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The Southwark Transport Plan

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Network Rail London and South East RUS

While about it why not comment on the London and South East rail utilisation strategy?

Obviously there's the future of the existing rail services in the area to consider in responding to these things, but I think the future's important too - Bakerloo line extension, what will come in the place of the South London Line once it's axed, protecting the Thameslink service frequency through Peckham Rye etc etc.

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It's quite long (112 pages plus same of appendix).

The consultation questions can be found in a list on approx pp132-4. They are quite narrowly drawn.

There's some talk in the report appendix of setting up the consultation questions online using Survey Monkey. Does anyone know whether this has happened?

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That's politics and politicians for you.

I remember the House of Cards and Ian Richardson's character hiring a statistician played by Kitty Aldridge (Mrs Mark Kernof fler) telling him she could devise a questionnaire for a referendum telling him exactly what he wanted to know or results he wanted to hear.

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acumenman Wrote:


> Remove all bus lanes and insert kerbed off bicycle

> lanes at the earliest.


> It should be pavement, followed by bike lanes, and

> then traffic lanes.

Are you serious? What about people who are unable to walk or cycle, either because they physically cannot or it's just too far on bike or foot?

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PeckhamRose Wrote:


> That's politics and politicians for you.

> I remember the House of Cards and Ian Richardson's

> character hiring a statistician played by Kitty

> Aldridge (Mrs Mark Kernof fler) telling him she

> could devise a questionnaire for a referendum

> telling him exactly what he wanted to know or

> results he wanted to hear.

Yes! Although I prefer the Yes, Prime Minister version:

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  • 2 weeks later...

One strange part of the plan:

Objective 4: Improve the health and wellbeing of all by making the borough a better place

What's this doing in a travel plan? I suppose the answer - getting people to walk more, mainly by providing led walks - sort of answers that, but then they lob a table in the middle of this section, apropos of not much, entitled "Adult participation in 30 minutes moderate intensity sport". Not sure 'led walks' classes as moderate intensity sport.

It's a rather strange section in general, and looks like it has been cut and paste from a bunch of other places. Wierd.

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What a total pile of b*llocks the Southwark Transport Plan is.

We live on a rat-run.

We pointed out on endless occasions that the Southward Transport Plan states an objective of identifying and eliminating rat runs. Southwark Council are not interested and have not done a single thing about this issue.

They also say a lot of things about improving pedestrian and cyclist safety on Lordship Lane and other major routes (which was copy and pasted from the 2008 Southwark Transport Plan), without actually doing anything they stated they wanted to do.

They are not in the slightest bit interested in implementing a transport plan.

They are only interested in looking like they are planning to do something, while in fact avoiding doing anything.

If Southwark want to save money perhaps they should look to save money on b*llshit documents rather than cuttting actual services.

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