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Blah Blah Wrote:


> 'do you think Harman's previous 'issues' with the

> Paedophile Information Exchange in the 70's means

> her views on sexual misconduct are dismissable as

> well?'



> Yes I do. We expect those we elect to have moral

> standards, and be that extra marital affairs or

> failure to deal with paedophile's, MPs should be

> taking a stand on these things - not excusing

> them.

HH appears to be in a little trouble at the moment.

She walked right into a trap last week when she actually told an anti-semitic joke on TV - even though it's written down as a (bad) example in her book and it was then quoted in all the newspapers (whats the difference between them quoting her and her quoting her own book ?).

You could see Michael Portillo cringe behind her and Andrew Neil fume (she said he and his sort would like it).

Loz Wrote:


> Meanwhile, the Guardian is using the opportunity

> to print as many brazenly sexist articles as they

> can get their hands on. E.g.

> https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/nov/

> 04/evidence-mounting-mans-place-in-home

Another sarcastic and snidey piece. Anti-man, anti-straight, anti-family, anti-maternal. It's all there in The Guardian. Can't bear it anymore...

The government is a little chaotic at present

Priti Patel up to something in Israel over the summer and Theresa May has just found out - she's reprimanded "in person" - does that mean over tea in No10

Boris talking his usual stuff - but seems someone got hurt this time - reprimand incoming no doubt.


They can put it in the shops but we don't have to buy it I suppose.

"One of Donald Trump?s most senior advisers has told Britain it must scrap EU food standards on genetically modified crops and chlorine-washed chicken if it wants a successful post-Brexit deal with the US."


Seabag Wrote:


> Harriet doesn't do so well here too


> https://www.google.co.uk/amp/www.independent.co.uk/voices/theresa-may-harriet-harman-labour-conference-leader-jeremy-corbyn-feminism-not-a-sister-asset-a7330586.html%3famp

Gotta love Grace Dent. A long underrated columnist. I think that stint she did covering the early days of Big Brother hurt her cv.

JohnL Wrote:


> Boris talking his usual stuff - but seems someone

> got hurt this time - reprimand incoming no doubt.

There is a theory going around that Boris is trying to get fired as Foreign Sec. It says that he's spotted he's totally embroiled in the Brexit fiasco and if he gets out now, he can come riding to the rescue when it all goes tits up in 18 months time.

This will, of course, require that the party - and the public - forget he was actually completely responsible for the Brexit fiasco in the first place.

red devil Wrote:


> Taking back control Doing what Uncle Sam tell us

> to do...

Yup, here we go. Trump said we would do "a great deal", and Leave voters en masse pointed to it as an example of how we'll be fine.

Yes, once we've abandoned food safety and let US healthcare companies run riot across the health service.

The NHS; flawed and in need of help, but you'll miss it when it's gone.

SpringTime Wrote:


> Dodgy policies and dodgy arrangements.


> Admire her in general for her ambition and

> tenacity but she's screwed up massively here and I

> shall look forward to the official statement as to

> her dismissal (surely there must be one?!)


> She'll be back though...

as long as she's not somehow in hock to the Israeli government (somehow that's my worry - and if she was/is - who else is).

JohnL Wrote:


> SpringTime Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Dodgy policies and dodgy arrangements.

> >

> > Admire her in general for her ambition and

> > tenacity but she's screwed up massively here and

> I

> > shall look forward to the official statement as

> to

> > her dismissal (surely there must be one?!)

> >

> > She'll be back though...


> as long as she's not somehow in hock to the

> Israeli government (somehow that's my worry - and

> if she was/is - who else is).

Judging by what we at least think we know about the nature of some of the meetings I say your worries are justified.

What effect if any her dismissal will have on EU departure though, I wouldn't know.

Jenny1 Wrote:


> Blah Blah Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > She had to go. She is one of the most right

> wing

> > thinkers in the government and fiercely

> ambitious.

> > She won't be a silent backbencher.


> 'Thinker'. That's putting it a bit strongly, isn't

> it?

Maybe she should have done a bit more 'thinking' first.

Jenny1 Wrote:


> Blah Blah Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > She had to go. She is one of the most right

> wing

> > thinkers in the government and fiercely

> ambitious.

> > She won't be a silent backbencher.


> 'Thinker'. That's putting it a bit strongly, isn't

> it?

They were comparing her to her successor.

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