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How can we improve our community

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Hi all, given the shocking news that occured over last weekend, I would be interested in getting your views on how we can improve our community. Your comments can be about, what involvement we should have as people, what are the problems are. It is not abour RIP's, venting anger at other peoples views or submitting countless emails on nothing, simply ideas and opinions on how we can help change it!!
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Well to start with we can hold our councillors and council officials and police officials to account.

And there is opportunity to do that already with community councils not many people attend, police ward panels hardly anyone attends (I usually post dates and venues of these in the What's On section), and make our demands heard.

We can also stop whinging about others' lack of action and start acting for ourselves. And we also need to define community and whether that means a geographic boundary and so on.

For starters.

Or we could all go out into the streets and take part in the Big Society debate like Egypt is doing which is exactly what Cameron suggested. I like that idea!

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Yeah and they also send PMs to actual members of the local community accusing them of being members of the great unwashed unemployed. Ha ha.

Though there appears to have been some re-writing of history on another thread.... (concerning said individual; various posts deleted this morning)

The thinking of said individual seems to be:

resident of Sevenoaks: expert

resident of East Dulwich: unemployed waster

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Perhaps Sevenoaks doesn't have much of a community at all 'hislordshiplane'. I've actually noticed the 'burbs have less of a community than some areas of London. I'm guessing you're bored and missing East Dulwich otherwise why are you still on this forum? Maybe you should focus on actually building a community in Sevenoaks, setting up a forum there and tackling the issues that the community of Sevenoaks faces.
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To be fair though, "our community" might be meant in the general sense of our communities, and not specifically East Dulwich. It's a valid question.

I'd say, get out your car and walk to your local shops, say hello to everyone you see on the streets whether they are young, old, black, white, and especially if they are not like you.

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I think system of punishment should change.

Offenders that cannot read, should be given the chance to improve their life by being taught,and not released until they

have mastered it,except in certain medical conditions,

The incentive could be an early release on their succsess..

Computers and games, tv should be removed from prisons, and more attention to lifestyle changes given/

Any sign of close groups should be broken up, and constant moving from one task to another, should be implied,with work

and skills for life training. Plenty of varied excercise and gardening.

Give a man a skill,you make him a somebody,

Being left to rot isnt healthy.Religous beliefs should be,kept privately in their cells.

Only a suggestion. But goverments will say as usual..No money.

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CitzenED, that is what I do.

Unfortunately "our friend" in Sevenoaks, who suddenly started this thread this morning after attacking local people yesterday, is of the view that East Dulwich people are "no doubt [in] some limited job if you have even got that" and so on...

He really does seem to view ED as some land of the great unwashed some no-hope territory.

Pearson, yes indeedy it is Friday already... :)

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DJKillaQueen Wrote:


> East Dulwich is as diverse as

> anywhere in London

Not sure about that, but the rest of the post is cool. We need to find a way to get kids to stop tooling up.

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I liked TLS for the most part, and think he was kind of pigeonholed as some sort of BNP member. He may have voted UKIP or something, but I never found him nasty. I feel there is a nasty undercurrent with this new bloke though.
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There is a lack of respect, towards each other these days aggressive behaviour seems to be rife no time for your neighbour?s only self interest maybe if people find the time for each other that might improve communities to a small degree I am also guilty of this as well.
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hislordshiplane Wrote:


> Hi all, given the shocking news that occured over last weekend, I would be interested in getting your views on how we can improve our community.

Getting? In what capacity are you collecting them?

> Your comments can be about ...

Thanks for your guidance.

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And if we were all not so **** self righteous and **** cynical when we post in answer to another's opening post, that would affect how we see and treat everyone else, maybe.

I don't care if the poster is someone half of you know, and whether you love or hate him (very community minded), the question was a reasonable one.

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louisiana Wrote:


> I'm kind of surprised that the guy (who lives in

> Sevenoaks) who wrote "They shoot each other" (and

> various other equally interesting pieces of text)

> is now starting some thread that certain others

> are responding to. Amazing. Really.



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