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Bit confused with my ante-natal care this time round.

With Baby 1 (2009) I had a booking appt. at 10 weeks, then NOTHING until 28 weeks. I was then seen at 34w, 36w and my 38w appointment was cancelled and re-sheduled for a few days later, by which time, Baby had been born.

This time round, I am a VBAC and slightly higher risk. I was seen at 13w (booking), yesterday at 16+4, and will be seen at 28w, 34w, 36w, 38w, and then at 40w for a 'sweep'.(ha!). I have not had any appointments with any consultants and the like. I have also never heard my baby's heartbeat, apart from a few snatches at my nuchal scan.

This seems a bit sparse for appointments, but is this the norm? Was also given some crappy (sorry) advice re: VBAC (we won't let you go past your due date, if you go past you'll be an automatic section; we won't induce you, you'll monitored, and have an IV Cannula, come in the MOMENT you get a contraction- yeah, RIGHT, I do NOT bloody think so...)

I don't really want to change MWs, because I have a favourite MW who is LOVELY, but I am considering making some kind of an enquiry. Or am I expecting too mch?

I am with The Lanes, and also previous CS like you, although with intervening VBAC.

I had 16 weeks, 25 weeks (although I understand this is not the norm, no idea why I did), and now 28 weeks and every 3 weeks thereafter (so there should be a 31 week as well?), dropping to every two at the end I think like yours. My friend who is due at the same time and is previous CS is also on the same schedule.

I did hear the babies heartbeat at the 16 week appt, but I don't think its necessarily routine - they should definitely do it at 28 weeks and every appt after that. I have been told that if I don't feel enough kicks or am in any way worried I should page my midwife and/or go to the MAU at Kings for a trace. Also bear in mind you will get a thorough prodding/listen at 22 week scan.

I also have to go for a VBAC consultation at Kings at approx 36 weeks, where they will go through my previous history, give me the same guff as you (which I will ignore!) and get me to sign relevant forms etc. I am expecting to go to 42 weeks (have with both of the others), so I will also have a post dates appt at some point as well (although I'm hoping just to tick relevant boxes at VBAC appt and avoid going back again at 40 weeks).

In short, it sounds like you are roughly on track (maybe missing one appt) and hopefully all will become clear at 28 week appt. Feel free to PM if you want to chat/meet up/get moral support with VBAC!

I think NICE guidance covers how frequently to expect antenatal appointments. It does seem a bit strange that the schedule differs even among teams all linked to the same hospital.

I am with Brierly this time who have seen me a lot less than I was seen last time, basically at booking, 16, 28, 34 weeks then every 2 weeks. I am quite happy with this though.

I think it is also less common for them to routinely listen for the heartbeat because in the early stages it can be quite difficult to find and can cause unnecessary anxiety. Than later you can feel the baby moving all the time which is reassuring enough.


I too am having far less appointments than last time and am considered "high risk" this time due to CS last time, my first was born 2010.

I am @ 27 weeks now and my last official appointment was in October, my next, the week after next. I have seen my midwife this year, however that was an unofficial appointment - she did use the doppler.

I had my 16 week MW appointment last week and she suggested that the norm was to have appointments every 6 weeks - due to my (non-pregnancy related) medical history I am having them every 4 weeks just to monitor things. However, the MW did want to see me every 2 weeks which I thought excessive!

I did get to hear the baby's heart beat last week though and anticipate this will be the case at future appointments.

Hi - I am with DMC on Chadwick Road. I had my booking appt at 11 weeks and then nothing until I rang up myself and asked whether I might go in again at around 18 weeks then she said come back in 5 weeks (23 weeks) and then every 3 weeks after that (26 weeks, 29 weeks,and 32 weeks so far). At all of these appts I have heard the baby's heartbeat as she does one of those little sonar scan things. She measures the bump each time too and my blood pressure. I had blood tests at 28 weeks. I haven't yet done a urine test but I think I was supposed to and forgot. Since the huge gap between 11 and 18 weeks when I heard nothing and wouldn't have done if I hadn't rung myself to see whether an appt was due, I have actually felt well looked after by them. I see the same midwife each time and can talk to her about all sorts.

I'd would raise your concerns with them if I were you - surely they could do the heartbeat thing as its not as if it costs them anything and only takes a couple of minutes. Its so reassuring to hear even if there is a football match going on inside your tummy and you're pretty sure all is ok.

Good luck

I have the same concerns. Was lucky enough to go private with my first and the care was first class. Monthly appointments and all, but then again I was in a foreign country with the company footing all the bills. Now with my 2nd. Went for my booking appointment at 12 weeks where tests were taken. To date i have not heard anything about the results so assuming no news is good news. I had my 12 week scan a week after the booking appointment. At the booking appointment I was told that my next appointment will be in 5 weeks and that someone will call me, no one has called (although its now 3 weeks so maybe in the next 2 weeks....). I was told that Lanes are slightly short staffed at the moment and things should get back to normal soon, but since I have no idea what normal is...... I was given the list of appointments and they are 16 weeks, 25 weeks (i think) then every 3 weeks after. Had a normal delivery first time round and things seem OK this time as well so not at risk (touch wood).

I thought that I was spoilt by my first care and trying not to complain, but if everyone is feeling as displeased with the care as I am then....

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