhaps there are just lots of people in the area who like to support local businesses and share a variety of their experiences online sometimes.

People posting about their restaurant experiences on social media can be interpreted as 'showing off', but I think it's preferable to just give people the benefit of the doubt and put it down to them finding an enthusiastic pleasure in new tastes & experiences and wanting others to have the same positive experiences.

I remember a series of recent posts from an ED Forum regular about Memsaab restaurant, including multiple photos of food and details of the free drinks received.This social media posting could be be labelled 'social bragging' but I think it's best to just be nice and say they were being enthusiastic and supportive of a new business.

Final point! If I were ever in a position when everybody (bar one) strongly disagreed with my views and actually found them deeply offensive, I would give proper consideration to the thought that I might be in the wrong.....Unless, of course, I was just trolling and trying to maliciously belittle and ridicule people.

Sorry admin, I have tried to get this back on topic but I have to respond.

"Deeply offensive"? Really? Because I dare to call people up on snobbery and social media bragging? Hardly the worst thing in the world. Also, why does it have to be a right or wrong answer? Why should I step down and follow the crowd like a sheep? I've never been a follower, and if I choose to look at the evidence and make a different conclusion to the rest that's entirely my prerogative. I am not ridiculing or belittling anyone, nor am I trolling. If people wish to be supportive of new local business ventures I am entirely on their side, but I also believe this level of support should be shown to all businesses locally and not just for a fad period which , I personally believe, exudes a level of vanity. NOT everyone, but certainly some. I've already conceded some people work long hours and are only free on weekends and I agree with a lot of what MrsParker says above. I'm not going to step down from my opinions on this, I have NEVER accused everyone of being the same, just some. And I find it incredibly naive of people to assume that we should just give people the benefit of the doubt. You can if you want to, I choose not too.

Happy flan/quiche/tart eating everyone. My favourite filling is smoked salmon.


You need to really look at your language and consider its effect. It's not for you to decide whether your language is ridiculing/belittling. People repeatedly tell you they find your words offensive. You have apparently been banned from the main areas of the site in the past. Yet, you refuse to take responsibility for your behaviour and continue to blame everyone else. They are 'sheep' and 'followers' and 'vain'......only you 'dare'to speak your mind.

My advice to you to try and see some positive in people was well-meaning. I find your response childish and narcissistic.

Feel free to go on fighting against so-called bragging/vain behaviour, you brave crusader. Just start with your own posts in future.

Ok for you cordsm - I publicly apologise for my alleged narcissistic and childish behaviour. If anyone has taken any personal offence to my comments then I can only say this. I never aim to be directly or personally offensive, I do however have opinions about things and I openly admit that many will disagree with those opinions. The whole point of the forum is to debate these things and hopefully reach some sort of conclusion. Perhaps even agree to disagree?

I never take anything personally on here, despite various insinuations I am an alcoholic with issues. I dust myself off, and start all over again. Never would I get personal, and I know others enjoy goadin me on a personal level. It's never offensive to me because I enjoy debate. If you are that sensitive to indirect and mostly generalised criticism from one individual, then perhaps some of what that person says does hit home or hit a nerve so to speak? I cannot see how else someone would find it so personally offensive when it's a generalised comment? Anyhow, I'm done with trying to explain myself. I am drinking wine, I'm not in the garden, and I might even pop to the shop and buy a quiche.

Sorry again if anything I've said has been taken out of context and offended you. Enjoy your flan.


Louisa Wrote:


> I'm sure there is plenty of evidence of people

> wanting to be seen doing something for purposes of

> snobbery or 'keeping up with the jones's'.

It's possible, but what's your point? That nobody should go and support these new venture?

It really depends how you see the world but 'keeping up with the Jones's' thing is a bit old fashioned and someting I'd only heard about in working class comedies. That said Lou, you are a dying breed so maybe it's relevant in your narrow social group and age.

Not sure it's actually relevant in most people's circles these days.


> all well and good, but the sad reality is these

> businesses need more than a wing and prayer for

> survival. Is great someone decides to go along on

> the opening week, and posts about it on here. But

> did they go back? If not why not?

All business is sink or swim, just depends how long it takes to sink or swim.

> I've been using various local businesses for

> donkeys years and I've not felt the need to come

> on here bragging about all of them.

So you've not mentioned Ayres, Manzies Pie & mash. Kebab & Wine. Or Iceland then?

I'd say you 'brag' about these to assure people of your 'working class' credentials. So it cuts both ways Lou.

But then,

> these businessses are still in operation, and yet

> many of the ones the 'be seen doing it' crowd like

> to bang on about initially, aren't in business any

> longer. That's a sad truth for many small firms.

Both Franca and MeatLiquor seem to have survived the opening interest wave and a regularly busy.

Put your money where your mouth is, drop the bs

> and just shop without bragging to everyone else

> about it on opening week.

Double standards again here Lou. You've banged on about the above shops for years and years.

Lastly, businesses thrive off of social media. They need hits as a way to promote where they are and what they do.

So the first wave is crucial, tho I'm sure some posts like #StandingInTheLineAttheCheeseShop are a tongue in cheek irony that you've missed the point of.

And remember, as you're retired you have the luxury of sauntering off the sofa and hitting the shops when you've sobered up and feel like it. You're a bit out of touch with what it's like to work and be time poor. That in itself is a bit of an inconsiderate view of the world you look down at and pass comment on.

Try and remember what it might be like to be in work still. Maybe you're exhibiting a jelousy streak at those who have a job and choice in thier life.

Dunno, but it seems a bit mean at times.

I'd assumed any 'sale' was in reality a lease expiry / new lease by a different business.

Reason being if Tart group are in the business of purchasing freehold property they must be generating a lot of spare cash which they're storing rather than opening several more branches (if you compare cost of buying, rather than renting, a property).

If you mean what was cost of lease, don't know !

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