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I'm due in July and I've been put on the waiting list of the Lanes and the Brierly. Which is better? Are both the same? What is the difference?

I've just had a call from one of them and they can fit me in, I've asked for 24 hours to decide, as once I make the decision I cannot change it (apparently).

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Are you planning a home birth? Brierley only do home births whereas I think lanes take you even if planning hospital (?) I was with brierley and even though I ended up being induced had a very positive experience with them.

What sort of birth are you hoping for Jasmina? When I looked into it and had conversations with both in the summer (patient at DMC so the Lanes were an option) the Brierley really do focus more on home births - so if that's what you're hoping for absolutely go for it! The Lanes cater for both home and hospital births (indeed I had a c section with the Lanes 2 yrs ago and my midwife delivered my baby at Kings) and are great but BUSY! The Brierley did say to me when I had an early discussion with them that if it became clear that a homebirth did not look possible they would refer me back to the general Kings midwives.

You have to be very lucky to get them, though it's easier if you're planning a home than a hospital birth. Brierley specialise in home births/special care. The other 2 (Oakwood and the Lanes) start with their respective GP catchment and then have waiting lists. I got on the waiting list for one about 3 seconds after falling pregnant but didn't get on.

If you aren't with one of these teams and are havin a hospital birth then your pre and post-natal care will be from the midwife/ves associated with your GP, and the birth will be with whoever is on duty at King's at the time.

I had a midwife from the Lanes and can't recommend them highly enough! I saw the same midwife from start to finish through what was an extremely traumatic pregnancy and birth and I must say my midwife was fantastic, even cutting her annual leave short when I had to be taken to hospital for an induction 6 weeks early.

Brierley were amazing pre, during and post birth. If you have the chance to get taken on with one of the teams you should take it as they get extremely busy and you're lucky to get booked in. Whichever team you're booked in with I'm

sure you will be well looked after.

The Lanes are simply amazing - had a baby with them 10 weeks ago and it was an entirely different experience from my first in a positive way, and as far as I'm concerned it was all down to the amazing midwife who attended my birth. I had intended to go into hospital for the birth but was so happy at home ended up staying there. Would have had baby at home if it wasn't for a minor complication which meant we needed to go to hospital - but even then, she stayed with me.

I couldn't rate the Brierley more highly. I honestly think I had the creme de la creme of care with them! They are an amazing set of women. So kind, caring. They listen. They are experienced and skillful. They visit you at home! It was a sad day when I was signed off their books. I tell you ;-) All my friends who were lucky enough to have them, agree with me.

Can't imagine getting better care anywhere else. Portland Shcmortland!!

Some of my friends had the Lanes and they are equally positive about them.

Thanks everyone, this is really helpful.

Anna r and snowboarder - I'd love to have a home birth, in an ideal world, yet if there are complications or I get scared and want to go to hospital, I'd like to know that my midwife will stay with me for continuity.

So, I'm not sure I like the idea of getting referred to a Kings midwife halfway through or at the 11th hour.

I'll call the Lanes and ask where I'm at on their waiting list... I'd like to have options available to me.

Overall the Brierley has great feedback, so I feel lucky to have a place.

Thanks again everyone, xx

Hi - sorry maybe should clarify - I really don't think that the brierley would ditch you late on in pregnancy - in my case I'd had a previous c section for a specific reason that could reoccur, so labled as higher risk from the start - I think they were implying say at 22 Wk scan point or sthg.

Go for it. Whilst my previous care last pregnancy with the lanes was fantastic my most recent experience was not that great - they have just got so super busy.

We had a baby boy on Christmas Eve with the Brierley, and have nothing but praise for the way they approached every aspect of our pregnancy and birth. My wife was very keen to have a natural birth, but having had a horrendous experience with our first baby, with a long and painful recovery period and a great deal of stress, she was extremely worried about the outcome, getting very close to opting for an elective c-section. All of the Brierley midwives we spoke to were brilliantly, constructively helpful and set up a positive atmosphere ahead of the birth and during labour, really listening to my wife's concerns and giving her exactly the experience that suited her and to which she responded best. The result was a three hour labour and birth at home, even though our baby was a 9lb 14oz porker.

Thank you fidgetsdad, so lovely to hear a mans opinion and that you and your wife had such a wonderful experience.

I've confirmed that I want my place with the Brierley and feel much more at ease with the birth now I've read everyones brilliant feedback.

Thank you everyone. x

She of the 9 lb 14oz porker here. Even up to the day before I went into labour I was talking to my midwife saying that I might still want to go to hospital (there was a high chance of me completely freaking out after my first birth experience so although I wanted home, they were accepting that at the first contraction, I might change my mind and go to hospital). She explained that they always stay with their labouring woman in hospital. The only time they can't is when a homebirth is simultaneously happening elsewhere that they must attend. The chances of this happening is pretty slim though. I felt very happy that if I ended up in hospital, and she really had to leave, I would cope as their antenatal care had been so fantastic, and I'd drawn so much strength from their kindness and expertise.

Half way through my pregnancy, Kings had advised me that it would be 'wise to strongly consider a hospital birth' after the dreadful first birth and I started a thread asking for positive Kings stories. As always the forum came up trumps and I got some amazing positive experiences back. So, you can feel very comfortable with the Brierley and then if you have to transfer, and your Brierley midwife has to leave you at Kings, there are plenty of very positive stories to help keep you in a positive frame of mind.

I have no doubt whatsoever that their attendance to me before during and after the birth led to my completely brilliant empowering experience which has laid to rest an awful lot of demons. They are AMAZING.

I ended up in hospital with my amazing Brierley mw who was with me at home from around 10am, transferred to hospital at 5pm and baby born 9pm. Once in hospital she never left my side and there were no other people involved at any point apart from my husband of course, and she was a very big support to him as well when it all got a bit too much for him.Due to the baby having some problems she had to go into special care and I was transferred to post natal ward around 2am - my amazing mw stayed with me throughout this entire time, I would say well above and beyond duty. I also had daily visits In hospital, then at home for 10 days, then a visit at home as often as I wanted/needed until one month post birth. They also gave me paper copies of an incredibly detailed account of my labour and offered to talk through it with me in detail as I had a bit of a traumatic time. I feel so lucky to have had this level of care and support on the NHS, I doubt you could get it any better even if you paid to go private.
Oh, and ps the decision to transfer was not what I had wanted but our mw phoned ahead and reserved a room for us so when we arrived we literally walked straight in. The facilities were so much better than I had imagined and I wasable to have the pool birth I'd wished for, it was all very intimate and lovely with dimmed lights and hushed voices. Nothing like that tv show you might have been watching ;)

fidgetsmum and sandy_rose, thanks so much for taking the time to post. It's my first birth so I've been quite worried about what could go wrong even though I would love everything to run smoothly and enjoy an incredible and beautiful experience.

It's great to know the mw's stayed with you both even though you went to King's. That had been my main worry, I didn't want to feel abandoned. Knowing you drew strength from their expertise and continuous support is music to my ears. It's also good to know that you were visited in hospital and at home, post birth, and received a detailed report of your labour.

It's the first time I've posted such queries and the EDF has been amazing in receiving such detailed and helpful information.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I would highly recommend the Lanes midwives (did not have any personal experience of the Brierly but I hear they are good too although more geared towards home births). I had the same midwife all the way through my pregnancy which was very reassuring as she got to know me well. She stayed with me all the way through her shift (and came straight back when she was back on) when I was in labour and then another Lanes midwife came in when she'd gone. They run a 'Meet the midwives' session pre-birth date so I also knew her too. The majority of my appointments were done at home which saved me waddling up Crystal Palace Road at 40 weeks pregnant :) The after care was great as well, I was kept on for far longer than normal as I had difficulties breastfeeding. Really would recommend them without hesitation.
Like everyone else I really don't think you could get better care than that from the Brierley - I'm sure you've got the message from all the posts above! Just wanted to add that when I had to transfer to Kings after the birth of my daughter last summer for a retained placenta, both my Brierley midwives came with me, even though one of them should have finished her shift so they really do make every effort to stay with you, even if you've had the baby. Also the aftercare is fantastic; although this was my second baby and things went well I know if I had needed more support it would definitely have been available and they would have upped the number of visits - as it was I saw someone every 3-5 days for about 4 weeks. If I'm lucky enough to get pregnant again I will be on the phone to book in with them immediately!

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